§unfire (anyon Kennels

Main PropertyTraining FieldsSide Breeds/Projects
Extra Extra
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
94 Locked Dogs
Diversifier Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Diversifier Dogs Extra
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
94 Locked Dogs
Diversifier Dogs Overflow
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
100 Locked Dogs
Shar-Peis/Central Asians
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
71 Locked Dogs
Scent Hurdles 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Water Work 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
62 Locked Dogs
Field Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Dock Diving 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Racing 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Rally-O 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
6 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Random Paired
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
29 Locked Dogs
In Need of Mates
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
76 Locked Dogs
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedABorder Collie113
LockedNT Dear FrankOtterhound111
LockedNA §f(k Heart of SteelAustralian Shepherd17
LockedNA Imported PuppyWest Siberian Laika18
LockedNFr Imported PuppyWest Siberian Laika18
Locked§f(k Living With The BirdsAustralian Shepherd17
LockedNP §f(k Only Happy AccidentsAustralian Shepherd19
Locked§f(k Puppy 1Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1!Irish Terrier17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1!Rottweiler17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1!Havanese17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1!Rottweiler17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1!Sloughi17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1!American Cocker Spaniel17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1*!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1*?Plott17
Locked§f(k Puppy 10!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 11!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1?Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1? -Korean Jindo17
LockedPuppy 1??Bull Terrier17
Locked§f(k Puppy 2 -Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 2!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 2!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 2!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 2!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 2!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 2!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 2!Havanese17
Locked§f(k Puppy 2!Rottweiler17
LockedPuppy 2!Bull Terrier17
Locked§f(k Puppy 2!American Cocker Spaniel17
Locked§f(k Puppy 2?Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 3!Plott17
Locked§f(k Puppy 3!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 3!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 3!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 3!Plott17
Locked§f(k Puppy 3!Bull Terrier17
LockedPuppy 3!Bull Terrier17
LockedPuppy 3!Bull Terrier17
Locked§f(k Puppy 3?Irish Terrier17
Locked§f(k Puppy 3?Rottweiler17
Locked§f(k Puppy 3?Rottweiler17
Locked§f(k Puppy 3?Havanese17
Locked§f(k Puppy 3? -Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 3? -Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 4!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 4?Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 4?Rottweiler17
Locked§f(k Puppy 4?Havanese17
Locked§f(k Puppy 4?American Cocker Spaniel17
Locked§f(k Puppy 4? -Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 4? -Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 4??Australian Shepherd17
