Cosmic Hollow

Main PropertyStarDust Crossing
~Chows & Poodles~
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
25 Locked Dogs
Herding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
30 Locked Dogs
~Doxies & Pugs~
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
21 Locked Dogs
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Schutzhund 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
27 Locked Dogs
~Cosmic achievements~
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
76 Locked Dogs
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Flyball 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
~Cosmic Avenue~
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
66 Locked Dogs
Pumpkin Patch
Have you ever seen bigger pumpkins than these? What a healthy pumpkin patch!
Field Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
~Little Critter Abode~
Critter Town
44 Critters
Pumpkin Patch
Have you ever seen bigger pumpkins than these? What a healthy pumpkin patch!
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedCCT 23 HH + 1 Hh lala scarletGerman Shepherd Dog6298
LockedCCSc AMSU 24 HH lala KitanaGerman Shepherd Dog6398
LockedWCO RVCW Aiden 24HHGerman Shepherd Dog58101
LockedMT KIOO AltoCumulus lala intint stmintAmerican White Shepherd2939
LockedNCFl KIOO AshlandGerman Shepherd Dog5372
LockedCCT KIOO Astra 24HHGerman Shepherd Dog5897
LockedJASc SWBAR Athena lala intagi agiintGerman Shepherd Dog1628
LockedCCT RVCW Atomic 24HHGerman Shepherd Dog61102
LockedASc SWBAR Autumn Ashes lala agiagi stmintGerman Shepherd Dog2237
LockedMT KIOO Autumn Leaf lala chastm stmstmGerman Shepherd Dog2750
LockedMFl KIOO Autumn winds lala agiagi agistmGerman Shepherd Dog2939
LockedNCSc KIOO Bamboo 24HHGerman Shepherd Dog5797
LockedMFl KIOO Bayer lala agiagi stmstmGerman Shepherd Dog2939
LockedMSh BREAs Blue Sapphire ~lala agiint intintGerman Shepherd Dog3448
LockedWCT RVCW Bonto 24HHGerman Shepherd Dog61101
LockedNCSc KIOO Cant stand a chanceGerman Shepherd Dog5172
LockedWCP RVCW Chestnut 24HHGerman Shepherd Dog6297
LockedMSc KIOO Cirrocumulus lala spdint spdintAmerican White Shepherd3142
LockedMT KIOO Cirrostratus lala intint intintAmerican White Shepherd2839
LockedMSc KIOO Cirrus lala spdint intintAmerican White Shepherd3142
LockedExSc DraW Grand Autumn 1.607X lala STMSTR STMSTMAmerican White Shepherd4052
LockedGCFl KIOO HeartLandGerman Shepherd Dog5372
LockedFor StudChSc WCO KIOO Isabella 24HH - SCHZ lala garrettGerman Shepherd Dog60112
LockedFor StudCCSc MW KIOO Isabella 24HH lala lemmonyGerman Shepherd Dog60108
LockedNCSh KIOO Its about TimeGerman Shepherd Dog5172
LockedMH DoS Moonlight SailingGerman Shepherd Dog3652
LockedExT KIOO OedwynAmerican White Shepherd3852
LockedExT KIOO OpheliaAmerican White Shepherd3852
LockedMT KIOO Silver NectarGerman Shepherd Dog3547
LockedMFl KIOO Silver SweetnessGerman Shepherd Dog3447
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNCM HFDS 24 HH Flames DireBorder Collie55101
LockedExH SPK! FluffbrainCentral Asian Shepherd3868
LockedAA Gus • 1,19,4 • GGGG • Lla • stmstm chaspdCroatian Sheepdog1836
LockedJAFl Gus • 6,17,1 • EEGE • Ll • chastr chaintCroatian Sheepdog1736
