The Herbarium

Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
17 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
10 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
15 Locked Dogs
Central Asian Shepherd
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
87 Locked Dogs
Memory Garden
This peaceful garden gives testimony to beloved dogs of the past.
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
13 Locked Dogs
Diversity Leveling 1
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
57 Locked Dogs
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Nova Scotia
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
14 Locked Dogs
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedChHu HERB BluegrassBloodhound40102
LockedNT HERB Celandine PoppyBloodhound16
LockedMT HERB Clay (lla)Bloodhound3890
LockedJAFT Desert Storm (Lla)Bloodhound1635
LockedExT HERB FescueBloodhound41102
LockedFor Public SaleNSh GusBloodhound112
LockedExT HERB Little Blue StemBloodhound40102
LockedMT Necromass (ll)Bloodhound3596
LockedChHu HERB Northern Sea OatsBloodhound40102
LockedNFr Puppy 1Icelandic Sheepdog116
LockedChHu HERB RyeBloodhound39102
LockedNSh Sammy (LL)Bloodhound112
LockedExHu Sand (lala)Bloodhound4093
LockedNSh Shadow (Ll)Bloodhound112
LockedMA SiltBloodhound3791
LockedMT SoilBloodhound3891
LockedJAHu Thorn (Lla)Bloodhound1635
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMO HERB BasilCarpathian Shepherd3174
LockedAT HERB GingerCarpathian Shepherd3171
LockedAH HERB Lemon GrassCarpathian Shepherd3280
LockedMO HERB Mint LeavesCarpathian Shepherd3180
LockedMA HERB RosemaryCarpathian Shepherd3274
LockedIPnP HERB SlyCarpathian Shepherd1230
LockedJPnFr SlyCarpathian Shepherd1030
LockedJPnP SlyCarpathian Shepherd1130
LockedJPnM SlyCarpathian Shepherd1030
LockedIPnM SlyCarpathian Shepherd1030
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedChH HERB American SycamoreCaucasian Ovtcharka42102
LockedChHu HERB Dawn RedwoodCaucasian Ovtcharka38102
LockedMH DesertCaucasian Ovtcharka3582
LockedMH HERB FrostCaucasian Ovtcharka3786
LockedChO HERB HickoryCaucasian Ovtcharka41102
LockedJPnP PennyCaucasian Ovtcharka1130
LockedIPnO PennyCaucasian Ovtcharka1230
LockedPnH IPnP PennyCaucasian Ovtcharka1030
LockedJPnH PennyCaucasian Ovtcharka1030
LockedJPnH IPnP PennyCaucasian Ovtcharka1130
LockedMFl PetalCaucasian Ovtcharka3586
LockedMP SootCaucasian Ovtcharka3586
LockedChRO HERB Sugar MapleCaucasian Ovtcharka38102
LockedExM HERB Tulip TreeCaucasian Ovtcharka39102
LockedMO TwigCaucasian Ovtcharka3586
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAP IEB Bear (Ll P feee Ssi rr Tt Gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1936
LockedJAH IEB Bentley (Lla spdx2 H gggg swsw Cce tt Gg U*u*)Central Asian Shepherd1936
LockedJAH JAO IEB Billie Kay (lla EEEE spsw tt cwcw gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1933
LockedPnH AO IEB Buck Shot (lala stmx3 EEEE ee spsp Tt gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1932
LockedJPnH APnO IEB Bush Craft (Lla Ee sisi TT)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedIPnO IPnP IEB Cadbury (bb Ssp Tt ll)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedPnH IEB Cake Batter (GG)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedPnP JPnH IEB Carole Baskin (RR Ll Ssi tt)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedJPnH PnP IEB Chai Tea (Lla ee Ssi Tt Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedAO IEB Chance (Lla O eggf awasa Ssp TT Gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1731
LockedPnT IEB Cookies and Cream (Dd ayasa sisp Tt Gg)Central Asian Shepherd1119
LockedAO IEB Corona (lala gegg Kbrk Dd asaasa sisw Tt cece gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1933
LockedPnP IPnH IEB Cream Soda (ee tt lla)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedJAO JAP IEB Creepin (EEEE Ll spdx2 Kbrk sisp Tt gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1833
