Tough Love Kennels

Main PropertySecond Estate
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Earthdog Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Scent Hurdles 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Tree Grove
A cacophany of sound fills this stand of trees as squirrels and other small things play in the branches above.
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Diversifier Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
30 Locked Dogs
Genetics Lab
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
29 Locked Dogs
Smelling of new grass and spring, a warm breeze dances along this rolling stretch of meadow.
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Dog Dojo
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
60 Locked Dogs
Castle in the Sky
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
14 Locked Dogs
Small Pond
The surface of this pond reflects the grandeur of the lofty sky, though beneath the illusion of stillness teams an underwater world.
Dachshunds and Beagles
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
36 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
8 Locked Dogs
Splashes of color parade along the path of this small, but cheerful garden.
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMO TLK! AceSkye Terrier2548
LockedAPnFr TLK! AstridNorwegian Lundehund1226
LockedJAFT TLK! BenelliPointer1226
LockedJAM TLK! BertramKeeshond1531
LockedAO TLK! BoltSkye Terrier2448
LockedJAA TLK! CoyoteCanaan Dog1531
LockedJAA TLK! CoyotettaCanaan Dog1531
LockedME TLK! FernSkye Terrier2348
LockedJAHT TLK! FlapjackClumber Spaniel1430
LockedME TLK! FlashSkye Terrier2448
LockedAO TLK! HazelSkye Terrier2448
LockedAPnHT TLK! IngridNorwegian Lundehund1226
LockedJAHT TLK! JohannNorwegian Lundehund1226
LockedJAFT TLK! KimberPointer1226
LockedAA TLK! LilySkye Terrier2348
LockedJAP TLK! MagdalenaGreat Pyrenees1529
LockedAPnHT TLK! MagnusNorwegian Lundehund1226
LockedAPnFT TLK! MakarovPointer1126
LockedAPnFT TLK! MarlinPointer1126
LockedAPnRO TLK! PuggiepiePug1429
LockedJARO TLK! PugkinPug1429
LockedJASh TLK! SammyAmerican Eskimo Dog1530
LockedJAP TLK! SantiagoGreat Pyrenees1429
LockedAA TLK! ShadowSkye Terrier2348
LockedJAHT TLK! ShortstackClumber Spaniel1430
LockedJASh TLK! TammyAmerican Eskimo Dog1430
LockedAO TLK! TulipSkye Terrier2348
LockedJAM TLK! VeronikaKeeshond1531
LockedJAFT TLK! WaltherPointer1226
LockedJAFT TLK! WinchesterPointer1226
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedTLK! Genetic SB - GEGG, Ll, chaSaint Bernard17
LockedTLK! Genetic SB - GGEG, Lla, intSaint Bernard17
LockedTLK! Genetic SB - GGGE, Ll, chaSaint Bernard17
LockedTLK! Genetic SB - GGGG, Ll, intSaint Bernard17
LockedPuppy 1Taiwan Dog18
LockedPuppy 1Taiwan Dog18
LockedPuppy 2Taiwan Dog18
LockedPuppy 3Taiwan Dog18
LockedPuppy 3Taiwan Dog18