LockedAT Jake Lla agistm agistmCroatian Sheepdog1736
LockedAFl Lily Lla chacha intstmCroatian Sheepdog1836
LockedJAH Lily Ll agistr intint ~Croatian Sheepdog1636
LockedJAH Lily lla agiint chachaCroatian Sheepdog1636
LockedJAFl Lily lla intstr chachaCroatian Sheepdog1736
LockedJAH P@ny Marshmallow JewelsCentral Asian Shepherd15102
LockedAPnT Nick lla INTINT CHAINT - KeepCroatian Sheepdog1530
LockedJAH Pearl Lla INTINT INTSTR- KeepCroatian Sheepdog1630
LockedWCT KIOO selena 20HHBorder Collie57101
LockedAA Shadow • 2,19,3 • GEEG • ll • spdspd stmstmCroatian Sheepdog1736
LockedAA Shadow • 2,18,4 • GGEG • Lla • intstr intspdCroatian Sheepdog1736
LockedJAH Shadow • 2,20,2 • GEGE • ll • intspd intstrCroatian Sheepdog1636
LockedJAH Shadow • 3,17,4 • GEFE • Ll • stmstr stmstmCroatian Sheepdog1636
LockedAA Shadow • 3,19,2 • GEEG • LL • agispd intintCroatian Sheepdog1736
LockedJAFl Stella • 2,14,8 • GGGF • lala • intspd intspd - keepCroatian Sheepdog1736
LockedJAFl Stella • 3,17,4 • EGGG • lla • agispd spdspdCroatian Sheepdog1836
LockedJAT Stella • 3,17,4 • GGGG • lla • chastr intintCroatian Sheepdog1636
LockedJAFl Stella • 5,14,5 • EGGG • lala • agicha spdspdCroatian Sheepdog1736
LockedJAA Stella • 5,18,1 • GEEE • Lla • stmstr agicha - for HH onlyCroatian Sheepdog1736
LockedJAH Stella • 6,15,3 • GGGE • LL • intstm agistmCroatian Sheepdog1636
LockedJAFl Stella • 7,15,2 • EEEG • Ll • chastm chacha - keepCroatian Sheepdog1736
LockedJAA Willow lla INT INT AGI AGI - KeepCroatian Sheepdog1529
LockedAT Wisp lala intint spdstr - keepCroatian Sheepdog1736
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedChH BAARK 22HH AutumnflareSaarloos Wolfdog4471
LockedChH BAARK 24HH AutumnStarSaarloos Wolfdog4671
LockedChT BAARK 24HH SunbraceSaarloos Wolfdog4875
LockedWCM KIOO AmeeraDalmatian59102
LockedExH HS<3 Bacardi AnythingMiniature Australian Shepherd4069
LockedChH thp beam me up 24HHShetland Sheepdog4964
LockedCCFr KIOO Billy Jo 24HHKorean Jindo5487
LockedExA BlueMudi4067
LockedJAA Brindle Cream and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable LL intagi intint 20HHDalmatian1423
LockedJAM Brindle Silver and White (Extreme Piebald) with Black Sable Lla intagi chaintDalmatian1323
LockedCCM JPnHT Lisk Built in IntentionsKorean Jindo5587
LockedExH HS<3 Camelot's SparrowMiniature Australian Shepherd4169
LockedAD KIOO Carnelian lala agistm spdagiStandard Poodle2137
LockedChH KIOO Changing AllibiMiniature Australian Shepherd4574
LockedChA HrtBr Chocolate BreezeMiniature Australian Shepherd4580
LockedExFl RofS Chocolate Drip[EEEE 24/0 SPD2 lala]Siberian Husky3862
LockedGCS RofS Chocolate Drizzle[EEEE 24/0 SPD2 lala]Siberian Husky3862
LockedChSh QPKs DestinyJapanese Chin4172
LockedExA DinaMudi3967
LockedChD KIOO Diving Diva LL spdstr spdspdStandard Poodle3363
LockedChD KIOO Diving Princess Lla intstr agiagiStandard Poodle3263
LockedGCRO KIOO DreamerEnglish Setter4071
LockedExSc AEgK DuaneDoberman Pinscher3963
LockedExH BK´s Equal to littleNorwegian Buhund3974
LockedChW BER.K Farther Away 24HH EEEE lalaStandard Poodle2041
LockedExH BK´s Field of AutumnNorwegian Buhund3875
LockedGCFT STRMY Fields of TimeField Spaniel4264
LockedExD KIOO Garnet Lla intstr strintStandard Poodle3151