LockedJAH AO IEB Daisy Duke (Lla EEEE spdx2 Kk swsw Tt Cce gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1932
LockedAPnP IEB Dirty Hippie (Bb Ayasa sisi Rr tt stmx2 lla)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedAP IEB Divoc (lala egeg spsw tt Gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1933
LockedPnP JPnH IEB Evinrude (Tt Gg Lla)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedAP IEB Fawn (ll stmx2 P ggfg KKbr Ssw tt Gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1936
LockedAPnT IEB Goin' Places (Lla intx2 ggge KKbr Bb Dd spsp tt gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1425
LockedPnH IEB Greyson (Ee Ayat Ssp Tt cwcw gg)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedPnH IEB Growler (lla)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedJAP JAH IEB Halo (Lla spdx2 EEEE sisw Tt Ccch gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1932
LockedPnO IEB Hershey (bb atasa Ssp Tt Ccw Uu stmx3)Central Asian Shepherd1119
LockedAH IEB Hulk (lla intx2 ggge sisi Cce tt Cce gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1933
LockedAH IEB Hunter (lala strx2 EEEE Ssi TT gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1932
LockedAH IEB Irish Cream (lla spdx4 H eggf Ccch sisi tt Gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1937
LockedAP IEB Jinny (lla egeg stmx2 Bb Ayasa sisp Tt gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd2033
LockedAO IEB King (lla feee KbrK Ssi tt Gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1933
LockedAH IEB Lana (lala EEEE Ssi TT cecw gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1933
LockedAPnP IEB Liberty (bb Tt Gg UU)Central Asian Shepherd1220
LockedASh IEB Link to the Past (lla ggeg Kbrk Bb Ayasa sisi Rr tt cecw gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1933
LockedPnA LL agix3 eggg spswCentral Asian Shepherd1324
LockedAPnO ll agix3 ggfg O atasaCentral Asian Shepherd1324
LockedPnA ll gggg GgCentral Asian Shepherd1424
LockedAPnP ll intx2 efgg P BbCentral Asian Shepherd1424
LockedAPnA LL intx2 ggeeCentral Asian Shepherd1424
LockedAPnP Ll intx2 P ggggCentral Asian Shepherd1324
LockedPnA Ll intx3 gggg Bb SswCentral Asian Shepherd1324
LockedJAO Ll O geggCentral Asian Shepherd1324
LockedAPnO Ll stm/str gfeg O Kk DdCentral Asian Shepherd1324
LockedAPnP Ll stm/str P gggg KKbrCentral Asian Shepherd1424
LockedAPnFl ll stmx2 eggg CceCentral Asian Shepherd1424
LockedAPnT Ll stmx2 eggg Kk DdCentral Asian Shepherd1424
LockedPnH Ll stmx2 H gggf Bb awasa SswCentral Asian Shepherd1424
LockedAPnP Ll stmx2 P gggg spswCentral Asian Shepherd1424
LockedPnA Lla agix2 gggg awasaCentral Asian Shepherd1324
LockedAPnO lla gggg O Kk CcchCentral Asian Shepherd1324
LockedAPnT lla stmx2 ggge siswCentral Asian Shepherd1424
LockedJPnP PnO IEB Madagascar Vanilla (Gg 9HH)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedAPnO JPnP IEB Made in America (lla Bb RR Tt sisi)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedAO JAP IEB Madison (lala spdx2 O,P ggeg Bb spsw Tt gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1936
LockedJAP AH IEB Mandy Rose (lala EEEE sisi Rr TT cecw gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd2033
LockedJPnP APnO IEB Maveric (bb Uu Gg)Central Asian Shepherd1320
LockedPnO JPnP IEB Neon Dreams (Bb sisi Tt lala)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedAO IEB Phoenix (lala gfgg Bb ayaasa Ssp Tt cwcw gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1833
LockedAO IEB Quarantined (lala gggg Ayat Ssi tt cecw gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1933
LockedJPnH PnO IEB Questionably Speedy (spdx4 TT Gg Lla)Central Asian Shepherd1119
LockedAT IEB Quick Silver (Lla geeg Kbrk awat Ssi tt Gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1936
LockedPnO JPnP IEB Reese (Ee bb atasa Ssp tt cwcw)Central Asian Shepherd1119
LockedPnT IEB Rex (dd awasa sisp TT)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedAO IEB River (lala intx2 O egee kk Bb Ssi tt Ccch gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1936
