Nature's Fury Kennels

Main PropertyHawk Ridge Property
Phoenix Blessed
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
82 Locked Dogs
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
A Kennel
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
23 Locked Dogs
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Staging Area
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
20 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
67 Locked Dogs
B Kennel
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
74 Locked Dogs
100 Days
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
9 Locked Dogs
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Critter Town
12 Critters
B/C Kennel
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
13 Locked Dogs
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor Public Sale1Central Asian Shepherd112
Locked1Central Asian Shepherd112
Locked1Central Asian Shepherd112
Locked1Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale1Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale1Central Asian Shepherd112
Locked1Central Asian Shepherd112
Locked1Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd112
Locked2Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd112
Locked2Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd112
LockedMHMB 4E 12HHCentral Asian Shepherd169
LockedExH 4HH 2hh lala sisw intspd stmstrCentral Asian Shepherd3768
LockedExO 4HH 3hh Ll Bb Dd Ssw Rr tt spdstm agispdCentral Asian Shepherd3768
LockedExP 5HH 1hh Lla Gg stmstm chastrCentral Asian Shepherd3768
LockedFor Public SaleACentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedACentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedACentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedACentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedACentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedACentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedACentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedACentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedACentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedACentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedACentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedACentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedACentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedACentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedACentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedACentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedExO A 5HH 4hh LL Rr tt intstm agichaCentral Asian Shepherd3568
LockedExO A 7HH 3hh lla Rr tt chacha agichaCentral Asian Shepherd3668
LockedNCO Absinthe 12HH 2hh lla sisw strstr spdagiCentral Asian Shepherd4668
LockedNCP Apocalypse Now 16HH 1hh lala agicha strchaCentral Asian Shepherd4668
LockedGCP Astro Pop 15HH 1hh Lla agiint agiagiCentral Asian Shepherd4668
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedbbCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedChO Bellini 13HH 2hh lala sisw chaint intintCentral Asian Shepherd4268
LockedNCH Bramble 10HH 2hh lala sisw spdint intintCentral Asian Shepherd4668
LockedGCO Brogue 16HH 1hh lala Bb Dd spdstr strspdCentral Asian Shepherd4568
LockedGCP Caipirini 15HH 1hh lala Bb DD spdstr strintCentral Asian Shepherd4668
LockedGCO Charlie Chaplin 15HH 1hh Lla BB Dd strstr chastrCentral Asian Shepherd4468