LockedNCHT KIOO Gathering ClassyKorean Jindo5787
LockedMD KIOO Gaus lala chacha chacha *****Standard Poodle2751
LockedExFl KIOO GreysonPortuguese Water Dog3974
LockedMFr Heart of Silver ll spdstm spdstrStandard Poodle2763
LockedExD KIOO Hematite Lla intstr stmintStandard Poodle3051
LockedWCW NRO Heza Player - Rally-oEnglish Setter3976
LockedChA KIOO High HopesDoberman Pinscher4468
LockedChT KIOO Honee lla chastr chastrStandard Poodle4577
LockedGCT KIOO How not to be roadkill 20HH 4Hh lala X1STM SPD X2INT (X1AGI)Shetland Sheepdog5068
LockedNCT KIOO How to gain Trust lala 19HH 5Hh STM X2INT SPD (x2AGI)Shetland Sheepdog5268
LockedChA KIOO How to play it classy 24HH LL X2INT SPD AGI (x2STM)Shetland Sheepdog4268
LockedGCA KIOO How to revolt 17HH 7Hh X2INT X1AGI SPD (X1STM)Shetland Sheepdog5068
LockedNCT KIOO How to save Faith 20HH 4Hh lala STM X3INT SPD (X1agi)Shetland Sheepdog5268
LockedGCH thp journey 24HHShetland Sheepdog4864
LockedChSh QPKs JunoJapanese Chin4072
LockedCCM KIOO LegolasDalmatian58102
LockedGCD ~FPP~ Lla intstr stmstrStandard Poodle3981
LockedAFr lla stmstm spdstrStandard Poodle1932
LockedCCHT Lisk Midnight MissKorean Jindo5587
LockedExFl KIOO Mitchell lala chastm agistrStandard Poodle3963
LockedNCHT Lisk Mystic BlackKorean Jindo5287
LockedExM KIOO Mystic Dawn LL agiagi strchaStandard Poodle3774
LockedGCFr KIOO Mystic Dusk LL agistr chastrStandard Poodle4678
LockedExFr KIOO Mystic morning LL strstr spdstr Steel Blue Brown eyesStandard Poodle3768
LockedChFr KIOO Mystic Night LL strstr spdcha Steel Blue Brown eyesStandard Poodle4175
LockedChA KIOO New to the ChaseCzechoslovakian Wolfdog4378
LockedChD KIOO Obsidian - lla chacha chastrStandard Poodle3151
LockedNCW KIOO Onyx - Black with Red Points LL strstr strstrStandard Poodle2847
LockedChP KIOO Pardon you shouldPortuguese Water Dog3972
LockedChFl KIOO PiperMiniature Australian Shepherd4370
LockedPuppy 1Border Collie16
LockedPuppy 2Border Collie16
LockedARO BER.K Ride the Lightning 24HH EEEE lalaStandard Poodle2241
LockedChA KIOO Ride the wireCzechoslovakian Wolfdog4378
LockedGCHT SPQRo Sero Venientibus OssaField Spaniel4864
LockedChFT Sheza Candy GirlEnglish Setter4176
LockedCCW KIOO Smokey Quartz - Steel Blue with Red Points LL strstr strstrStandard Poodle2847
LockedGCA KIOO Spontaneous nightCzechoslovakian Wolfdog4578
LockedWCW KIOO StarPortuguese Water Dog3970
LockedExSh Taste Of Brandy BluePomeranian3763
LockedGCW BER.K Thorn Within 24HH EEEE lala lala agistr agistrStandard Poodle2648
LockedExSh QPKs Time BombJapanese Chin3972
LockedExD KIOO Tourmaline lla strcha strstrStandard Poodle3151
LockedChA KIOO Tropical Take awayCzechoslovakian Wolfdog4378
LockedChRO Tucker Black and White (Extreme Piebald)Pomeranian3763
LockedAW RofS White Rose 24HH EEEE lala STRSTR STRSTRStandard Poodle1391
LockedMW RofS You Ain't Much Fun 24HH EEEE lala STRSTR STRSTRStandard Poodle1693
LockedExSh You Should Charm Black and White (Piebald)Pomeranian3763
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNCR KIOO 1/21/2 69.79 Fire and FeatherBorzoi5696
LockedNCR KIOO 2/17/5 61.45 Gallant PhantomBorzoi5496
LockedGCT CBK9 24 HH Like ToffiBorder Collie4983
LockedNCR KIOO 4/15/5 63.54 As Good as GrandBorzoi5696
