Humble Nest

Hunting Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Memory Garden
This peaceful garden gives testimony to beloved dogs of the past.
Critter Pasture
Medium Critter Pasture
4 Critters
Frisbee 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Hunters (shiba)
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
16 Locked Dogs
Tree Grove
A cacophany of sound fills this stand of trees as squirrels and other small things play in the branches above.
Deluxe Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
13 Locked Dogs
Remembering Furry Paws BETA
Master Breeder
$2,692,517 Money Earned
Salary $46,300
Kennel Size 5
A Regal Yorkshire Terrier Statue
The plaque reads:
APnM zkHN Papricca
Female Yorkshire Terrier Born 07 19, 2007
Reached Level 10, Placing in 126 Competitions
Earned 1,459 Trick Points


  • Proud Pony Proud Pony
  • Reindeer Reindeer
  • Scary Black Cat Scary Black Cat
  • Silver Hamster Silver Hamster
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedChHT HN Both ExtremesShiba Inu3866
LockedIPnHT HN BountyShiba Inu713
LockedPnM HN Crawling NightShiba Inu918
LockedChHT HN Diamond In The RoughShiba Inu3766
LockedGCHT HN KeffirShiba Inu4066
LockedNHT HN Life on MarsShiba Inu16
LockedNCHT HN Milky WayShiba Inu4787
LockedNHT HN Mountain SlopeShiba Inu16
LockedGCFr HN NairoShiba Inu4585
LockedChSh HIKA RurouniShiba Inu4490
LockedNCHT HN Sand StormShiba Inu4687
LockedIPnHT HN SnickersShiba Inu813
LockedNHT HN Soothing DawnShiba Inu16
LockedChHT HN StarlightShiba Inu3866
LockedChHT HN Sunset ValleyShiba Inu3966
LockedGCHT HN Waning ShadeShiba Inu4378
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedChFr HN Azure StarAinu Dog4075
LockedIPnO HN Canned WowAkita813
LockedNCHT HN Chocolate ChipAinu Dog4793
LockedExFr HN Flooded RiverAinu Dog3254
LockedChHT HN Grey BrockJamthund3866
LockedChHT HN IreneAkita3866
LockedMHT HN LeightNorwegian Lundehund2639
LockedMHT HN LexiNorwegian Lundehund2639
LockedChHT HN Sabled DasherAkita3966
LockedGCHT HN SesameAkita4066
LockedMHT HN Shade of DarkThai Ridgeback Dog2639
LockedExHT HN Shadow TrailThai Ridgeback Dog3251
LockedGCHT HN Snow SpotAinu Dog4593

Game Time

07:23pm on Mar 19

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