~**Happy Paws Kennel**~

NSDTR's & Field Spaniels
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
93 Locked Dogs
Alaskan Huskies & Mudi's
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
60 Locked Dogs
Greyhounds, GSD & Aussies
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
64 Locked Dogs
Rescues/Project Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
37 Locked Dogs
Australian Koolies
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
17 Locked Dogs
Memory Garden
This peaceful garden gives testimony to beloved dogs of the past.
Large Critter Pasture
19 Critters
Small Critter Pasture
5 Critters
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Sledding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Schutzhund 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Field Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNCFr ~HPK (1)13HH EEGE chaagi strstmNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever4888
LockedExFT ~HPK (1)20HH EEEE lala chastr stmint Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points and TickingField Spaniel3578
LockedPnSh GCHT ~HPK (1)5HH GFGE Lla strstr strstr BlackField Spaniel48101
LockedNCFT IPnRO ~HPK (10) 2HH GGEE LL chastr agistrNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever50101
LockedNCFr JPnFl ~HPK (10) 6HH GGGE ll intspd agichaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever48100
LockedGCFT JAFr ~HPK (11) 4HH EGGE lla agistr strstrNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever46100
LockedIPnP PnD ~HPK (11:26) 6HH GGGE intstr strstrNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1019
LockedIPnFT ND ~HPK (11:26) 8HH GGGE intstr strstrNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever919
LockedGCFT JAFr ~HPK (12) 5HH EEGG chaspd intstmNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever46100
LockedNCFT NFr ~HPK (12) 8HH GEGGNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever52100
LockedAPnFT NCFr ~HPK (13) 3HH GEGE Lla stmstm spdstrNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever48100
LockedAFr GCM ~HPK (13) 6HH GGGG lla intspd spdspdNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever44100
LockedNCFr ANM ~HPK (14) 4HH EEGG Ll chastm stmstrNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever48100
LockedChO TRACR (14) 9HH GGGE strspd spdagiNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3967
LockedNCFT ANSh ~HPK (15) 4HH EGGE chaspd spdstrNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever50101
LockedAPnFr JPnD ~HPK (15:11) 5HH FFGG agiint chaintNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1322
LockedGCFT PnFr ~HPK (16) 7HH GEEE lla stmstm agichaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever47100
LockedJAFT NP ~HPK (16:6) 3HH EGFE stmstm spdstmNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1524
LockedJAFT NP ~HPK (16:6) 6HH GGFF stmstm spdstmNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1524
LockedGCFr CSRK (17) 3HH EGGG Ll intstr spdstmNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever46103
LockedFor StudCCFT WoBe (17) 4E 24HH lala agiagi spdspdNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever54109
LockedNFT NFr ~HPK (17:17)11HH EEEE Lla stragi stmspd RedNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever16
LockedNFT NP ~HPK (17:17)13HH EEEE Lla intagi stmspd RedNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever16
LockedNFr JAFT ~HPK (17:27) 9HH EEEE lla stragi intspdNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1324