LockedNCO Chimayo 14HH 1hh Lla Bb DD sisw intint strintCentral Asian Shepherd4668
LockedNCH Citron Sipper 8HH 1hh Lla Bb Dd sisw Gg intstm stmspdCentral Asian Shepherd4668
LockedGCO Coriandrum 13HH 3hh Lla sisw Gg spdint intintCentral Asian Shepherd4468
LockedGCP Cuban Rose 14HH 1hh LL Bb Dd chastm stmchaCentral Asian Shepherd4468
LockedGCO Martini 10HH 2hh Lla agiint agiagiCentral Asian Shepherd4568
LockedChP Sangria 10HH 2hh lla sisw Gg strstr stragiCentral Asian Shepherd4268
LockedChO FuRY VÄD 7HH Lla BB Dd sisw stmstr intstrCentral Asian Shepherd3968
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedJAH Aadvika 6HH 1hh spsw Rr tt lala chastr strstrCentral Asian Shepherd1526
LockedAPnO Acacia 5HH 1hh LL Bb DD sisw agiint agistmCentral Asian Shepherd1326
LockedAP Adelaide 4HH 2hh lala Ssw Gg spdstr intstrCentral Asian Shepherd2037
LockedAP Aelwen 6HH 4hh LL swsw Rr tt chaint strstr RoanCentral Asian Shepherd1936
LockedAH Ahmeera 7HH 2hh Lla swsw Gg agicha strstrCentral Asian Shepherd1936
LockedAPnP Aiko 4HH 5hh lala BB Dd swsw Gg stmstr chastmCentral Asian Shepherd1426
LockedAP Aitana 6HH 1hh Lla Bb Dd sisw agispd strstrCentral Asian Shepherd2139
LockedJAP Akela 8HH 1hh lala sisw spdstr spdstrCentral Asian Shepherd1639
LockedAO Akira 5HH 2hh lala strstr strstrCentral Asian Shepherd1730
LockedPnO Amos 2HH 2hh lala Bb DD Rr tt Gg intstr agispd RoanCentral Asian Shepherd1018
LockedAO Ana 9HH 2hh lala Ssw Rr tt intstm strstrCentral Asian Shepherd2343
LockedAO Andromeda 3HH 6HH lala BB Dd spsw Rr tt chastm intstr RoanCentral Asian Shepherd2238
LockedAH Angel 2HH 3hh lala Bb DD agiint strstrCentral Asian Shepherd2341
LockedJAP Apollo 4HH 1hh lala Ssw Gg strstr agispdCentral Asian Shepherd1528
LockedAP Apple 3HH 3hh lala spsw Rr tt intstr stmstm RoanCentral Asian Shepherd2137
LockedAH Arabella 4HH 6hh Ll bb DD Ssw Gg agicha agiint FadedCentral Asian Shepherd2037
LockedAP Ariella 4HH 5hh lala Rr tt intstr intstr RoanCentral Asian Shepherd2344
LockedAO Asia 3HH 3hh Lla BB Dd spsw Rr tt agistm chaint RoanCentral Asian Shepherd2137
LockedAPnP Astra 2HH 5hh lla spsw Rr tt agiint chaint RoanCentral Asian Shepherd1426
LockedJAO Aura 3HH 2hh lala spsw agicha agiagiCentral Asian Shepherd1530
LockedAP Autumn 3HH 4hh LL bb DD Ssw agicha stmstm ChocolateCentral Asian Shepherd2241
LockedAPnP Ava 1HH 5hh lala Bb DD chastm stmstmCentral Asian Shepherd1428
LockedAH Axton 7HH 3hh lala swsw Rr tt agistm intstm RoanCentral Asian Shepherd1937
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedPnP FuRY 16 Lla intagi agistmCentral Asian Shepherd1121
LockedJAO FuRY 16HH Lla sisw Rr Tt chacha stmintCentral Asian Shepherd1222
LockedJAP FuRY 18 1 lala Rr tt chaagi chaagiCentral Asian Shepherd1630
LockedJPnP FuRY 18HH lala stmagi strstmCentral Asian Shepherd616
LockedPnO 19HH 1hh LL Ssw strstr spdintCentral Asian Shepherd921
LockedIPnO FuRY 19HH lala sisw RR Tt chacha chastmCentral Asian Shepherd616
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd111
LockedFor Public Sale2Central Asian Shepherd111
LockedJPnH 20HH 1hh Lla stmstr spdintCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedJPnP 21HH 1hh Lla sisw chastr stmspdCentral Asian Shepherd114
LockedJPnO 5HH 2hh lala Rr tt Gg agiint chastrCentral Asian Shepherd818
LockedANP 5HH 2hh lla BB Dd spsw Rr tt spdspd spdstrCentral Asian Shepherd615
