
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
50 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
37 Locked Dogs
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
15 Locked Dogs
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
14 Locked Dogs
critter cove
Small Critter Pasture
5 Critters
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
18 Locked Dogs
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMSc bmK9s 'Admiral's' second in commandDoberman Pinscher2781
LockedNSh NSc BFB 'blue' Blueberry DreamDoberman Pinscher16
LockedASc K9P angel of hearts'N loveGerman Shepherd Dog2469
LockedNSc NP bmK9s banana cream pieGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedASh bmK9s beautifully flowing streamRottweiler1963
LockedPnH bmK9s black magic's fallen angelGerman Shepherd Dog1123
LockedPnT JAW bmK9s black magic's fun in the sunGerman Shepherd Dog1433
LockedASc bmK9s black stone is for youDoberman Pinscher2369
LockedAPnT WKk9s Bringing home the doughGerman Shepherd Dog1430
LockedPnO bmK9s Brown SugarGiant Schnauzer1127
LockedAT bmK9s burning''hot'' shotBelgian Malinois2058
LockedbmK9s can you remember the rain?Belgian Malinois16
LockedMSc bmK9s captain of the silver guardsDoberman Pinscher2681
LockedANSc JPnO bmK9s champion of daydreamsBeauceron923
LockedPnSc PnT bmK9s Chocolate Coconut TrifleGerman Shepherd Dog1431
LockedASh XL5 Cinnamon Swirl CheesecakeGerman Shepherd Dog2163
LockedCOURA Dance to the rhythmGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedASh bmK9s Deadly sandstormRottweiler1861
LockedbmK9s Don't Stop Me NowBelgian Malinois16
LockedASc SFNJ EclipseBeauceron2260
LockedNH NW G9000 eyes of heavenGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedPnT WKk9s Gotta go fastGerman Shepherd Dog1229
LockedNSc NHu RuthB Green tea latteDoberman Pinscher111
LockedASc bmK9s Harley QuinnGerman Shepherd Dog2682
LockedIPnSc bmK9s Horchata Ice CreamGiant Schnauzer1127
LockedNW NT bmK9s I got you all figured outGerman Shepherd Dog16
LockedNSh NSc bmK9s I'm addicted to you don't you know you're toxicBeauceron16
LockedAPnSc WKk9s Karma is coming for youGerman Shepherd Dog1429
LockedAPnRO WKk9s Kicking up sand’N dirtGerman Shepherd Dog1229
LockedASc bmK9s Lucid DreamingBeauceron2159
LockedIPnA JPnFl bmK9s magical 'poof' cloudDutch Shepherd1023
LockedNH NT bmK9s majestic forest of liesRottweiler16
LockedJASc WKk9s Pretty as the nightGerman Shepherd Dog1841
LockedAT bmK9s ragged fangs of steelDutch Shepherd2372
LockedASc bmK9s rise of the futureGerman Shepherd Dog2682
LockedAPnT WKk9s Shepherd gotta herdGerman Shepherd Dog1429
LockedASh Traz Shepherds gotta biteGerman Shepherd Dog2145
LockedAT K9P silver dimeGerman Shepherd Dog2567
LockedAPnSc bmK9s spooky night fright'sDutch Shepherd1435
LockedASc bmK9s stars in the skyGerman Shepherd Dog2470
LockedASc bmK9s stealer of heartsBelgian Malinois2681
LockedASc WKk9s Strong like an oxGerman Shepherd Dog2154
LockedMSc bmK9s swift as a featherBelgian Malinois30104
LockedAT bmK9s the princess of AgrabahDutch Shepherd2372
LockedMSc bmK9s thunder'N lighting is his gameGerman Shepherd Dog2676
LockedAT bmK9s torn into oblivionDoberman Pinscher2157
LockedJPnSc CKKC Wisp’s very own magical poofGerman Shepherd Dog918
LockedJPnSc WKk9s Wisp’s very own stormGerman Shepherd Dog817
LockedANHu JPnSc WKk9s Wisp’s very own sunshineGerman Shepherd Dog716
LockedASh AK47s You could be my it girlGerman Shepherd Dog2570
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNR NSh bmK9s 'shinobu' poison butterflyGreyhound111
LockedANR JPnFr bmK9s barking up a stormGreyhound717
LockedPnHT Crxzy Bird’s sky catcherStandard Poodle1024
LockedAPnRO bmK9s black cloverChinese Crested1229
LockedPnD bmK9s black magic's joy to the worldStandard Poodle1136
LockedIPnR APnA bmK9s black magic's very own flowerGreyhound1630
LockedAPnR PnHu NEVE Blossom of the cherry treeBorzoi1533
LockedAR bmK9s Blu | EGEG - 8HH - llaGreyhound2267
LockedPnFr bmK9s DOUBLE COOKIE CRUNCHIrish Water Spaniel1126
LockedNFr NFT FCCD ducks'N luck catcherNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever19
LockedPnD bmK9s Emperor of the seaIrish Water Spaniel1026
LockedAR Crxzy foster~ Utsukushi-saBorzoi2371
LockedAFl Crxzy Fur in the windSilken Windhound2169
LockedAHT bmK9s gotta love destructionLabrador Retriever2372
LockedANFr lala stmagi stmstr 17HH 7Hh EEEEWhippet413
LockedNSh NRO laughing fear in the faceCavalier King Charles Spaniel16
LockedAHT bmK9s leader of the galaxyLabrador Retriever2272
LockedPnD bmK9s ma'am mocha Ryker reedStandard Poodle1136
LockedPnHT Crxzy magic's Green Matter Of FactGolden Retriever1045
LockedPnFT Crxzy magic's Lights Camera ActionGolden Retriever1145
LockedIPnRO Crxzy Majestic Catch My BreathIrish Wolfhound944
LockedAD Wire Marble in the stoneStandard Poodle1445
LockedMFr MAXK Mint ConditionSilken Windhound2680
LockedJAD Crxzy Miracle splashNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1255
LockedIPnFl bmK9s Pirates of the CaribbeanSloughi1026
LockedJAFr Crxzy Quaking Beauties of NatureBorzoi1445
LockedAR IBLM red dragon of the nightBorzoi2253
LockedPnD bmK9s remedy for loveStandard Poodle930
LockedPnD Crxzy Riverlook You Only WishFlat Coated Retriever1057
LockedIPnRO Crxzy Sandstone Belle Of The BallIrish Wolfhound944
LockedPnFT Crxzy Shoreland's In The 'Night'Flat Coated Retriever1157
LockedAFr Crxzy someone's best friendGreyhound1966
LockedAFr Crxzy speedy foxGreyhound1966
LockedJAD Crxzy Stone’s breaking formStandard Poodle1243
LockedJPnR bmK9s tomb raiderSloughi1026
LockedPnSh bmK9s wishing for good 'fortune'Chinese Crested1229
LockedAD bmK9s Yoshi's super partyLabrador Retriever2060
Order By:

Locked Dogs

Locked'brownie' cook'em dearDalmatian16
LockedAND NRO bmK9s 'Zelda' Tears Of The KingdomAmerican Staffordshire Terrier513
LockedAPnSh PnO bmK9s apple fritterAmerican Pit Bull Terrier1431
LockedPnHu bmK9s Assassin’s CreedAmerican Staffordshire Terrier1126
LockedASh bmK9s beautiful Lavender plantCentral Asian Shepherd2166
LockedASh bmK9s beautifully calming treeCentral Asian Shepherd2570
LockedIPnH bmK9s bring on the stormCarpathian Shepherd1026
LockedAO bmK9s elegant and radiant 'Perdita'Dalmatian1849
LockedIPnO bmK9s Final Fantasy VIIAmerican Staffordshire Terrier1026
LockedAP bmK9s Harvest Pear CrispAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2581
LockedMP bmK9s peach cobblerAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2582
LockedPnO bmK9s Spiral AbyssCarpathian Shepherd1026
LockedPnM APnFr bmK9s sweet'N sour fawnberryCentral Asian Shepherd1431
LockedAHu bmK9s the cunning 'pongo'Dalmatian1849


  • crow the Blackbird crow the Blackbird
  • grape the Champagne Hamster grape the Champagne Hamster
  • Gunter the Emperor Penguin Gunter the Emperor Penguin
    love Complete
  • smokey the Mean Siamese Cat smokey the Mean Siamese Cat
  • Chuntaro the Sparrow Chuntaro the Sparrow
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedPnFl WKk9s Bright light of the futureBorder Collie1229
LockedNFr VNTGE Don’t even act like you don’t want to see me!Border Collie413
LockedNFl NM DDDPH Don’t know how, but they found me!Border Collie110
LockedAA WKk9s Fast as a hareAustralian Shepherd1941
LockedAA WKk9s Gracefully herding sheepAustralian Shepherd2253
LockedNO NFl ARB Heart to heartBorder Collie16
LockedJAHu Wh!te httyd race to the edgeCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1555
LockedJAP Wh!te Karoo long-billed larkCzechoslovakian Wolfdog1555
LockedANH ANFr STSC Live for the applause!Border Collie714
LockedNA NSh bmK9s never give upBorder Collie16
LockedIPnT WKk9s Ruler of the southAustralian Shepherd1129
LockedNO NHu bmK9s said he likes crazy girls!Border Collie16
LockedAH WKk9s say that again I didn't hear ya!Australian Shepherd2153
LockedJAA WKk9s Silver fox of northAustralian Shepherd1740
LockedNH NO VNTGE Smoke it off!Border Collie313
LockedPnA WKk9s Sweet as candyBorder Collie1229
LockedPnH WKk9s Sweet’N spicyBorder Collie1229
LockedARB you're dancing with the devilBorder Collie16

Game Time

03:54pm on Mar 28

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