LockedAPnFr NP ~HPK (17:3) 21HH EEEE agiagi spdspdNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1019
LockedAPnP ND ~HPK (17:3) 23HH EEEE spdagi intspdNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1019
LockedGCFT PnFr ~HPK (18) 3HH GGEG lala agistr agistrNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever47100
LockedCCW ~HPK (18) 7HH FGGG stragi chachaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever38110
LockedND JAFr ~HPK (18:29) 3HH GGGG agistr intchaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1525
LockedExP ~HPK (19) 4HH EGEG stmstr chaintNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3469
LockedNCFr JPnM ~HPK (19) 4HH GGGG Ll stmstm agistrNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever47100
LockedNSh NFT ~HPK (1:)12HH EEEE lala strstr strstm BlackField Spaniel111
LockedExHT ~HPK (1:1)10HH EEGG intagi spdstrNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3560
LockedNO NFT ~HPK (1:1)6HH EEEE Lla strstr strstm Black with Red PointsField Spaniel111
LockedExFT ~HPK (2)10HH GEGGNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3472
LockedGCFr PnM CSRK (20) 5HH GGGE lla agistr spdstmNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever46103
LockedExFT ~HPK (20) 6HH GGEE intstm agichaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3469
LockedGCFr AM ~HPK (21) 6HH GEGE lala chaspd agispdNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever45100
LockedChFT ~HPK (22) 3HH GGGGNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever4085
LockedExFr ~HPK (23) 8HH GGGGNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3371
LockedChFr ~HPK (24) 9HH GGGGNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3977
LockedExFr ~HPK (25) 6HH GEEGNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3469
LockedNCFT ~HPK (28) 3HH GGGF Ll chaint agistm Red and White (Irish)Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever51106
LockedMFr ~HPK (2:2)10HH EEGGNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3160
LockedNCFT IPnFr ~HPK (3)10HH EGGG stmcha stmspdNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever50108
LockedNCFT AFr ~HPK (3)14HH EEEE spdagi spdintNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever48108
LockedGCFT ~HPK (3:3)11HH GGEE spdstm spdspdNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever4376
LockedGCFr ~HPK (3:3)12HH EGEENova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever4376
LockedChFT ~HPK (3:4)10HH EGGGNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever4176
LockedChFT ~HPK (3:4)11HH EGGG strstm intspdNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever4376
LockedAPnFT NFr ~HPK (3:5) 13HH GGEE stmcha stmspdNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1019
LockedNFr PnFT ~HPK (3:5) 4HH FGGG stmstm stmspdNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1019
LockedMFr wQb (4)24HH 4E stmcha spdintNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever26109
LockedGCFT NSh ~HPK (4)6HH EGEF strstm intintNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever49108
LockedMFT NFr ~HPK (4:5)18HH 4E stmcha chaspdNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever2540
LockedChFr 413 (5) 12HH EEEE lla intagi stmstmNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever4565
LockedNFr NFT ~HPK (5:12)9HH EEEE Lla stmint spdstmNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever16
LockedNCFr PnM ~HPK (6) 4HH GEGG lala intint chaspdNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever48100
