Lox Dogs

Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
12 Locked Dogs
Memory Garden
This peaceful garden gives testimony to beloved dogs of the past.
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAPnSh Lox. AbelenaOtterhound1021
LockedAPnFT Lox. AireOtterhound1021
LockedPnT Lox. AmiceOtterhound1021
LockedJASh Lox. AvonOtterhound1021
LockedAPnT Lox. CeolaOtterhound1121
LockedAPnRO Lox. DerwentOtterhound1021
LockedAPnT Lox. EdaOtterhound1121
LockedAPnT Lox. EdenOtterhound1121
LockedJAFT Lox. ElvenaOtterhound1121
LockedAPnT Lox. FletaOtterhound1121
LockedAPnT Lox. LuneOtterhound1021
LockedAPnT Lox. MerseyOtterhound1121
Remembering Furry Paws BETA
Star Competitor
$102,638,131 Money Earned
Salary $60,000
Kennel Size 25
A Regal Otterhound Statue
The plaque reads:
WCS WCR Quiz S Adulo
Male Otterhound Born 10 01, 2011
Reached Level 34, Placing in 1,014 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x40
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x14
A Regal Otterhound Statue
The plaque reads:
WCS WCR Quiz S Albens
Female Otterhound Born 10 01, 2011
Reached Level 32, Placing in 1,009 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x15
A Regal Beagle Statue
The plaque reads:
WCS WCR Quiz S Autumnus
Male Beagle Born 11 14, 2011
Reached Level 33, Placing in 1,020 Competitions
A Regal Beagle Statue
The plaque reads:
WCS WCR Quiz S Pruina
Female Beagle Born 11 14, 2011
Reached Level 32, Placing in 1,021 Competitions
A Regal Otterhound Statue
The plaque reads:
CCS CCR Lox. 264179 S Tweed
Male Otterhound Born 02 07, 2012
Reached Level 27, Placing in 949 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x29
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x20
A Regal Otterhound Statue
The plaque reads:
NCS NCR Lox. 264179 S Tyne
Female Otterhound Born 02 07, 2012
Reached Level 25, Placing in 821 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x9
A Regal Beagle Statue
The plaque reads:
WCS WCR Quiz S Jupiter
Male Beagle Born 10 22, 2011
Reached Level 32, Placing in 1,012 Competitions
A Regal Beagle Statue
The plaque reads:
WCS WCR Lox. S Aurum
Female Beagle Born 10 27, 2011
Reached Level 31, Placing in 1,001 Competitions
A Regal Harrier Statue
The plaque reads:
NCS NCR Lox. S Ater
Female Harrier Born 10 28, 2011
Reached Level 30, Placing in 801 Competitions
A Regal Harrier Statue
The plaque reads:
GCFl GCR Lox. 264179 Fl Potter
Male Harrier Born 02 29, 2012
Reached Level 22, Placing in 743 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Trickster x1
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x1
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x2

Game Time

09:24pm on Feb 12

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