Locked§f(k Puppy 5!Irish Terrier17
Locked§f(k Puppy 5!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 5!Rottweiler17
Locked§f(k Puppy 5! -Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 5! -sellBullmastiff17
Locked§f(k Puppy 5*?Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 5?!Plott17
Locked§f(k Puppy 5?- sellBullmastiff17
Locked§f(k Puppy 6!Irish Terrier17
Locked§f(k Puppy 6!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 6!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 6!Bull Terrier17
Locked§f(k Puppy 6?Plott17
Locked§f(k Puppy 6?Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 6?Plott17
Locked§f(k Puppy 6?Sloughi17
Locked§f(k Puppy 6?Aidi17
Locked§f(k Puppy 7!Australian Shepherd17
Locked§f(k Puppy 7!Havanese17
Locked§f(k Puppy 7!Aidi17
Locked§f(k Puppy 7-?Havanese17
Locked§f(k Puppy 7?Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 7?Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 8!Korean Jindo17
Locked§f(k Puppy 8!Aidi17
Locked§f(k Puppy 8!?Rottweiler17
LockedNP EZLK Puppy 9German Shepherd Dog17
Locked§f(k Puppy 9*?Aidi17
Locked§f(k Puppy 9?American Cocker Spaniel17
LockedNHu Secret PlaybookOtterhound111
LockedNT Stronger then WindOtterhound111
LockedNHu The Last WordOtterhound111
Locked§f(k Winged She WulfAustralian Shepherd17
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMSc AbbyGerman Pinscher3561
LockedMT AbbySilken Windhound3055
LockedMFr AbbyToy Poodle3564
LockedExM SRK's Act of ValorAustralian Cattle Dog3665
LockedExFr AngelKarelian Bear Dog3562
LockedGCW AnnieWeimaraner3056
LockedExT BaielyPetit Basset Griffon Vendeen3660
LockedExT BaielyRough Collie3460
LockedMHu BellaGreater Swiss Mountain Dog3054
LockedExRO BelleSchipperke3359
LockedExM BrandyKooikerhondje3664
LockedExP BrandyScottish Terrier3359
LockedExO ChiliToy Fox Terrier3461
LockedExP ChloeLeonberger3460
LockedExSc ChloeTosa Inu3663
LockedExFr ClaireJack Russell Terrier3562
LockedExSh CocoJapanese Spitz3560
LockedExD CocoSaint Bernard3157
LockedGCW DaisyLabrador Retriever3055
LockedExHu DaisyMiniature Pinscher3459
LockedExS DaisySiberian Husky3051
LockedExSh DakotaMiniature Bull Terrier3460
LockedExO DawnNorfolk Terrier3358
LockedExO DixieTibetan Mastiff3358
LockedExT DollyMiniature Australian Shepherd3764
LockedMHu DoveyFrench Bulldog3052
LockedChW EmmaGiant Schnauzer3056
LockedExRO EmmaNorwegian Elkhound3358
LockedExSh FlySilky Terrier3460
LockedExR GingerIbizan Hound3864
LockedMA GingerVizsla3461
LockedExR GraceIrish Wolfhound3664
LockedMP HeidiGreat Pyrenees3051
LockedExHu HeidiRhodesian Ridgeback3359
LockedExA HolliMastiff3765
LockedExFT HollyStabyhoun3255
LockedMSh HoneySmooth Fox Terrier3152
LockedMP HoneydewGolden Retriever3052
LockedExHT JasmineLarge Munsterlander3867
LockedExFl KatieKomondor3663
LockedExFl KatiePortuguese Water Dog3765
LockedExHu KellyPekingese3358
LockedExFl LadyRussell Terrier3766
LockedExO LadyOtterhound3257
LockedMA LexiGreek Harehound3054
LockedMFl LexiSaluki3458
LockedExM LilyJapanese Chin3765
LockedExFr LindsyNorwegian Buhund3663
LockedExFr LolaNeapolitan Mastiff3562
LockedGCW LucyEnglish Setter3158
LockedMT LucyGordon Setter3055
LockedExHu LucyTaiwan Dog3561
LockedExSh LuluPug3562
LockedMH LunaSmooth Collie3053
LockedExFr MadisonHarrier3561
LockedExA MaggieRottweiler3562
LockedMP MarleyPortuguese Water Dog2951
LockedExRO MiaJamthund3461
LockedExP MiaSpinone Italiano3461
LockedExA MissyLapponian Herder3765
LockedExT MissyPuli3661
LockedExA MollyKeeshond3662
LockedExFl PennyPembroke Welsh Corgi3764
LockedExO PepperIrish Setter3460
LockedExHu PepperPointer3357
LockedMFl PixieSwedish Vallhund3562
LockedExHu PollyPomeranian3357
LockedExA PrincessPapillon3765