LockedNCR KIOO 4/16/4 66.66 Morning DivaBorzoi5596
LockedNCR KIOO 6/14/4 68.75 Eye of JadeBorzoi5496
LockedNCR KIOO 7/13/4 69.79 Lucky SilenceBorzoi5696
LockedAT KIOO A change of heartEnglish Foxhound1827
LockedCCP KIOO A Change of PaceEnglish Foxhound5480
LockedAHu A change of soulEnglish Foxhound1727
LockedExP FSss Abbie From The StarsCentral Asian Shepherd3450
LockedChE KIOO AmberRussell Terrier3058
LockedGCFl PAWS Ambrosia 24 HH lalaBorder Collie4883
LockedIPnH GCA KIOO Ameko 24HHBorder Collie5183
LockedJAD FPBB AngelKarelian Bear Dog1227
LockedGCE KIOO Bad ReputationRussell Terrier3266
LockedExSh K-9's BlackEnglish Cocker Spaniel3993
LockedAPnSc #9455 Brinks (6HH Ll GEGE)Karelian Bear Dog1121
LockedCCH KIOO CHA/SPD - Moonlight PardonBorder Collie5985
LockedWCFr KIOO CHa/STM - Moving on moonlightBorder Collie5885
LockedMH KIOO ChadwickCentral Asian Shepherd2959
LockedWCT KIOO Change of plansEnglish Foxhound5885
LockedANM AK96 EEGEJamthund113
LockedGCH avZig Eloise 24HHBorder Collie5183
LockedChP KIOO GhostCentral Asian Shepherd3873
LockedGCSh KIOO Gracie Blue and White (Irish)Pomeranian4577
LockedPnFr EnHo Hartfell Kuonjarvaarri [lala 1cha sp]Karelian Bear Dog1025
LockedAD RofS Heart Shaped Box 24HH EEEE lalaStandard Poodle22101
LockedChSh KIOO Heidi Black and White (Piebald)Pomeranian4477
LockedMO KIOO HoundCentral Asian Shepherd3160
LockedGCSh KIOO Hunter Black and White (Irish)Pomeranian4577
LockedGCSh KIOO Jackson Red and White (Irish) with TickingPomeranian4577
LockedGCSh KIOO Jasmine Black and White (Piebald)Pomeranian4477
LockedGCSh KIOO Jasmine Isabella and White (Irish)Pomeranian4477
LockedMO Jazzy 3/5Russell Terrier2754
LockedAPnT KIOO lala stmstm stmstmBorder Collie1421
LockedJAT KIOO lala stmstm stmstmBorder Collie1321
LockedNCT LVL^ Lightning Lla 24HHBorder Collie5285
LockedGCSh KIOO Lola CreamPomeranian4677
LockedNCSh KIOO Luke Cream and White (Piebald)Pomeranian4777
LockedGCSh KIOO Madison Red and White (Piebald)Pomeranian4477
LockedGCFl KIOO Moonlight DanceBorzoi5079
LockedNCR Moonlight DustBorzoi5379
LockedWCHu KIOO Morning Silver 24HH X3INT X1SPD CHADachshund64101
LockedGCSh KIOO Pepper Chocolate and White (Piebald) with TickingPomeranian4477
LockedChSh KIOO Positively Fire Red Merle and White (Piebald) with Blue SablePomeranian4577
LockedExA KIOO Positively The WindsBorder Collie3659
LockedME KIOO Puppy 1 16/1Russell Terrier2647
LockedJPnM QUEST Puppy 3 selllJamthund113
LockedJAH SOSKs Puppy 5Central Asian Shepherd1729
LockedAH SOSKs Puppy 9Central Asian Shepherd1729
LockedMO KIOO Rain LlaRussell Terrier2855
LockedAH KIOO Red clay lala spdint spdstm 10,14,0Central Asian Shepherd2234
LockedGCSh KIOO Rusty ChocolatePomeranian4477
LockedGCSh KIOO Rusty Cream and White (Piebald) with Black Grizzle and MaskPomeranian4377
LockedGCSh KIOO Sandy Chocolate and White (Piebald) with Light UndersidesPomeranian4477
LockedChA KIOO Silver Fox Brindle Silver Merle and White (Irish) with Chocolate Sable and MaskPomeranian4477
LockedChSh KIOO Skye Black and White (Piebald)Pomeranian4477
LockedGCSh KIOO SNowflake WhitePomeranian4577
LockedMM Lutz Sugar StickShiba Inu3657
LockedNCE ~FPP~ sweet carolineRussell Terrier3675