LockedAFr ChSh THEA (7) 13HH 4ENova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever4183
LockedNCFr NM ~HPK (7) 5HH EEEG intint agichaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever47100
LockedNFT NFr ~HPK (7:15)10HH FEGE chaint spdchaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever16
LockedChFT ~HPK (8) 20HH EEEENova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3865
LockedNCFr JPnFl ~HPK (8) 6HH FEGG strstr intintNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever49108
LockedAPnFT NP ~HPK (8:4) 4HH GGGG strstr intintNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1019
LockedJPnD PnFr ~HPK (8:4) 7HH EEGG strstr intintNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1019
LockedChFT ~HPK (9) 2HH GEGGNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever4185
LockedNCFT JAFr ~HPK (9) 9HH EEGE lla intint strstrNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever50101
LockedND NFT ~HPK (9:11)5HH GEGG lala agiint intstr RedNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever110
LockedND NP ~HPK (9:11)9HH GEGG lala agiint chastr Red and White (Irish)Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever110
LockedNP NFT ~HPK (9:20)10HH GGGG lla strint spdstr RedNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever16
LockedChFT ~HPK 10HH EEGEField Spaniel3978
LockedChHT D4l 14HH EGEEField Spaniel4291
LockedChSh D4l 14HH EGGEField Spaniel4290
LockedChFT Pop' 16HH EEEEField Spaniel4279
LockedGCFT Pop' 16HH EEEEField Spaniel4584
LockedGCSh ABA 18HH EEEE lala strint intint Black and White (Piebald) with Red Points and TickingField Spaniel45101
LockedChHT ~HPK 19HH EEEE lala chastr intint ChocolateField Spaniel3985
LockedExSh ~HPK 20HH EEEE lala chastr intint Black with Red PointsField Spaniel3577
LockedChFT Pop' 20HH EEEE LL spdstr chastm Chocolate and White (Piebald) with TickingField Spaniel4484
LockedASh NHT ~HPK 21HH intcha intint Black with Red PointsField Spaniel1831
LockedExD BEEK 22HH 4E lala chacha strchaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3279
LockedND JAFr ARB 22HH EEEE lala chaspd chaagiNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1324
LockedJAM BEEK 23HH EEEE Lla chaint spdint Chocolate and White (Piebald) with TickingField Spaniel1335
LockedNSh AHT ~HPK 23HH intcha intint Black and White (Piebald) with TickingField Spaniel1831
LockedExSh ~HPK 24HH 4EField Spaniel3773
LockedChFT ~HPK 24HH 4EField Spaniel4190
LockedAHT MSh ~HPK 24HH 4E intint intint ShowField Spaniel3375
LockedNFr ND NHoK 4HH FFEG lala agiagi agispdNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever16
LockedChFT PnHT ~HPK 5HH EGGG lla agiagi intagi Black and White (Piebald) with TickingField Spaniel4495
LockedChFT MHT ~HPK 6HH GEGE lala agicha agiagi Black and White (Piebald) with TickingField Spaniel43107
LockedNFr ND ~HPK 7HH FEGF lala chaint agichaNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever16
LockedChHT ~HPK 7HH GGEG lala stmcha stmcha Chocolate with Red PointsField Spaniel3776
LockedGCSh D4l 9HH GEGG LL strstr stragi Black and White (Piebald) with TickingField Spaniel4497
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedExS CSNK (1)10HH EGEG Ll stmagi agistm Fawn and White (Extreme Piebald) with Ticking and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky3190
LockedExP CSNK (1)4HH EGEEAlaskan Husky3394
LockedNFl NS ~HPK (1:2)10HH EEGG lla stmagi chastm Red and White (Irish) with Ticking and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky111