LockedExSh PrincessSloughi3562
LockedExSh RainMaremma Sheepdog3460
LockedExHu RiverPharaoh Hound3459
LockedExHu RiverSaarloos Wolfdog3461
LockedExP RoseSussex Spaniel3563
LockedExH RosieHovawart3661
LockedExRO RoxieNewfoundland3256
LockedExO RoxyRat Terrier3256
LockedExFl RubyItalian Greyhound3659
LockedExT RubyRedbone Coonhound3662
LockedMT SandyTibetan Spaniel3562
LockedExA SashaIcelandic Sheepdog3661
LockedMSh SashaSkye Terrier3055
LockedMM SashaSoft Coated Wheaten Terrier3563
LockedExD ShelbyFlat Coated Retriever3156
LockedExFl ShelbyNorwich Terrier3562
LockedExFr ShelbyThai Ridgeback Dog3560
LockedExH SkyKuvasz3764
LockedExSh SophieNorwegian Lundehund3561
LockedMH StellaSamoyed3358
LockedExT §f(k Strangely Metallic TastesNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3751
LockedExP WispOld English Sheepdog3460
LockedMT WispShikoku3054
LockedExRO ZoeGerman Wirehaired Pointer3154
LockedExD ZoeIrish Water Spaniel3153
LockedMFl ZoeShetland Sheepdog3054
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMFl AngelBloodhound3053
LockedExD AngelFinnish Lapphund3258
LockedMP AnnieBrittany3155
LockedMRO AnnieDandie Dinmont Terrier3053
LockedMSc AstridDutch Shepherd3053
LockedMT BaielyBouvier des Flandres3054
LockedMM BanditBulldog3054
LockedExD BansheeBasenji3156
LockedMP BansheeBluetick Coonhound3155
LockedMM §f(k BeeBeePorcelaine3058
LockedChD BellaAmerican Staffordshire Terrier3561
LockedMT BellaEnglish Cocker Spaniel3055
LockedMT BelleCroatian Sheepdog3054
LockedMHu BorisGerman Shepherd Dog3054
LockedExFl BrandyAmerican Cocker Spaniel3866
LockedMFl BrandyBearded Collie3153
LockedMT BrandyChinook3155
LockedMRO BrandyEurasier3053
LockedMFl CamilaBoxer3054
LockedMSh CaseyChesapeake Bay Retriever3054
LockedMSc DaisyBelgian Malinois3255
LockedMHu DaisyCarolina Dog3053
LockedChD Dear AbbyAustralian Cattle Dog3565
LockedMFr DixieEnglish Springer Spaniel3055
LockedExE DottieIrish Terrier3054
LockedExM EmmaAustralian Shepherd3562
LockedMRO EmmaBichon Frise3155
LockedMHu FeraKerry Blue Terrier3066
LockedMR FlyWhippet3054
LockedExA GloriaFinnish Spitz3561
LockedExP GracieAzores Cattle Dog3463
LockedMSh HeidiBoston Terrier3053
LockedExRO HollyClumber Spaniel3460
LockedMFl JackLhasa Apso3053
LockedMT JasmineBelgian Sheepdog3053
LockedMRO KarmaDachshund3054
LockedMM KatieWelsh Terrier3054
LockedExS KiraGreenland Dog3257
LockedMH LadyCaucasian Ovtcharka3053
LockedMA LexiCane Corso3053
LockedNE MHu LillieMiniature Dachshund3055
LockedExO LillyBorder Terrier3357
LockedExFr LilyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier3561
LockedExRO LolaAkbash Dog3565
LockedExD LolaAzawakh Hound3563
LockedExRO LolaChinese Crested3357
LockedMP LuluYorkshire Terrier3054
LockedMM LuluBriard3056
LockedMT LunaBlack Mouth Cur3156
LockedMFr MadisonEnglish Shepherd3056
LockedExT MaggieAlaskan Husky3766
LockedMT MaggieBerger Picard3054
LockedMA MaggieCardigan Welsh Corgi3055
LockedExHu MiaAlaskan Klee Kai3560
LockedMP MiaDogue de Bordeaux3054
LockedExFr §f(k MiniAffenpinscher3561
LockedMRO MissyWire Fox Terrier3055
LockedExD MollyWelsh Springer Spaniel3157
LockedMSh MollyCanadian Eskimo Dog3154
LockedExFT MollyEnglish Foxhound3257
LockedExD NoodlesKai Ken3156
LockedMSc OpheliaGreat Dane3075
LockedMP PeggyDutch Smoushond3054
LockedExO PennyAnatolian Shepherd3461
LockedMT PepperCairn Terrier3055
LockedExRO PepperCurly Coated Retriever3357
LockedMFl PiperChihuahua3054
LockedExO PollyAppenzeller Mountain Dog3463
LockedExO PrincessAkita Inu3464
LockedExSh PrincessChow-chow3563
LockedExM RainAmerican Indian Dog3866
LockedMHT RiaField Spaniel3053
LockedMFl RiverWest Highland White Terrier3053
LockedMT RosieBasset Hound3154
LockedExM RoxieAlaskan Malamute3665