LockedNP 7HH 6hh lala BB Dd swsw Rr tt Gg chastr stragi Roaned Steel Blue and White (Extreme Piebald)Central Asian Shepherd17
LockedAP FuRY Chivas Regal(II) 16HH Lla Bb DD chastm chastrCentral Asian Shepherd1832
LockedIPnP JAH Clementine 19HH 2hh lala stmcha spdstmCentral Asian Shepherd1632
LockedAP FuRY Diablesse (II) 18HH lla BB Dd spsw stmstm agistrCentral Asian Shepherd1833
LockedANH Ll BB Dd Rr tt intint chastrCentral Asian Shepherd715
LockedNP Lla spsw Rr tt chaspd agichaCentral Asian Shepherd715
LockedRoaned Brindle Black and White (Piebald) with Red PointsCentral Asian Shepherd17
Lockedspsw mm Rr Tt Cce gg uu lla agispd intinCentral Asian Shepherd113
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMO NH FuRY Absolut Elyx 7HH Ll agistm agispdCentral Asian Shepherd2546
LockedJPnP AFr FuRY Aivy 10HH lla chastm agispdCentral Asian Shepherd2032
LockedAP FuRY Alchemia 6HH lala Bb Dd intspd strstrCentral Asian Shepherd2030
LockedAH FuRY Arbikie 2HH lla agistr agistrCentral Asian Shepherd1832
LockedAH FuRY Arcane(II) 8HH lla Rr tt stmspd chaint RoanCentral Asian Shepherd1727
LockedAH FuRY Audemus 9HH LL intint intspdCentral Asian Shepherd1928
LockedJPnO FuRY Bacardi(I) 12HH lla Bb DD sisw intint agiintCentral Asian Shepherd613
LockedJPnO AM FuRY Balkan 11HH Lla BB Dd stmstm agichaCentral Asian Shepherd2132
LockedMO FuRY Belaya Rus 3HH lala Bb Dd swsw chaspd agistrCentral Asian Shepherd2437
LockedMP JPnO FuRY Belenkaya 8HH Ll strstr spdstrCentral Asian Shepherd2742
LockedAH FuRY Biala Dama 5HH Lla swsw Gg agiint spdstrCentral Asian Shepherd2443
LockedMO NP MAV'S Blavod 8HH Lla strstr intspdCentral Asian Shepherd2539
LockedJAO FuRY Bombora 6HH Ll Bb DD intstr agiintCentral Asian Shepherd1630
LockedMP FuRY Cirrus 5HH lala Rr tt agicha stmstrCentral Asian Shepherd2543
LockedAT JPnFl FuRY Copernicus 11HH Ll chaspd spdstmCentral Asian Shepherd1932
LockedAH FuRY Cracovia 7HH lla agispd agispdCentral Asian Shepherd1933
LockedMP FuRY Davna 12HH Ll Bb DD intstr agistrCentral Asian Shepherd2535
LockedMO JPnP FuRY Denaka 9HH Lla intspd spdstrCentral Asian Shepherd2438
LockedJPnSh AM FuRY Doom Bone 7HH Ll chaspd agichaCentral Asian Shepherd2032
LockedIPnP FuRY El Dorado(I) 14HH Ll Bb Dd chastm agichaCentral Asian Shepherd713
LockedJPnO FuRY Flor de Caña(I) 15HH Lla chaagi chastmCentral Asian Shepherd613
LockedJPnO AA FuRY Impuls 11HH Ll Bb DD chacha agistmCentral Asian Shepherd2132
LockedANH FuRY Isensua 9HH lala intspd chachaCentral Asian Shepherd713
LockedJPnO FuRY Johnnie Walker(II) 14HH lla Bb DD sisw Rr Tt strstm strstrCentral Asian Shepherd714
LockedAH FuRY Kalevala 10HH Ll Bb DD spdstr chaintCentral Asian Shepherd1828
LockedAH FuRY Kavka 7HH lala swsw agistm agiintCentral Asian Shepherd2335
LockedMO JPnP FuRY Khlibnyi Dar 10HH Lla intspd agiagiCentral Asian Shepherd2741
LockedJPnP MO FuRY Khortytsa 9HH lla Rr agiagi agistmCentral Asian Shepherd2641
LockedMP FuRY Kissui 8HH lala agicha agiagiCentral Asian Shepherd2538
LockedMP JPnSh FuRY Krupnik 10HH lala agicha chastmCentral Asian Shepherd2842
LockedIPnP FuRY Kryshtal Etalon 6HH Lla agistr strstrCentral Asian Shepherd1017
LockedANH FuRY L'Chaim 6HH Lla BB Dd Rr tt strstr agiintCentral Asian Shepherd713
LockedAO JPnP FuRY Lanique 7HH ll BB Dd chastr agiagiCentral Asian Shepherd2132
LockedTHYCR lla 16HH 0hhCentral Asian Shepherd16
LockedTHYCR lla 16HH 0hhCentral Asian Shepherd16
LockedAPnH FuRY Lotus 4HH lala intint chastmCentral Asian Shepherd1322