LockedNP NS ~HPK (1:2)12HH EEGG Lla agistm strstm Red and White (Extreme Piebald) with Ticking and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky111
LockedAA CSTLE 10HH GEEEMudi2351
LockedAH CSTLE 13HH EEEEMudi2041
LockedAFl CSTLE 13HH GGEGMudi2047
LockedAFl CSTLE 14HH EEEEMudi1939
LockedAA CSTLE 14HH EEEEMudi1939
LockedAA CSTLE 15HH EEEEMudi1839
LockedAT CSTLE 15HH EEEEMudi1939
LockedAH CSTLE 15HH EEEEMudi1939
LockedAT CSTLE 15HH EEGEMudi1940
LockedAA CSTLE 16HH EEEEMudi1939
LockedAH CSTLE 16HH EEEEMudi1939
LockedNFl NS DIOS 18HH EEEE lala spdspd stmstmAlaskan Husky110
LockedAPnFr NP HvnPk 19HH EEEE lala stmstm agistr Fawn with Black Sable, Mask, and Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky1223
LockedNS IPnFl NOCTI 19HH EEEE lala stmstm strstm Cream and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black GrizzleAlaskan Husky817
LockedChS JPnRO ~HPK 1HH GGEGAlaskan Husky3376
LockedAS REVO 21HH 4E lala intint stmstm Black and White (Irish) with Light UndersidesAlaskan Husky1734
LockedAA CSTLE 21HH EEEEMudi2040
LockedAH CSTLE 22HH EEEEMudi2040
LockedExP IPnO ~HPK 2HH EEGGAlaskan Husky3678
LockedGCS JPnRO ~HPK 2HH GGGGAlaskan Husky3778
LockedChS JPnFl ~HPK 2HH GGGGAlaskan Husky3678
LockedMS ~HPK 2HH GGGGAlaskan Husky2764
LockedAH ~HPK 3HH EGGGMudi1837
LockedAA ~HPK 3HH EGGGMudi1941
LockedGCS ANFl ~HPK 3HH FEEGAlaskan Husky3778
LockedExFl IPnA ~HPK 3HH FGGEAlaskan Husky3678
LockedAA ~HPK 3HH GEGGMudi1941
LockedMFl APnA ~HPK 3HH GGGEAlaskan Husky3478
LockedChS JAFl ~HPK 4HH EGFGAlaskan Husky3478
LockedJPnFl ExP ~HPK 4HH GEGEAlaskan Husky3476
LockedAS MFl ~HPK 4HH GEGGAlaskan Husky3478
LockedExP JAFl ~HPK 4HH GEGGAlaskan Husky3478
LockedAA ~HPK 4HH GEGGMudi1941
LockedGCS NFl ~HPK 4HH GGEGAlaskan Husky3678
LockedAA ~HPK 4HH GGGEMudi1941
LockedJAFl ExP ~HPK 4HH GGGGAlaskan Husky3378
LockedAP MFl ~HPK 4HH GGGGAlaskan Husky3478
LockedAA ~HPK 5HH EEGGMudi2041
LockedExFl APnA ~HPK 5HH EGEGAlaskan Husky3578
LockedAA ~HPK 5HH GEEGMudi1941
LockedJAP MFl ~HPK 5HH GEGGAlaskan Husky3578
LockedJAS ExFl ~HPK 5HH GGEEAlaskan Husky3578
LockedJAP ExFl ~HPK 5HH GGEGAlaskan Husky3578
LockedPnP ExFl ~HPK 5HH GGEGAlaskan Husky3678
LockedExS YDH 5HH GGGEAlaskan Husky3278
LockedChS NRO ~HPK 5HH GGGGAlaskan Husky3578
LockedExS BBaSK 5HH GGGGAlaskan Husky3174
LockedAA ~HPK 5HH GGGGMudi1941
LockedAT ~HPK 6HH EGEEMudi1737
LockedAA ~HPK 6HH EGGGMudi1941
LockedAA ~HPK 6HH GEEGMudi1941
LockedChS IPnFl ~HPK 6HH GGEGAlaskan Husky3378
LockedChS IPnFl ~HPK 6HH GGEGAlaskan Husky3678
LockedChS NFl ~HPK 6HH GGGGAlaskan Husky3578
LockedAA ~HPK 7HH EFEEMudi1941
LockedExO CSNK 7HH GGEGAlaskan Husky3183
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAR ~HPK *5HH FGGG Ll intspd intcha CreamGreyhound1838
LockedGCR sfe *5HH GGGG stmcha spdstr Brindle Fawn and White (Irish) with Black Sable and MaskGreyhound51106
LockedNFl NH ~HPK 11HH GEEE LL strstm strstr Red and White (Irish)Australian Shepherd16
LockedJAR NFr ~HPK 11HH GGEE intstr stmstr CreamGreyhound1828
LockedNFr JPnR ~HPK 13HH GGEG ll strstr strstmGreyhound615
LockedNCFl ~HPK 15HH EEEE Lla intspd strspd BlueGreyhound52104
LockedMR ~HPK 15HH EEEE spdspd strstr BlueGreyhound3762
LockedChR RofS 16HH EEGG Lla stmstm stmstm BlueGreyhound4485
LockedExR ~HPK 17HH EEEE lala spdspd spdstr Brindle Cream with Black Sable and MaskGreyhound3762
LockedNR NFl ~HPK 17HH EEEE lala spdspd stragi BlueGreyhound19
LockedExT ~HPK 18HH ChocolateGerman Shepherd Dog3567
LockedChR ~HPK 18HH EEEE Lla spdspd agispd BlueGreyhound4892
LockedASc ASTER 18HH EEEE Lla strcha spdstm Isabella with Tan PointsGerman Shepherd Dog1937