LockedExM RoxxyAmerican Eskimo Dog3764
LockedExO RoxyDoberman Pinscher3357
LockedMP RubyBeauceron3055
LockedMSc RubyEnglish Mastiff3051
LockedExHu SadieBeagle3359
LockedMFr SamanthaBernese Mountain Dog3155
LockedMA SandyBelgian Tervuren3053
LockedExFr SandyBrussels Griffon3562
LockedMA SashaCavalier King Charles Spaniel3054
LockedExP ScarletAfghan Hound3562
LockedMHT SergejsShiba Inu3054
LockedJPnSh ExM ShadowPomeranian3565
LockedExM ShelbyAinu Dog3663
LockedMSh ShelbyBlack and Tan Coonhound3055
LockedExO SkyeAustralian Koolie3562
LockedExHT Sly GuyDogo Argentino3558
LockedMFr SophiaBelgian Laekenois3056
LockedMFr Starling FeathersMudi3049
LockedMA StellaCanaan Dog3052
LockedMH StellaCzechoslovakian Wolfdog3053
LockedExA WillowAkita3562
LockedMT WinstonShih Tzu3055
LockedMFr WispWest Siberian Laika3053
LockedMA ZoeXoloitzcuintle3053
LockedExA ZoeyAmerican White Shepherd3560
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAdmiralChinese Shar-Pei17
LockedAngelChinese Shar-Pei17
LockedAnnie (dd)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedBaxter (Dd, Tt)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedBella (Bb)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedBoomerChinese Shar-Pei17
LockedBuster (bb)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedCasey (Bb)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedCharlie (Bb, Ssw, lala)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedChP §f(k ChayceCentral Asian Shepherd4479
LockedChloe (RR)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedNP §f(k Clifford @Central Asian Shepherd17
LockedCoco (Bb, Ssw, lala)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedDaisy (Bb)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedDakota (Bb)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedEmma (bb)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedGhost (Bb, lala)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedGingerChinese Shar-Pei17
LockedGizmo (Bb, Dd, lala)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedGus (Dd, Ssw)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedHarley (KKbr)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedHeidiChinese Shar-Pei17
LockedHenry (Bb, lala)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedWCO HopeCentral Asian Shepherd58102
LockedJack (Bb)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedJackson (Ssw)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedKatie (Bb, lala)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedLexi (bb)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedJPnSh ~FPP~ Loki (KKbr, lala)Chinese Shar-Pei719
LockedLolaChinese Shar-Pei17
LockedLucy (Bb)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedFor StudWCHu §f(k MacChinese Shar-Pei59102
LockedMadison (Bb)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedMaggie (Bb, Rr)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedMax (Bb, lala)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedMissyChinese Shar-Pei17
LockedMurphy (Bb)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedOliver (Ssw)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedOscarChinese Shar-Pei17
LockedPepper (Ssw)@@Chinese Shar-Pei17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1*!Central Asian Shepherd17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1?!Central Asian Shepherd17
LockedNP §f(k Puppy 2!Chinese Shar-Pei17
Locked§f(k Puppy 2?Central Asian Shepherd17
Locked§f(k Puppy 4! @Central Asian Shepherd17
Locked§f(k Puppy 4*?Central Asian Shepherd17
LockedNM §f(k Puppy 4*?!?Chinese Shar-Pei17
Locked§f(k Puppy 4?Central Asian Shepherd17
Locked§f(k Puppy 5!Central Asian Shepherd17
Locked§f(k Puppy 5*!Central Asian Shepherd17