LockedAP IEB Ronan(Ll agi/stm gfge SS Rr tt Ccch gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1933
LockedAPnP JPnH IEB Rosy (Bb lala)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedAPnH APnP Saved by the Bell (LL eggf P,H Dd sisw TT gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1629
LockedJPnH APnP IEB Sheridan (sisi tt gg uu lla spdx3)Central Asian Shepherd1220
LockedPnH IEB Sheriff (lla spdx3 sisi tt Gg)Central Asian Shepherd1220
LockedAA IEB Socially Distanced(lala spdx2 ggge SS Tt cchcch Gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1933
LockedAPnH IEB Starbuck (Dd awasa sisp Tt)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedJAO JAP IEB Stone Cold (lla agi/stm gggg Bb Ayat Ssp Tt Ccw gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1833
LockedAH IEB Storm (lala EEEE strx2 Ayaw sisp Tt cwcw Gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd2033
LockedAA IEB Teddy (lala geeg sisw Tt Ccw gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1936
LockedAP IEB Tegan (lla egeg sisi Tt cchcw gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1933
LockedAO IEB The Rock (Ll ggeg O Bb SS tt Ccw gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1731
LockedAH IEB The Undertaker I (Ll spdx3 EEEE AyAy Ssp Tt cecw gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd2033
LockedAP IEB Threat Level Midnight (lala spdx2 P eggg Kk Ssi tt gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1936
LockedAPnP IEB Tiger King (Rr tt Ssi asa lla )Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedPnP JPnH IEB Time Capsule (sisi Tt GG Lla)Central Asian Shepherd1119
LockedJAH IEB Tobias (Ll O gfee awasa Ssw Tt Gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1837
LockedJAP JAH IEB Trion (LL P,H gegg Bb spsw Tt Gg)Central Asian Shepherd1937
LockedPnH IEB Twisted Tea (Tt Gg Lla)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedAFr IEB Under These Circumstances (Lla geeg spsp TT Uu)Central Asian Shepherd2039
LockedAPnH IEB Vanilla Latte (bb sisp tt lala)Central Asian Shepherd1219
LockedAO JAH IEB Vanquisher (lala gggg Ayaw KKbr Dd Ssp Tt cecw Gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1933
LockedJAT IEB Vernon (lala spdx3 egeg Kk ayasa Ssp TT Ccch gg Uu)Central Asian Shepherd1936
LockedAP IEB Wild Flower (lla stmx2 P ggee Dd sisp tt Gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1936
LockedJAH IEB Z Hogan (Ll H ggge Ssi tt Ccw gg uu)Central Asian Shepherd1831
Remembering Furry Paws BETA
Master Breeder
$17,599 Money Earned
Salary $46,000
Kennel Size 17
A Regal Bloodhound Statue
The plaque reads:
IAFr IAW RLJ* King Ryder's Reign
Male Bloodhound Born 04 19, 2007
Reached Level 11, Placing in 226 Competitions
A Regal Bloodhound Statue
The plaque reads:
APnSh Blinding Love
Female Bloodhound Born 05 15, 2007
Reached Level 10, Placing in 132 Competitions
A Regal Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Statue
The plaque reads:
JAT -jf- Cody
Male Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Born 05 04, 2007
Reached Level 10, Placing in 159 Competitions
A Regal Greenland Dog Statue
The plaque reads:
Male Greenland Dog Born 05 11, 2007
Reached Level 10, Placing in 200 Competitions
A Regal Bloodhound Statue
The plaque reads:
NS Toby
Neutered Male Bloodhound Born 12 21, 2006
Reached Level 1, Placing in 0 Competitions
A Regal Rhodesian Ridgeback Statue
The plaque reads:
NT Ciburus the great
Male Rhodesian Ridgeback Born 12 22, 2006
Reached Level 1, Placing in 0 Competitions
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedChHu HERB ElderberryRedbone Coonhound40102
LockedExFl HERB ForsythiaRedbone Coonhound39102
LockedIPnM GusRedbone Coonhound1130
LockedJPnRO GusRedbone Coonhound1030
LockedIPnFl GusRedbone Coonhound1030
LockedJPnHu GusRedbone Coonhound1030
LockedJPnT IPnHu GusRedbone Coonhound1030
LockedMSh Juniperus virginianaRedbone Coonhound3790