LockedGCR RofS 18HH EEGE Lla spdstm stmstr Blue and WhiteGreyhound4994
LockedChR RofS 19HH EEGE lala chastm stmstr BlueGreyhound4485
LockedNR NFl ~HPK 20HH EEEE lala intspd strspd Brindle Fawn with Blue SableGreyhound19
LockedExR ~HPK 20HH EEEE lala strspd spdspd BlackGreyhound4085
LockedPnSc NT JAW 23HH EEEE lla strstm stmstm Blue with Red Points and MaskGerman Shepherd Dog1120
LockedAH ~HPK 24HH 4EAustralian Shepherd1954
LockedJAA *SD* 24HH 4EAustralian Shepherd1535
LockedJAFl ~HPK 24HH 4EAustralian Shepherd1432
LockedJAA MC~°~ 24HH 4EAustralian Shepherd1629
LockedMSc 24HH 4E Cream with Isabella Sable & MaskGerman Shepherd Dog3569
LockedASc NT ~HPK 24HH 4E lala agistr strstr Silver with Isabella Sable and MaskGerman Shepherd Dog1833
LockedASc NT FawK 24HH 4E lala Red with Black Sable and MaskGerman Shepherd Dog2336
LockedASc PnT ~HPK 24HH 4E lala strstr strstr Chocolate with Red PointsDoberman Pinscher1937
LockedNS NP ~HPK 24HH 4E Lla strint strstr Chocolate and White (Piebald) with Silver Points and Light UndersidesSiberian Husky19
LockedExSh ~HPK 24HH 4E Red w Blue Saddle & MaskGerman Shepherd Dog3865
LockedExSc 24HH 4E Silver w Isabella Sable & MaskGerman Shepherd Dog3669
LockedExT ~HPK 24HH BlueGerman Shepherd Dog3666
LockedPnO ChP ~HPK 24HH EEEESiberian Husky4375
LockedExRO ~HPK 24HH EEEEItalian Greyhound3370
LockedExRO ~HPK 24HH EEEEItalian Greyhound3165
LockedMR RofS 24HH EEEEItalian Greyhound2656
LockedMR RofS 24HH EEEEItalian Greyhound2656
LockedAR RofS 24HH EEEEItalian Greyhound2247
LockedNT JPnSc ~HPK 24HH EEEE lala agistm stragi IsabellaGerman Shepherd Dog414
LockedNT ASc ~HPK 24HH EEEE lala agistm strstm Cream and White (Piebald) with Isabella SableGerman Shepherd Dog2033
LockedPnSc NT HdmsK 24HH EEEE lala intint intint Silver and White (Piebald) with Isabella Sable and MaskGerman Shepherd Dog1120
LockedChR RofS 24HH EEEE lala spdspd spdspdGreyhound4585
LockedChR RofS 24HH EEEE lala spdspd spdspdGreyhound4585
LockedChR RofS 24HH EEEE lala spdspd spdspd Isabella and WhiteGreyhound4585
LockedChR RofS 24HH EEEE lala spdspd spdspd Isabella and WhiteGreyhound4383
LockedJPnSc NT ~HPK 24HH EEEE lala stmstr strstm Isabella and White (Piebald) with Silver Points and MaskGerman Shepherd Dog514
LockedAPnSc NT ~HPK 24HH EEEE stmstm stmstm Silver with Blue Saddle and Mask TrackingGerman Shepherd Dog1423
LockedJASc NT ~HPK 24HH EEEE stmstm stmstm Silver with Isabella Saddle and Mask SchutzhundGerman Shepherd Dog1423
LockedChS DXL 24HH lalaSiberian Husky3675
LockedJPnFl NFr ~HPK 5HH GGEG lla strspd stmstm CreamGreyhound615
LockedMSc CHSCK Black 24HH 4E lalaGerman Shepherd Dog3355
LockedMSc THJs Black with Cream Points 21HH 4EDoberman Pinscher3464
LockedExO WSPD Black with Tan Points and Mask 14HH 4EGerman Shepherd Dog3560
LockedMSc ~HPK Chocolate with Red Points18HH EGEEDoberman Pinscher2950
LockedMSc ~HPK Cream with Black Sable EEEE - 24HHGerman Shepherd Dog3058
LockedASc JPnT ~HPK Fawn and White (Piebald) with Isabella SableGerman Shepherd Dog1933
LockedASc ~HPK Fawn with Black Sable 22HH EEEE lalaGerman Shepherd Dog1846
LockedMH CHSCK Fawn with Black Sable and Mask 24HH 4EGerman Shepherd Dog3559
LockedAT †LF† Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask 24HH 4EGerman Shepherd Dog21110
LockedASc NT ~HPK Fawn with Black Saddle and Mask 24HH 4EGerman Shepherd Dog2348
LockedChW APnT ~HPK Fawn with Blue Sable and Mask 19HH EEEE lalaGerman Shepherd Dog2874
LockedNSc AO ~HPK Isabella 24HH 4E lala intstr strstrDoberman Pinscher2239