Locked§f(k Puppy 6?Chinese Shar-Pei17
Locked§f(k Puppy 6?Central Asian Shepherd17
Locked§f(k Puppy 7!Chinese Shar-Pei17
Locked§f(k Puppy 7!Central Asian Shepherd17
LockedRain (Bb, Ssi)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedRocco (bb, lala)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedRocky (Bb)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedRoger (Rr)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedRuby (bb)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedRusty (Bb, Ssw)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedSam (Bb)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedSandy (Bb)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedSasha (KKbr, Bb)@@Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedSkye (Bb, Tt)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedSophie (Tt)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedStella (Bb)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedTeddy (Bb)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedCCRO ToffeeCentral Asian Shepherd5396
LockedTucker (Bb, lala)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedWinston (Ssw)Chinese Shar-Pei17
LockedGCP §f(k WyattCentral Asian Shepherd4479
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAngela !Catahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedBabs !Catahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedBaloo ?Catahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedBanditCatahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedBaxterCatahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedGCH BenCatahoula Leopard Dog5189
LockedBlizzard ???Catahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedBradCatahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedGCH BrandyCatahoula Leopard Dog5289
LockedGCFl Bruno ?Catahoula Leopard Dog5089
LockedChance ?Catahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedChantyCatahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedGCFr CindyCatahoula Leopard Dog5089
LockedGCFl CocoCatahoula Leopard Dog5189
LockedCodyCatahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedConstance !Catahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedGCH DaisyCatahoula Leopard Dog5189
LockedCCO DakotaCatahoula Leopard Dog5289
LockedNCT Eliza @@Catahoula Leopard Dog5489
LockedNCFl 666 - Francesca @@Catahoula Leopard Dog5389
LockedGarry ?Catahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedGizmoCatahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedGracieCatahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedNCA Gus @Catahoula Leopard Dog5489
LockedHeidi*Catahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedNFl §f(k Iridescent Paradise* (9HH/3hh GGEE)Porcelaine17
LockedIvanCatahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedNCH Jeff @Catahoula Leopard Dog5389
LockedNCT Junior @Catahoula Leopard Dog5289
LockedKatie*Catahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedNCA KellyCatahoula Leopard Dog5389
LockedWCD LeoCatahoula Leopard Dog5289
LockedMurphyCatahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedOscarCatahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedNCP Pandora !Catahoula Leopard Dog5289
LockedPatrick*Catahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedGCFr PerryCatahoula Leopard Dog5189
LockedNT §f(k Puppy 1Porcelaine17
LockedNT §f(k Puppy 1Porcelaine17
LockedNFT §f(k Puppy 1 @Porcelaine17
LockedNFT §f(k Puppy 1 @Porcelaine17
LockedNFT §f(k Puppy 10 @Porcelaine17
LockedNT §f(k Puppy 2Porcelaine17
LockedNSh §f(k Puppy 2Porcelaine17
LockedNFT §f(k Puppy 2 @Porcelaine17
LockedNA §f(k Puppy 2 @Porcelaine17
LockedNRO §f(k Puppy 3Porcelaine17
LockedNA §f(k Puppy 3Porcelaine17