LockedPuppy 4Taiwan Dog18
LockedPuppy 4Taiwan Dog18
LockedPuppy 4Taiwan Dog18
LockedPuppy 6Taiwan Dog18
LockedPuppy 7Taiwan Dog17
LockedPuppy 7Taiwan Dog18
LockedPuppy 7Taiwan Dog18
LockedPuppy 8Taiwan Dog18
LockedPuppy 9Taiwan Dog17
LockedNP TF11 *Taiwan Dog19
LockedNHu TF16 *Taiwan Dog19
LockedNSc TF18 *Taiwan Dog19
LockedNFr TF2 *Taiwan Dog19
LockedNHu TF20 *Taiwan Dog19
LockedNRO TF22 *Taiwan Dog19
LockedNHu TF7 *Taiwan Dog110
LockedNM TM12 *Taiwan Dog19
LockedNT TM16 *Taiwan Dog19
LockedNT TM5 *Taiwan Dog19
LockedNSc TM7 *Taiwan Dog19
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNSh NRO TLK! Doberman PinscherDoberman Pinscher110
LockedNO NP TLK! Doberman PinscherDoberman Pinscher19
LockedNP NO TLK! Doberman PinscherDoberman Pinscher19
LockedNSc NO TLK! Doberman PinscherDoberman Pinscher19
LockedNRO NP GEROs Doberman PinscherDoberman Pinscher19
LockedNSc NSh L2 Doberman PinscherDoberman Pinscher19
LockedGGGG, Ll, chastr strintSaint Bernard17
LockedPuppy 1Saint Bernard17
LockedPuppy 2Saint Bernard17
LockedPuppy 3Saint Bernard17
LockedNT NHu TLK! Puppy 4Doberman Pinscher19
LockedPuppy 4Saint Bernard17
LockedPuppy 6Saint Bernard17
LockedNSc NO ¤MR¤ Puppy 7Rottweiler113
LockedIPnSc JPnRO TLK! Rottweiler - Gen 2, F1 - EGGG, LLRottweiler1019
LockedIPnSc IPnT TLK! Rottweiler - Gen 2, F2 - EEEE, LLRottweiler1119
LockedPnSc JPnP TLK! Rottweiler - Gen 2, F3 - EEEE, LlaRottweiler1019
LockedIPnSc IPnT TLK! Rottweiler - Gen 2, F4 - EEEE, lalaRottweiler1119
LockedIPnSc JPnP TLK! Rottweiler - Gen 2, F5 - EEEE, LLRottweiler1019
LockedJPnSc PnH TLK! Rottweiler - Gen 2, F6 - EGEE, LlaRottweiler1119
LockedJPnSc IPnSh TLK! Rottweiler - Gen 2, F7 - GEEE, LLRottweiler1019
LockedJPnSc IPnP TLK! Rottweiler - Gen 2, F8 - GGEE, LLRottweiler1119
LockedIPnSc IPnT TLK! Rottweiler - Gen 2, F9 - GGEE, LlaRottweiler1019
LockedIPnSc IPnT TLK! Rottweiler - Gen 2, M1 - EEEE, lalaRottweiler1119
LockedJPnSc PnSh TLK! Rottweiler - Gen 2, M2 - GEEG, LlRottweiler1119
LockedJPnSc IPnO TLK! Rottweiler - Gen 2, M3 - EEEE, LlRottweiler1119
LockedJPnSc IPnT TLK! Rottweiler - Gen 2, M4 - EEEE, LLRottweiler1119
LockedPnSc JPnRO TLK! Rottweiler - Gen 2, M5 - EEEE, LlaRottweiler1119
LockedJPnSc IPnO TLK! Rottweiler - Gen 2, M6 - EEEE, LlaRottweiler1119
LockedJPnSc IPnA TLK! Rottweiler - Gen 2, M7 - GGEE, LlaRottweiler1019
LockedIPnSc JPnT TLK! Rottweiler - Gen 2, M8 - EGGG, LlaRottweiler1119
LockedExW AFl LiwK Saint Bernard - 16HH, lalaSaint Bernard2968
LockedMFl MT TLK! Saint Bernard - EGGG, LlSaint Bernard3365
LockedAT ExW TLK! Saint Bernard - GEGE, llaSaint Bernard3365
LockedMT AA TLK! Saint Bernard - GFGE, LlSaint Bernard3265
LockedMP MFl TLK! Saint Bernard - GGEG, LlSaint Bernard3365
LockedMRO MHu TLK! Saint Bernard - GGFG, lalaSaint Bernard3365
LockedAFl ChW TLK! Saint Bernard - GGGE, lalaSaint Bernard3365