LockedExSc Santi Isabella and White (Piebald) with Tan Points 24HH EEEE lala stmstr stmagiGerman Shepherd Dog37101
LockedMSc RofS Isabella with Red Points 24HH 4E lala strstr strstrDoberman Pinscher3257
LockedMT NSc ~TA¥~ Red and White (Piebald) with Isabella Sable and Mask 24HH 4EGerman Shepherd Dog2747
LockedNT ASc ~HPK Silver and White (Irish) with Isabella Sable and MaskGerman Shepherd Dog1933
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedPnS NFl ~HPK 10HH EEEE lla chacha agicha WhiteSamoyed1024
LockedIPnFl NFr ~HPK 10HH EGGG Lla agiagi chaagi Cream and White (Irish) with Blue Sable and MaskItalian Greyhound818
LockedJPnFT NRO ~HPK 10HH GEEG Ll stmstm spdcha Roaned Chocolate and White (Piebald)German Shorthaired Pointer616
LockedPnP FPBB 10HH GEGE lla stragi stmstr Fawn with Black Sable and Light UndersidesChinook1135
LockedJPnH JPnO ~HPK 10HH GGGE LL agiint intint Black and White (Piebald)Aidi818
LockedAPnP NH ~HPK 10HH GGGG LL agistr chaspd Red Merle and White (Piebald) with Blue SableCatahoula Leopard Dog1224
LockedIPnRO JPnHu FPBB 11HH EGEG Ll intstm stragi Black with Light UndersidesAlaskan Klee Kai1020
LockedIPnO NA FPBB 11HH GGEE ll atmint agiagi BlackScottish Terrier718
LockedAPnT NH THTRC 12HH EEEE lala chacha spdint Silver and White (Extreme Piebald)Caucasian Ovtcharka1324
LockedNFr PnM AIBA' 12HH GEGE lla chastm strstm Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle and Light UndersidesAkita1023
LockedJPnT JASc THTRC 14HH GEEG chaagi intintBullmastiff1427
LockedPnT NRV 16HH EEEE lala stmstm intstm Red with Isabella GrizzleFinnish Lapphund1247
LockedNHT NFr ~HPK 16HH lala EEEE intstr intintKarelian Bear Dog110
LockedAHT HYDK 17HH EEEE Lla intstr intstm Brindle Red with Chocolate GrizzleAmerican Indian Dog1786
LockedIPnA ~NS 18HH EEEE lala spdspd spdspd Brindle Black and White (Irish) with Red Points, Mask, and TickingRat Terrier1130
LockedNSh NRO ~HPK 18HH GEGE lla chacha agicha Steel Blue and White (Piebald)Chihuahua110
LockedFor StudASh TXBM 19HH EEEE lala chaagi chacha Blue and White (Piebald)Chihuahua1739
LockedJAH T.D 19HH EEEE lala spdcha spdstm Black and White (Irish) with Red PointsBorder Collie1532
LockedAE ~HPK 19HH EEEE lala strstr spdspd Black with Silver PointsMiniature Schnauzer1540
LockedNH NA ~HPK 1HH FFGG Ll agiint spdspd - RescueCatahoula Leopard Dog315
LockedIPnP ND ~HPK 1HH GGFG Lla chaspd agiint Black - RescueLabrador Retriever1022
LockedNHu PnSh ~HPK 22HH EEEE lala chacha stmstm RedPekingese1018
LockedNHT IPnM ~HPK 22HH EEEE lala chaint intcha Isabella MerleGreat Dane515
LockedNRO IPnFT ~HPK 22HH EEEE lala spdspd spdspd Black and White (Irish)Pointer615
LockedNFl ANR ~HPK 23HH EEEE lala agistm spdspd Isabella and White (Irish) with Red Points, Ticking, and Light UndersidBorzoi615
LockedANA NT ~HPK 2HH FGGE Lla intint agispd - RescueCatahoula Leopard Dog616
LockedIPnH NO ~HPK 2HH GEFG Ll stmstr chastr Red - RescueDogue de Bordeaux1024
LockedNR NFl ~HPK 2HH GFGG lla stmstr intint - RescueWhippet515
LockedNA NFl ~HPK 3HH GGFG ll intstr agicha - RescueCatahoula Leopard Dog616
LockedNR NFr ~HPK 4HH FFGG Lla chaspd agistr - RescueWhippet415
LockedNR NFl ~HPK 4HH GFGG lla chaint spdstm - RescueWhippet315
LockedNFl NR ~HPK 4HH GGGG lla chaspd agicha - RescueWhippet515
LockedNA NM ~HPK 6HH GGGG lla intint spdspd RedAffenpinscher19
LockedNT NH ~HPK 7HH EEGF Lla intstm agispd - RescueCatahoula Leopard Dog515
LockedPnM NHu ~HPK 8HH EEEE lala agicha agiagi BlackXoloitzcuintle1023
LockedAPnHu THTRC 8HH GEEE lala strstr spdstr Red and White (Piebald) with Steel Blue SaddleOtterhound1122