LockedNT §f(k Puppy 3Porcelaine17
LockedNO §f(k Puppy 4Porcelaine17
LockedNFr §f(k Puppy 6Porcelaine17
LockedNFl §f(k Puppy 8 @Porcelaine17
LockedRosieCatahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedGCT Rusty @Catahoula Leopard Dog5189
LockedNCA SadieCatahoula Leopard Dog5389
LockedSamanthaCatahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedGCH SaraCatahoula Leopard Dog5189
LockedCCFl Shadow @Catahoula Leopard Dog5589
LockedSkyCatahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedStar ?Catahoula Leopard Dog113
LockedTannorCatahoula Leopard Dog113
Locked§f(k Ten Years Of Dreaming (9HH/3hh GGEE)Porcelaine17
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedIPnM ManchesterManchester Terrier1020
LockedFor StudUCE §f(k Peppy (Kk, lala)Manchester Terrier75102
LockedChA §f(k Pick Your Battles, Choose Your WarManchester Terrier4364
Locked§f(k Puppy 4Manchester Terrier17
Locked§f(k Puppy 7??Manchester Terrier17
LockedFor StudWCE §f(k Small But MightyManchester Terrier4864
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedND §f(k Ann*Lagotto Romagnolo17
LockedMRO §f(k AnnieStaffordshire Bull Terrier3049
LockedNFr §f(k Aura*Lagotto Romagnolo17
LockedMO §f(k AvaStaffordshire Bull Terrier3049
LockedMD §f(k BellaStaffordshire Bull Terrier2949
LockedNFT §f(k Bob *Lagotto Romagnolo17
LockedND §f(k Bri *Lagotto Romagnolo17
LockedND §f(k Bright*Lagotto Romagnolo17
LockedMO §f(k CaseyStaffordshire Bull Terrier3049
LockedGCRO §f(k Counting Golden FeathersRussell Terrier4256
LockedNHT §f(k Energy*Lagotto Romagnolo17
LockedND §f(k FluffyLagotto Romagnolo17
LockedNP §f(k Geoffrey*Lagotto Romagnolo17
LockedMO §f(k GhostStaffordshire Bull Terrier2949
LockedMM §f(k HeidiStaffordshire Bull Terrier2949
LockedGCE §f(k Let's Be Rational About ThisYorkshire Terrier3556
LockedNT §f(k Magic*Lagotto Romagnolo17
LockedND §f(k Muffin*Lagotto Romagnolo17
LockedMSc §f(k NeptuneStaffordshire Bull Terrier2949
LockedNFT §f(k Raspberry *Lagotto Romagnolo17
LockedMFr §f(k RoxieStaffordshire Bull Terrier3049
LockedMFr §f(k RustyStaffordshire Bull Terrier2949
LockedNCE §f(k Screaming Is Not The AnswerYorkshire Terrier3956
LockedNFT §f(k Snickerdoodle*Lagotto Romagnolo17
LockedExD §f(k SparkyStaffordshire Bull Terrier3049
LockedND §f(k Strawberry*Lagotto Romagnolo17
LockedMSc §f(k Struck StripelessStaffordshire Bull Terrier3749
LockedNP §f(k Teddy*Lagotto Romagnolo17
LockedExRO §f(k When Blackbirds Fly (Imp)Russell Terrier3756
Order By:

Locked Dogs

Locked§f(k Absolutely GoldenRussell Terrier17
LockedFor StudWCT §f(k Bittersweet RedemptionAmerican Staffordshire Terrier7199
LockedWCHT §f(k Black Widow Kisses (2)Dalmatian6098
LockedExA §f(k Break The Night With ColorBorder Collie2876
LockedJAA §f(k Brindle Merle!Border Collie1332
LockedNO §f(k Clear And TrueGreyhound17
LockedNR §f(k Coming In Crystal ClearGreyhound17
LockedWCR §f(k Cuckoo For Cocoa Puffs (2)Dalmatian6293
Locked§f(k Dancing With The FayeBedlington Terrier17
LockedWCFl §f(k Dead Men Don't Dance (2)Dalmatian6193
LockedWCFl §f(k Don't Mind The ThornsAfricanis7599
LockedWCFl §f(k Drowning In A Sea of WishesAmerican Staffordshire Terrier7199
LockedNCM §f(k Finding the Diamond In The Rough (1)Dalmatian4993
Locked§f(k Fuzzy Was HeBedlington Terrier17
LockedWCM §f(k Got That Midnight Fever (2)Dalmatian6398
LockedFor StudCCO §f(k HugoAidi60109
LockedFor StudNCA §f(k I Think I'm Seeing Spots (1)Dalmatian5593
LockedWCSh §f(k I've Been Waiting For This Moment (2)Dalmatian6498
LockedNT §f(k Imported PuppyPlott17
LockedNR §f(k Invite The Light InGreyhound17
LockedCCT §f(k It Was A Graveyard Smash (2)Dalmatian6093
Locked§f(k It's Not What It Looks LikeAustralian Koolie17
LockedFor StudCCM §f(k KyleAidi58109