LockedJPnP FuRY Malibu(I) 13HH Lla stmstr chastrCentral Asian Shepherd713
LockedJPnH FuRY McDowell(I) 8HH Lla spdint intspdCentral Asian Shepherd613
LockedASh FuRY Minsk Kristall 10HH Lla swsw agicha chastrCentral Asian Shepherd2537
LockedMP JPnO FuRY Morosha 5HH lala agistm agistmCentral Asian Shepherd2742
LockedMP JPnO FuRY Nemiroff 7HH lala Bb DD Gg strstr agiintCentral Asian Shepherd2640
LockedAH FuRY Oddka 3HH LL Bb Dd Gg intspd stmstmCentral Asian Shepherd2341
LockedAP FuRY Okhotnichya 6HH lla chaspd agiintCentral Asian Shepherd1732
LockedJAH FuRY Platinka 5HH LL Bb DD stmstr agistmCentral Asian Shepherd1630
LockedMH FuRY Pravda 10HH lla Bb Dd agistm chastmCentral Asian Shepherd2535
LockedJPnSh MP FuRY Pyat Ozer 6HH LL Bb DD chacha spdstrCentral Asian Shepherd2638
LockedJPnP MO FuRY Reyka 11HH lla BB Dd lla chacha agichaCentral Asian Shepherd2438
LockedJPnH FuRY Royal Salute(II) 14HH Lla strstm strstmCentral Asian Shepherd714
LockedNP FuRY Ruskova 10 HH lala intstm agistrCentral Asian Shepherd713
LockedAP FuRY Russkaya 7HH Ll agicha strstrCentral Asian Shepherd2030
LockedJAO FuRY Schramm 7HH LL chastr agiagiCentral Asian Shepherd1629
LockedMP JPnO FuRY Skol 7HH lala Bb Dd intstm spdstrCentral Asian Shepherd2538
LockedMP NH FuRY Smirnoff 7HH lala BB Dd stmstr chastmCentral Asian Shepherd2640
LockedAP JPnO FuRY Sonnema 7HH lala Bb DD swsw agispd agistrCentral Asian Shepherd2438
LockedMP NO FuRY Soplica 5HH Ll Bb DD agistm chastrCentral Asian Shepherd2647
LockedMO NSh FuRY Stolichnaya 3HH lala Gg intspd agiintCentral Asian Shepherd2742
LockedMO FuRY Ström 11HH lala Bb DD swsw intint intstmCentral Asian Shepherd2538
LockedMSh NRO FuRY Svedka 8HH lala chaspd chaintCentral Asian Shepherd2741
LockedJPnFr AH FuRY Todka 7HH lla Bb DD agicha stmstrCentral Asian Shepherd1932
LockedIPnP FuRY Tullamore Dew(C) 9HH lala Rr Tt Gg strstr strintCentral Asian Shepherd815
LockedAH FuRY Vela 10HH Ll stmstr intspdCentral Asian Shepherd1828
LockedAP ANO FuRY Viniq 5HH Ll Gg stmstr chaintCentral Asian Shepherd2546
LockedASh FuRY Viru Valge 9HH LL Rr chastm chaintCentral Asian Shepherd2638
LockedMP FuRY Vladivar 11HH Ll BB Dd chastr chastrCentral Asian Shepherd2537
LockedAH FuRY Xan 8HH Lla Bb DD Gg chaspd agistrCentral Asian Shepherd2437
LockedAO FuRY Zaya(I) 12HH lala agiint strintCentral Asian Shepherd1525
LockedJPnP MO FuRY Zubrowka 12HH lla Bb DD swsw agistm agistmCentral Asian Shepherd2741
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedPnP Baccardi 13HH 2hh lala rr tt Gg stmagi stragiCentral Asian Shepherd917
LockedJAO KIM Baldur 6HH 4hh Ll Bb Dd Rr Tt chastr strstrCentral Asian Shepherd1424
LockedJPnP Baloo 9HH 4hh Lla Rr tt stmagi agiintCentral Asian Shepherd513
LockedIPnH Bane 8HH 2hh Lla sisw strint strstrCentral Asian Shepherd815
LockedJPnP Bangle 7HH 4hh lala BB Dd Rr tt Gg strstm stmintCentral Asian Shepherd614
LockedJAP Banshee 9HH 5hh LL bb Dd Rr strint strint ChocolateCentral Asian Shepherd1526
LockedJPnH Banzai 5HH 3hh Lla bb DD intstr stragiCentral Asian Shepherd614
LockedAPnP Bao 8HH 2hh LL Bb DD strstr stragiCentral Asian Shepherd1017
LockedJAH Bard 5HH 6hh Lla Bb Dd Ssw RR Tt spdint strintCentral Asian Shepherd1424
LockedIPnO Basha 8HH 3hh Lla bb Dd strint strintCentral Asian Shepherd614
LockedIPnH Basia 5HH 3hh lala sisw Gg agiagi agiagiCentral Asian Shepherd815
LockedJAO Bates 14HH 2hh lala swsw agicha strchaCentral Asian Shepherd1323