LockedNCSh KIOO Tangled Up Silence Black and White (Irish) with TickingPomeranian4677
LockedChE KIOO What's InsideRussell Terrier3266
LockedChFl SPK! Zebra BoyCentral Asian Shepherd4782
LockedChO KIOO Zebra Running OffCentral Asian Shepherd3583
LockedCCE KIOO [Bob] - [7HH 13Hh 3hh lla]Russell Terrier4181


  • Snowy Owl Snowy Owl
  • Luna the Timid Fawn Luna the Timid Fawn
    love Complete
  • Sugar the Arctic Fox Sugar the Arctic Fox
  • Afiya the Wolpertinger Afiya the Wolpertinger
  • Zebra Unicorn Zebra Unicorn
  • Danger Noodle the Eastern Kingsnake Danger Noodle the Eastern Kingsnake
  • Lapis Lazuli the Blue Baby Dragon Lapis Lazuli the Blue Baby Dragon
  • Amethyst the Purple Baby Dragon Amethyst the Purple Baby Dragon
  • Carnelian the Red Baby Dragon Carnelian the Red Baby Dragon
  • Emerald the Green Baby Dragon Emerald the Green Baby Dragon
  • Opal the Iridescent Dragon Opal the Iridescent Dragon
  • Labradorite the Variegated Sea Dragon Labradorite the Variegated Sea Dragon
  • Fawkes the Phoenix Chick Fawkes the Phoenix Chick
  • Icy Phoenix Chick Icy Phoenix Chick
  • Charlotte the Friendly Spider Charlotte the Friendly Spider
  • Velvet the Little Black Lamb Velvet the Little Black Lamb
  • Vanilla bean Cupcake the Little Lamb Vanilla bean Cupcake the Little Lamb
  • Jack the Sparrow Jack the Sparrow
  • Blackbird Blackbird
  • Canary Canary
  • Molly the Patchy Fluffy Duckling Molly the Patchy Fluffy Duckling
  • Daisy the Yellow Fluffy Duckling Daisy the Yellow Fluffy Duckling
  • Black Hamster Black Hamster
  • Spoon the Silver Hamster Spoon the Silver Hamster
  • Black Banded Hamster Black Banded Hamster
  • Scary Black Cat Scary Black Cat
  • Ruby the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen Ruby the Golden Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Pearl the Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen Pearl the Silver Laced Wyandotte Hen
  • Raven the Australorp Hen Raven the Australorp Hen
  • Honey the Rhode Island Red Hen Honey the Rhode Island Red Hen
  • Butterscotch the Orange Persian Butterscotch the Orange Persian
  • Calico Persian Calico Persian
  • Mean Siamese Cat Mean Siamese Cat
  • DarkStar the Mean Brown Tabby Cat DarkStar the Mean Brown Tabby Cat
  • Mean Tortoiseshell Cat Mean Tortoiseshell Cat
  • Chonkers the French Lop Bunny Chonkers the French Lop Bunny
  • Pancake the A Fluffy Wuffy Bunny Pancake the A Fluffy Wuffy Bunny
  • Smokey the A Fluffy Wuffy Grey Bunny Smokey the A Fluffy Wuffy Grey Bunny
  • Cotton the A Fluffy Wuffy White Bunny Cotton the A Fluffy Wuffy White Bunny
  • Cora the A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny Cora the A Fluffy Wuffy Agouti Bunny
  • Pixie the A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny Pixie the A Wittle Grey Pied Bunny
  • Fae the A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny Fae the A Wittle Cream Pied Bunny
  • Rayne the Sweet Paint Pony Rayne the Sweet Paint Pony
  • Kiona the Bold Spotted Pony Kiona the Bold Spotted Pony


LockedWCO RVCW Aiden 24HH x CCT RVCW Atomic 24HH
(German Shepherd Dog)

Game Time

02:17pm on Mar 14

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