LockedCCA §f(k Lead Me On To Victory (1)Dalmatian5293
LockedCCM §f(k Like An Exotic Fantasy (1)Dalmatian5393
LockedWCO §f(k Lost In Wildflower Fields (1)Dalmatian5193
LockedFor StudUCD §f(k MagnusSaint Bernard73102
LockedAT §f(k Male2Border Collie1847
LockedFor StudWCP §f(k Momma's Lil BuddyHavanese73103
LockedJAFl NaviBorder Collie1632
LockedCCA §f(k Never Gonna Bring Me Down (1)Dalmatian5093
LockedExT §f(k On The Edge of DarknessBorder Collie2876
LockedWCO §f(k Ooh-hoo Witchy Woman (2)Dalmatian6298
Locked§f(k Puppy 1English Toy Spaniel17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1Maltese17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1 - keep?Bullmastiff17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1!Maltese17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1!German Shorthaired Pointer17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1! - keep?Bullmastiff17
Locked§f(k Puppy 1* - keep?Bullmastiff17
Locked§f(k Puppy 2!Saluki17
Locked§f(k Puppy 2! - keep?Bullmastiff17
Locked§f(k Puppy 2*!?Saluki17
Locked§f(k Puppy 2? - sell?Bedlington Terrier17
LockedNM §f(k Puppy 3!Sloughi17
Locked§f(k Puppy 3! - keep?Bullmastiff17
Locked§f(k Puppy 3?Saluki17
Locked§f(k Puppy 3?Saluki17
Locked§f(k Puppy 4!Saluki17
Locked§f(k Puppy 4! - keep?Bullmastiff17
Locked§f(k Puppy 4!?Saluki17
Locked§f(k Puppy 4? - keep?Bullmastiff17
Locked§f(k Puppy 5! - keep?Bullmastiff17
LockedNM §f(k Puppy 6!English Toy Spaniel17
Locked§f(k Puppy 6! - keep?Bullmastiff17
LockedWCO §f(k Rebellious FreedomAmerican Staffordshire Terrier7299
LockedWCRO §f(k RoxanneCarpathian Shepherd7499
LockedWCA §f(k Secret Temptations (2)Dalmatian6098
LockedCCA §f(k Some Things Never Change (1)Dalmatian4993
LockedCCA §f(k Squirrels In The Attic (2)Dalmatian6093
LockedWCFT §f(k Stop And Smell The RosesBoykin Spaniel7299
LockedWCT §f(k Teddy Bears And TeaHavanese7299
LockedWCM §f(k There's Gonna Be Trouble (2)Dalmatian6193
Locked§f(k Truths Be ToldAustralian Koolie17
LockedMA §f(k Twenty One GunsBorder Collie2667
LockedNA §f(k We Are All IlluminatedGreyhound17
LockedWCM §f(k What A Wicked Thing To Do (2)Dalmatian6193
LockedFor StudCCO §f(k X Marks The Spot (1)Dalmatian5393


LockedCCFr §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -M4 x CCR §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -F1
LockedCCFr §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -M4 x WCT §f(k (1) Lost In A Vertigo Love
LockedCCO §f(k (1) This Is My Battle Cry x WCD §f(k (1) Guardian Of The Olive Grove
LockedCCO §f(k (1) This Is My Battle Cry x WCP §f(k (1) Otherworldly Energy
LockedCCT §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -M1 x WCFr §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -F5
LockedCCT §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -M2 x WCT §f(k (1) Dancing Among Memories
LockedUCE §f(k (1) Just Goin' With The Flow x WCA §f(k (1) Gotta Pep In My Step
(Manchester Terrier)
LockedUCO §f(k (1) Hidden In The Noise x WCSc §f(k (1) African Tigress (Imp)
LockedWCA §f(k (1) In The Battle Between Heartbeats x WCFl §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -F2
LockedWCA §f(k (1) In The Battle Between Heartbeats x WCT §f(k (1) Lost In A Vertigo Love
LockedWCE §f(k (1) Just Goin' With The Flow x WCA §f(k (1) Gotta Pep In My Step
(Manchester Terrier)
LockedWCFl §f(k Arrow x WCFl §f(k Chili
(German Shepherd Dog)
LockedWCFT §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -M5 x WCFr §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -F3
LockedWCFT §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -M5 x WCFr §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -F3
LockedWCFT §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -M5 x WCM §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -F4