LockedAP Bay 12HH 4hh lala Ssw Rr stmstr strstmCentral Asian Shepherd1729
LockedJAH Bear 3HH 6hh LL Bb Dd agiagi strstrCentral Asian Shepherd1629
LockedJAH Beauxregard 7HH 7hh Lla bb DD agistm stmchaCentral Asian Shepherd1525
LockedPnP QUEST Beck 13HH 1hh Lla agiagi strstrCentral Asian Shepherd1018
LockedJAH Beckett 6HH 8hh Lla sisw Rr tt strstm stmint RoanCentral Asian Shepherd1423
LockedIPnP QUEST Becky 13HH 1hh Lla sisw strint chastrCentral Asian Shepherd917
LockedJPnH Begonia 8HH 4hh lala Bb dd Ssw stmagi stmspdCentral Asian Shepherd514
LockedAH Bella 11HH 3hh LL Bb DD Gg intcha strstrCentral Asian Shepherd1729
LockedAO Belladonna 9HH 4hh Ll Bb dd Rr strspd strintCentral Asian Shepherd1627
LockedIPnP Bellissima 8HH 6hh lala swsw Rr tt Gg atm cha stragi Roan RedCentral Asian Shepherd917
LockedAP •• Ben 8HH 4hh lala Bb Dd spdstr strchaCentral Asian Shepherd1729
LockedAO Beowulf 9HH 2hh Ll BB Dd RR strcha agicha RoanCentral Asian Shepherd1525
LockedJAO Beryl 10HH 2hh lla bb DD Gg Ssw agicha strstr FadedCentral Asian Shepherd1423
LockedJPnH Betelgeuse 8HH 2hh Lla Rr tt agiagi spdintCentral Asian Shepherd614
LockedJAO Betty 7HH 5hh lala Bb DD Rr tt chacha agiagi RoanCentral Asian Shepherd1423
LockedJAP Beyza 5HH 4hh LL bb DD Gg stmstm intcha FadedCentral Asian Shepherd1423
LockedJAH Bijou 8HH 3hh lala BB Dd Ssw Gg strint chachaCentral Asian Shepherd1626
LockedAPnH Bindy 7HH 4hh LL bb DD Ssw Gg agiatm spdagi FadedCentral Asian Shepherd1323
LockedAO Biniyaamzawed 6HH 7hh lala Bb dd SS Rr agiint spdintCentral Asian Shepherd1627
LockedJAO Birch 8HH 5hh lala bb DD stmspd intchaCentral Asian Shepherd1323
LockedAPnO Birdie 4HH 5hh Ee BB dd Rr tt Gg LL stmstm spdagi FadedCentral Asian Shepherd1019
LockedAH •• Bjørn 11HH 1hh Lla strstm strspdCentral Asian Shepherd1729
LockedAPnO Blair 7HH 3hh Lla Bb Dd Ssw agiint strintCentral Asian Shepherd1120
LockedAO •• Blanche 9HH 3hh lala swsw Rr Tt chaagi stmchaCentral Asian Shepherd1629
LockedPnO Blondie 7HH 2hh lala Rr tt stragi strstr RoanCentral Asian Shepherd918
LockedJAO Blossom 5HH 9hh LL BB dd Rr tt spdagi agicha Roan BlueCentral Asian Shepherd1222
LockedAPnH Blue 5HH 4hh Ll Bb Dd Gg agiatm spdagiCentral Asian Shepherd1323
LockedJAH Bodhi 8HH 7hh lla Rr tt spsw stmstm stmstm RoanCentral Asian Shepherd1323
LockedJPnP Bohemian 9HH 2hh Lla Bb DD Gg spdcha chaagiCentral Asian Shepherd513
LockedIPnH Bojangles 5HH 3hh Lla Bb Dd Rr tt Gg strstm stmintCentral Asian Shepherd614
LockedAO Bonaventure 9HH 3hh Lla Rr Gg stmspd strstrCentral Asian Shepherd1627
LockedJPnH Bonbon 7HH 2hh LL bb dd stmstm stmspdCentral Asian Shepherd513
LockedJAO Bond 9HH 6hh Lla Bb DD Ssw Gg intint stmintCentral Asian Shepherd1423
LockedJPnP Bones 9HH 5hh Lla Rr tt stmagi stmstmCentral Asian Shepherd513
LockedAPnO Bonette 10HH 5hh lala Bb dd Ssw chacha strstrCentral Asian Shepherd917
LockedPnP Bonita 11HH 5hh Lla Bb DD sisw Gg chaagi stragiCentral Asian Shepherd1120
LockedJAO Boone 8HH 5hh Ll bb DD sisw strstm strintCentral Asian Shepherd1120
LockedJPnP Boozi 10HH 4hh Lla Bb DD Rr Tt agiagi stmstmCentral Asian Shepherd513
LockedJAH Boris 7HH 3hh Lla Bb DD SS Gg ntspd strintCentral Asian Shepherd1526
LockedAPnH Bosco 7HH 5hh Lla Bb DD sisw Gg intagi stmchaCentral Asian Shepherd1120
LockedJAH Boudica 8HH 4hh LL Bb dd Ssp spdspd chaspd BlueCentral Asian Shepherd1525
LockedJAH Bowie 7HH 2hh Lla Rr tt chaspd spdint RoanCentral Asian Shepherd1322