LockedNHu JPnT ~HPK 8HH GEGE lala chaspd chaspd Fawn and White (Extreme Piebald)Porcelaine616
Remembering Furry Paws BETA
Star Competitor
$19,784,727 Money Earned
Salary $72,300
Kennel Size 100
A Regal Great Dane Statue
The plaque reads:
WCP WCSc Uhi Aspen Queen pulling
Female Great Dane Born 12 11, 2011
Reached Level 31, Placing in 1,008 Competitions
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
WCSh WCE Uhi Zester show
Male Shiba Inu Born 02 04, 2012
Reached Level 31, Placing in 1,034 Competitions
A Regal Siberian Husky Statue
The plaque reads:
GCSc GCH DWS Leonidis Schutzhund
Male Siberian Husky Born 12 04, 2011
Reached Level 28, Placing in 737 Competitions
A Regal Great Dane Statue
The plaque reads:
GCP GCSc Uhi Pavino pulling
Male Great Dane Born 12 24, 2011
Reached Level 26, Placing in 725 Competitions
A Regal Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Statue
The plaque reads:
Male Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Born 12 19, 2011
Reached Level 20, Placing in 454 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x3
A Regal Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Statue
The plaque reads:
MT MR ~HPK F EEGE lala spd
Female Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Born 12 20, 2011
Reached Level 20, Placing in 415 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x3
A Regal Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Statue
The plaque reads:
Female Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Born 12 20, 2011
Reached Level 20, Placing in 463 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x2
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x2
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
CCSh CCP HrtB Yukihana show
Female Shiba Inu Born 01 05, 2012
Reached Level 26, Placing in 975 Competitions
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
Male Shiba Inu Born 12 07, 2011
Reached Level 26, Placing in 1,002 Competitions
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
CCSh CCP HrtB Nobody Knows show
Male Shiba Inu Born 01 05, 2012
Reached Level 25, Placing in 924 Competitions


  • Odin the Reindeer Odin the Reindeer
  • Ziggy Stardust the Proud Pony Ziggy Stardust the Proud Pony
  • Filma the Champagne Hamster Filma the Champagne Hamster
  • Chip the Chocolate Hamster Chip the Chocolate Hamster
  • Snow the Black Hamster Snow the Black Hamster
  • Bean the Black Banded Hamster Bean the Black Banded Hamster
  • Snickerdoodle the Silver Hamster Snickerdoodle the Silver Hamster
  • Sweets the Canary Sweets the Canary
  • Raven the Blackbird Raven the Blackbird
  • Sparra the Sparrow Sparra the Sparrow
  • Pony Boy the Golden Hamster Pony Boy the Golden Hamster
  • Dash the Cinnamon Hamster Dash the Cinnamon Hamster
  • Orange Persian Orange Persian
  • Mean Black and White Cat Mean Black and White Cat
  • Grimm the Scary Black Cat Grimm the Scary Black Cat
    pet Complete
  • DeLorean the Mean Brown Tabby Cat DeLorean the Mean Brown Tabby Cat
  • Mona the Mean Tortoiseshell Cat Mona the Mean Tortoiseshell Cat
  • Mean Orange Tabby Cat Mean Orange Tabby Cat
  • Magnus the Mean Siamese Cat Magnus the Mean Siamese Cat


  • Toast the Purple Baby Dragon Toast the Purple Baby Dragon
  • Scorch the Blue Baby Dragon Scorch the Blue Baby Dragon
  • Crisp the Green Baby Dragon Crisp the Green Baby Dragon
  • Phantom the Black Snake Phantom the Black Snake
  • Asmodeus the Brown Snake Asmodeus the Brown Snake

Game Time

02:37am on Mar 8

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