Thirteenth Kennel

Ascension I
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
50 Locked Dogs
Ascension II
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
25 Locked Dogs
Deception I
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
25 Locked Dogs
Deception II
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
25 Locked Dogs
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
23 Locked Dogs
Racing 2 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedPnFl #13 Abby of AscensionSilken Windhound1020
LockedJAFr #13 Banshee of AscensionSilken Windhound1122
LockedNFr #13 Beanie of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedNR #13 Bear of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedPnT #13 Bella of AscensionSilken Windhound1121
LockedNT #13 Bouno of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedNFl #13 Brat of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedNT #13 Breeze of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedNR #13 Bruh of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedAPnRO #13 Challenger of AscensionSilken Windhound1122
LockedPnSh #13 Chance of AscensionSilken Windhound1122
LockedNR #13 Cheez of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedPnFl #13 Coco of AscensionSilken Windhound1022
LockedNRO #13 Cris of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedPnSh #13 Dakota of AscensionSilken Windhound1021
LockedIPnR #13 Emma of AscensionSilken Windhound1021
LockedPnFl #13 Fly of AscensionSilken Windhound1120
LockedNM #13 Freeda of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedNA #13 Freia of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedNHu #13 Ghost of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedNR #13 Ginger of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedNM #13 Gizmo of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedAPnM #13 Gracie of AscensionSilken Windhound1122
LockedNR #13 Hit of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedAPnFr #13 Holly of AscensionSilken Windhound1122
LockedPnA #13 Hunter of AscensionSilken Windhound1121
LockedNR #13 Izac of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedNFl #13 Jeremy of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedNR #13 Jesse of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedPnFl #13 Lily of AscensionSilken Windhound1122
LockedAPnM #13 Lola of AscensionSilken Windhound1121
LockedPnFl #13 Maximus of AscensionSilken Windhound1021
LockedNRO #13 Nash of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedNR #13 Oscar of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedAPnFr #13 Paffy of AscensionSilken Windhound1021
LockedNP #13 Pepper of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedPnA #13 Rocco of AscensionSilken Windhound1021
LockedNR #13 Rocky of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedNR #13 Sadie of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedPnHu Sasha of AscensionSilken Windhound1121
LockedNR #13 Skeez of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedPnFl #13 Skye of AscensionSilken Windhound1120
LockedNR #13 Tease of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedNR #13 Teddy of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedNR #13 Terra of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedAPnR #13 Toby of AscensionSilken Windhound1021
LockedNR #13 Wind of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedPnT #13 Winston of AscensionSilken Windhound1121
LockedNR #13 Wisp of AscensionSilken Windhound112
LockedNR #13 Yoshe of AscensionSilken Windhound112
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAPnFr #13 Affa of AscensionSilken Windhound1122
LockedPnFl #13 Affie of AscensionSilken Windhound1121
LockedIPnR #13 Amara of AscensionSilken Windhound1021
LockedAPnFr #13 Amiou of AscensionSilken Windhound1021
Locked#13 Arwen of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
LockedPnHu #13 Champ of AscensionSilken Windhound1022
LockedPnFl #13 Haiu of AscensionSilken Windhound1121
LockedPnFr #13 Hakuna Matata of AscensionSilken Windhound1025
LockedPnM #13 Heidi of AscensionSilken Windhound1021
LockedPnFr #13 Honey of AscensionSilken Windhound1020
LockedPnFl #13 Joey of AscensionSilken Windhound1021
LockedAPnFr #13 Lulu of AscensionSilken Windhound1121
LockedJAD #13 Luna of AscensionSilken Windhound1021
LockedIPnR #13 Maggie of AscensionSilken Windhound1021
LockedAPnFr #13 Mia of AscensionSilken Windhound1020
LockedIPnR #13 Moose of AscensionSilken Windhound1121
LockedPnR #13 Penny of AscensionSilken Windhound1121
LockedPnR #13 River of AscensionSilken Windhound1122
LockedPnP #13 Shadow of AscensionSilken Windhound1122
LockedPnFr #13 Silky of AscensionSilken Windhound1025
LockedIPnP #13 Sima of AscensionSilken Windhound1024
LockedPnFl #13 Sly of AscensionSilken Windhound1121
LockedJAD #13 Sneil of AscensionSilken Windhound1025
LockedPnFl #13 Somniferum of AscensionSilken Windhound1121
LockedPnFl #13 Zeus of AscensionSilken Windhound1122
Order By:

Locked Dogs

Locked#13 Adan of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Adenes of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Angoror of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Aralion of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Aros of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Ashman of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Bumuzi of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Cassiopea of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Charcoal of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Deipia of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Eubas of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Eucleidos of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Hele of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Helia of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Hernandes of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Heros of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Julia of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Malgali of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Medee of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Ninu of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Pidolo of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Pompeii of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Scyphozoa of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Sissy of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Tiara of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Order By:

Locked Dogs

Locked#13 Arctic of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Ardenne of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Butterfly of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Cheeky of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Cream of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Daphne of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Fade of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Helga of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Hercules of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Hologram of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Juliet of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 King of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Nero of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Paint of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Phrase of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Sailor of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Sinister of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Sirene of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Stark of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Summit of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Up of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Whiz of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Xyloph of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Zebra of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Zoom of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAPnHu AmyFrench Bulldog1170
Locked#13 Bibi of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
LockedAPnFr BlitzStandard Poodle1271
Locked#13 Board of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
LockedPnSh ChuckyDalmatian1070
Locked#13 Daisy of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
LockedPnSh ÉnigmeBeauceron1170
Locked#13 Hades of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Hellas of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Jinx of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Joint of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Knock Out of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
LockedAPnFr LomweThai Ridgeback Dog1070
Locked#13 Loon of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Nikki of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
LockedPnT Perle der NachtDoberman Pinscher1170
LockedNSh PopperFrench Bulldog110
Locked#13 Snow of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
Locked#13 Solomon of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
LockedPnR ThaboRhodesian Ridgeback1170
Locked#13 Tiger of DeceptionSilken Windhound16
LockedPnT TravelerCatahoula Leopard Dog1170
LockedAPnFT ZariaBorzoi1070

Game Time

06:16am on Feb 21

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