LockedAT AFl TLK! Saint Bernard- GGGG, lalaSaint Bernard2865
LockedIPnA NO *LCK* Tibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff817
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedCSI Tibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
LockedTibetan Mastiff - Gen XTibetan Mastiff17
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNR LX 24HH - Silver and White (Irish) with Black Sable and TickingBorzoi17
LockedPuppy 1Borzoi17
LockedPuppy 1Borzoi17
LockedPuppy 10Borzoi17
LockedPuppy 3Borzoi17
LockedPuppy 4Borzoi17
LockedPuppy 4Borzoi17
LockedPuppy 4Borzoi17
LockedPuppy 4Borzoi17
LockedPuppy 6Borzoi17
LockedPuppy 6Borzoi17
LockedPuppy 7Borzoi17
LockedPuppy 7Borzoi17
LockedPuppy 7Borzoi17
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAPnFl Jes's Beagle - Gen 1, F1Beagle1336
LockedJPnSh IPnM UPP Beagle - Gen 1, F2Beagle918
LockedJPnT PnFT Pop' Beagle - Gen 1, F3Beagle718
LockedJPnT M22 Beagle - Gen 1, F4Beagle827
LockedNT NHu TX Beagle - Gen 1, F5Beagle111
LockedNT NHu TX Beagle - Gen 1, F6Beagle111
LockedNT NFl TX Beagle - Gen 1, F7Beagle111
LockedNT NHu TX Beagle - Gen 1, M1Beagle111
LockedNHu NT TX Beagle - Gen 1, M2Beagle111
LockedNT NFl TX Beagle - Gen 1, M3Beagle111
LockedNT NFT TLK! Beagle - Gen 1, M5Beagle113
LockedIPnT NT APnE RofS Dachshund - Gen 1, F1Dachshund1220
LockedANT APnE Dachshund - Gen 1, F10Dachshund1020
LockedIPnT NT APnE VSFD2 Dachshund - Gen 1, F2Dachshund1120
LockedAPnSh RofS Dachshund - Gen 1, F4Dachshund1220
LockedPnSh RofS Dachshund - Gen 1, F5Dachshund1120
LockedIPnT APnE VSFD2 Dachshund - Gen 1, F6Dachshund1220
LockedJPnFl IPnT DXL Dachshund - Gen 1, F7Dachshund1020
LockedIPnT PnE Dachshund - Gen 1, F8Dachshund1020
LockedJPnT IPnFl TLK! Dachshund - Gen 1, F9Dachshund1020
LockedJPnT NT PnFl RofS Dachshund - Gen 1, M1Dachshund1220
LockedPnSh RofS Dachshund - Gen 1, M2Dachshund1220
LockedIPnRO IPnT DXL Dachshund - Gen 1, M3Dachshund1020
LockedJPnT PnE DXL Dachshund - Gen 1, M4Dachshund1020
LockedPnT PnE Dachshund - Gen 1, M5Dachshund1120
LockedJPnT IPnFl Dachshund - Gen 1, M6Dachshund1120
LockedEEEE, LlaMiniature Dachshund17
LockedEEGE, LlaMiniature Dachshund17
LockedTLK! Puppy 1Beagle17
LockedPuppy 3Beagle17
LockedRofS Puppy 4 - 24/0 4SPD lalaMiniature Dachshund17
LockedPuppy 5Miniature Dachshund17
LockedRofS Puppy 7 - 22HH 4CHA lalaMiniature Dachshund17
LockedRofS Puppy 7 - 24/0 STM4 LLMiniature Dachshund17
LockedPuppy 8Miniature Dachshund17
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedDark' 12Leonberger17
LockedPuppy 1Large Munsterlander18
LockedPuppy 10West Siberian Laika17
LockedPuppy 11West Siberian Laika17
LockedNM TLK! Puppy 2Carolina Dog110
LockedPuppy 2Large Munsterlander18
LockedNA C-Rex Puppy 6Pembroke Welsh Corgi19
LockedIPnT H4LRC Rescue HoundBluetick Coonhound553

Game Time

12:09pm on Mar 12

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