LockedWCFT §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -M5 x WCR §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -F1
LockedWCHu §f(k (2) Seven Moons And Seven Suns -M1 x WCA §f(k (2) Heaven Waits For Those Who Run -F2
(Chart Polski)
LockedWCHu §f(k (2) Seven Moons And Seven Suns -M1 x WCR §f(k (2) Before I Set My World On Fire -F6
(Chart Polski)
LockedWCO §f(k (1) Hidden In The Noise x CCSc §f(k (1) African Tigress (Imp)
LockedWCO §f(k (1) This Is My Battle Cry x UCD §f(k (1) Guardian Of The Olive Grove
LockedWCO §f(k (1) This Is My Battle Cry x WCP §f(k (1) Otherworldly Energy
LockedWCP §f(k (2) In The Last Remaining Light -M2 x WCA §f(k (2) Heaven Waits For Those Who Run -F2
(Chart Polski)
LockedWCP §f(k (2) In The Last Remaining Light -M2 x WCFr §f(k (2) Slow Glowing Embers -F5
(Chart Polski)
LockedWCP §f(k Aristocratic Cream x WCSh §f(k As Fate Would Have It
(American Cocker Spaniel)
LockedWCP §f(k Aristocratic Cream x WCSh §f(k Duchess of Desserts
(American Cocker Spaniel)
LockedWCP §f(k Don't Feed The Dark x WCH §f(k The Darkness Has A Voice Tonight
LockedWCR §f(k (2) Am I Just A Ghost -M5 x WCFr §f(k (2) Slow Glowing Embers -F5
(Chart Polski)
LockedWCR §f(k (2) Am I Just A Ghost -M5 x WCR §f(k (2) Got Flames Upon My Wings -F3
(Chart Polski)
LockedWCR §f(k (2) Fade Out Again -M1 x WCT §f(k (2) A Dark Star -F2
(Scottish Deerhound)
LockedWCR §f(k (2) Fade Out Again -M1 x WCT §f(k (2) A Dark Star -F2
(Scottish Deerhound)
LockedWCR §f(k (2) I'll Wait For You There -M4 x WCR §f(k (2) In Dreams Until My Death -F4
(Chart Polski)
LockedWCR §f(k (2) I'll Wait For You There -M4 x WCT §f(k (2) Rising From The Ashes -F1
(Chart Polski)
LockedWCR §f(k (2) True Love Waits -M2 x WCR §f(k (2) Emerse Yourself In Love -F3
(Scottish Deerhound)
LockedWCR §f(k (2) True Love Waits -M2 x WCR §f(k (2) Emerse Yourself In Love -F3
(Scottish Deerhound)
LockedWCR §f(k (2) True Love Waits -M2 x WCR §f(k (2) Everything In Its Right Place -F4
(Scottish Deerhound)
LockedWCR §f(k (2) True Love Waits -M2 x WCR §f(k (2) Everything In Its Right Place -F4
(Scottish Deerhound)
LockedWCRO §f(k (2) Won't You Light My Way -M3 x WCR §f(k (2) Got Flames Upon My Wings -F3
(Chart Polski)
LockedWCRO §f(k (2) Won't You Light My Way -M3 x WCR §f(k (2) In Dreams Until My Death -F4
(Chart Polski)
LockedWCRO §f(k (2) Won't You Light My Way -M3 x WCT §f(k (2) Rising From The Ashes -F1
(Chart Polski)
LockedWCRO §f(k Spread Your Wings And Fly Away x WCRO §f(k Not Just Your Average Fox In Sox
(Russell Terrier)
LockedWCSh §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -M3 x CCM §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -F4
LockedWCSh §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -M3 x WCFl §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -F2
LockedWCT §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -M2 x WCFr §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -F5
LockedWCT §f(k (1) Imported Puppy -M2 x WCT §f(k (1) Dancing Among Memories
LockedWCT §f(k (2) I Have Found Another Way -M6 x WCR §f(k (2) Before I Set My World On Fire -F6
(Chart Polski)
LockedWCT §f(k (2) I know The Pieces Fit -M3 x WCFr §f(k (2) The Fire Never Fades -F1
(Scottish Deerhound)
LockedWCT §f(k (2) I know The Pieces Fit -M3 x WCFr §f(k (2) The Fire Never Fades -F1
(Scottish Deerhound)
LockedWCT §f(k (2) I know The Pieces Fit -M3 x WCR §f(k (2) Blurring Into One -F5
(Scottish Deerhound)
LockedWCT §f(k (2) I know The Pieces Fit -M3 x WCR §f(k (2) Blurring Into One -F5
(Scottish Deerhound)
LockedWCT §f(k Diesel x WCA §f(k Mona
(German Shepherd Dog)

Game Time

04:51pm on Mar 28

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