LockedExHu HERB Liriodendron tulipiferaRedbone Coonhound3890
LockedExFr HERB PeonyRedbone Coonhound39102
LockedMT HERB Picea pungensRedbone Coonhound3690
LockedExSh HERB Tea BerryRedbone Coonhound41102
LockedChFT HERB WeigelaRedbone Coonhound39102
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAPnHT AFr Aaron SamuelsKorean Jindo2034
LockedAFr IEB AlfieShikoku2440
LockedNT NH Eklek ArbiterBorder Collie16
LockedAHu IEB AstridRedbone Coonhound2143
LockedAHu AS AvalancheSamoyed2441
LockedIPnSh BaxterField Spaniel921
LockedASh IEB BeverlyPomeranian2043
LockedAO Big BenTibetan Mastiff2140
LockedAFr DUM bledorShetland Sheepdog2039
LockedAHu -LR- BobAmerican Bully2036
LockedAE IEB Bull TerrierMiniature Bull Terrier2040
LockedJAT PFN CharcoalAfricanis2043
LockedAT PaoS ChemicalBrittany2454
LockedASh IEB CompanionBichon Frise2145
LockedAT IEB Desert OasisGerman Shepherd Dog2436
LockedAP IEB DraughtGreater Swiss Mountain Dog2041
LockedAH IEB DroverCroatian Sheepdog2040
LockedAO EldridgeAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2039
LockedAFT EmmyLabrador Retriever2853
LockedJAH IEB FlockKomondor2140
LockedAR Free FlyingAzawakh Hound2849
LockedAFl WFX GigiBorzoi2132
LockedNFl GoldieItalian Greyhound514
LockedAHu AD Gretchen WeinersWest Siberian Laika2039
LockedASc IEB GuardianMastiff2347
LockedAM ShelK HalpertMiniature Australian Shepherd2046
LockedAFr IEB HunterNorwegian Lundehund2042
LockedNFr NHT Ignio (23HH)(stm)Norwegian Elkhound16
LockedNA ~FPP~ KensleyMiniature Schnauzer514
LockedAH IEB LassieRough Collie2243
LockedNFT MocchaGerman Wirehaired Pointer515
LockedMP SV*K MosbyCavalier King Charles Spaniel3267
LockedAP IEB PointerLarge Munsterlander2044
LockedJAT UnDu PoppiPomeranian2028
LockedAPnP AFr EOEG Regina GeorgeStandard Poodle2035
LockedAFT IEB RetrieverChesapeake Bay Retriever2447
LockedAHT IEB RosieEnglish Setter2048
LockedASh IEB ScentBlack and Tan Coonhound2451
LockedAT IEB ScoutAustralian Koolie2249
LockedAT IEB Second ChanceBorder Collie2250
LockedAR IEB SightSloughi2039
LockedAHu IEB SpanielBoykin Spaniel2350
LockedAPnT AFT Juggy StarPetit Basset Griffon Vendeen2042
LockedAO SunshineSiberian Husky2039
LockedAP IEB TerrierKerry Blue Terrier2347
LockedJAA TerrierNorwich Terrier2048
LockedAHT TeslaTosa Inu2233
LockedASh IEB Tiger LilyBulldog2244
LockedNT TommyGiant Schnauzer514
LockedAHu AFC VanityBlack Mouth Cur2034
LockedAO VernanSkye Terrier2037
LockedAHu IEB VersatileBrussels Griffon2351
LockedAFl WentzAfghan Hound2244
LockedAP WidgetDoberman Pinscher2034
LockedJAT AD WolfeAmerican White Shepherd2039
LockedAFr RWTS ZagChinook2053
LockedAHu IEB ZoeyDalmatian2344
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMHT Claytonia virginicaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3890
LockedExFT Daucus carotaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3690
LockedChW HERB Dutchman's BreechesNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever35102
LockedPnD HeidiNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1130
LockedMFr Lathyrus odoratusNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3890
LockedChFr HERB May AppleNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever41102
LockedPnD PrincessNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1030
LockedJAW PrincessNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1030
LockedJPnHT PrincessNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1030
LockedIPnSh PrincessNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1030
LockedNCD HERB Spring BeautyNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever40102
LockedGCFT MD HERB Spring EphemeralNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever41102
LockedChP HERB Squirrel CornNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever40102
LockedMFr Urtica dioicaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3890

Game Time

11:17am on Mar 28

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