LockedAH Brandywine 7HH 3hh Ll bb dd spsw spdstm stragi IsabellaCentral Asian Shepherd1525
LockedAO Brannigan 7HH 4hh lala Bb DD Gg strstr intintCentral Asian Shepherd1627
LockedJAO Breeze 4HH 5hh LL BB dd sisw Gg agispd chacha Faded BlueCentral Asian Shepherd1525
LockedAH HIHHI Briar 12HH 3hh lala Ssw Rr Tt strstr strchaCentral Asian Shepherd1829
LockedAO Brick 10HH 3hh lala Rr tt intstr strstrCentral Asian Shepherd1729
LockedAO Bridgid 2HH 6hh lla bb dd Ssi stmspd strspd IsabellaCentral Asian Shepherd1525
LockedJAO Brisa 7HH 6hh bb DD Rr tt Gg lala strstr stmstr Roaned/FadedCentral Asian Shepherd1323
LockedJAP Brogan 7HH 5HH ll bb Dd strcha intstrCentral Asian Shepherd1222
LockedJAO Bronwen 6HH 4hh lla bb Dd Gg intint agistm FadedCentral Asian Shepherd1424
LockedAP Brooke 5HH 2hh lala bb DD spdint chaagiCentral Asian Shepherd1729
LockedJPnP Brouhaha 9HH 4hh Lla bb DD agistr stragiCentral Asian Shepherd614
LockedAO Bruce 9HH 2hh Lla Bb DD sisw strcha chaagiCentral Asian Shepherd1729
LockedAPnH Brunhild 6HH 8hh lla bb dd intspd intstm IsabellaCentral Asian Shepherd1222
LockedJAH TJsK Bryluen 10HH 3hh lala BB Dd Rr Tt spdint strspdCentral Asian Shepherd1425
LockedJAP KIM Brynja 6HH 5hh Ll Bb Dd chastr strstrCentral Asian Shepherd1424
LockedJAP Bryony 9HH 4hh LL Bb Dd agiint spdintCentral Asian Shepherd1322
LockedJAO Buffy 7HH 9hh lala bb dd stmspd strchaCentral Asian Shepherd1222
LockedJAO Burcu 7HH 3hh lala Ssw Rr tt intstm spdintCentral Asian Shepherd1222
LockedJAO Buttercup 2HH 5hh ee bb dd Rr tt Ll intagi agiagiCentral Asian Shepherd1019
LockedJPnP Butters 6HH 3hh lala Bb Dd spdint strstmCentral Asian Shepherd513
Order By:

Locked Dogs

Locked3HH lla stmstr intstrCentral Asian Shepherd112
Locked6HH Lla Dd agiint chaspdCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedNH 7HH Lla Bb Ssw intspd intspdCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedNH B 11HH 3hh lala spsw Rr tt strstr stragiCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedNO B 6HH 3hh Lla swsw agiagi agiintCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedNO B 8HH 3hh lala strstr stmagiCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedNP B 9HH 4hh LL agistm agiagiCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedNP B 9HH 5hh lala strstr strspdCentral Asian Shepherd112
LockedNH Sanq Puppy 1Central Asian Shepherd112


  • Twix the A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny Twix the A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny
  • Nutter Butter the A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny Nutter Butter the A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny
  • Panda the Black Banded Hamster Panda the Black Banded Hamster
  • Betty the Black Bunny Betty the Black Bunny
  • Kylo Hen the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen Kylo Hen the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Slug the Lazy Red Pony Slug the Lazy Red Pony
  • Phoenix Chick Phoenix Chick
    love Complete
  • Reindeer Reindeer
  • Silver Hamster Silver Hamster
  • Bo Peep the Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen Bo Peep the Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Rime the Snowman Rime the Snowman
  • Blender the Wolpertinger Blender the Wolpertinger

Game Time

01:12am on Mar 23

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