Locking Kennel for HBK

Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Memory Garden
This peaceful garden gives testimony to beloved dogs of the past.
Remembering Furry Paws BETA
Smalltime Trainer
$23,871,814 Money Earned
Salary $19,000
Kennel Size 77
A Regal German Shepherd Dog Statue
The plaque reads:
SCH SCA 723 [HA] Lord Destiny (owned by #16807)
Male German Shepherd Dog Born 10 17, 2011
Reached Level 88, Placing in 4,295 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x50
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x8
Awarded Third Place - Most Experienced x8
Awarded Second Place - Most Adept x26
Awarded Most Agile x30
Awarded Second Place - Most Experienced x6
Awarded Most Intelligent x5
Awarded First Place - Most Experienced x29
Awarded First Place - Most Adept x6
Awarded Most Enduring x3
Awarded Third Place - Most Accomplished x1
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x11
Awarded Second Place - Most Accomplished x2
Awarded First Place - Most Accomplished x6
A Regal Great Dane Statue
The plaque reads:
SCSc SCP 723 [SCP] Hera Unleashed (owned by #16807)
Female Great Dane Born 08 29, 2011
Reached Level 86, Placing in 4,400 Competitions
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x4
Awarded Third Place - Most Experienced x3
Awarded Second Place - Most Adept x4
Awarded Most Intelligent x28
Awarded Second Place - Most Experienced x4
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x35
Awarded First Place - Most Adept x28
Awarded Strongest x29
Awarded First Place - Most Experienced x28
Awarded Most Enduring x26
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x13
Awarded Second Place - Most Accomplished x4
Awarded First Place - Most Accomplished x5
A Regal German Shepherd Dog Statue
The plaque reads:
SCH SCA HBK [HA] Following Destiny (16807)
Female German Shepherd Dog Born 12 20, 2011
Reached Level 82, Placing in 4,381 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x33
Awarded Most Agile x25
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x10
Awarded Second Place - Most Adept x4
Awarded Third Place - Most Experienced x4
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x13
Awarded First Place - Most Adept x1
Awarded Most Intelligent x2
Awarded Second Place - Most Experienced x5
Awarded First Place - Most Experienced x1
Awarded Third Place - Most Accomplished x4
A Regal Great Dane Statue
The plaque reads:
SCSc SCP HBK [SCP] Cobalt Destiny (owned by#16807)
Male Great Dane Born 11 05, 2011
Reached Level 80, Placing in 4,250 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x36
Awarded Strongest x32
Awarded Third Place - Most Experienced x11
Awarded Second Place - Most Experienced x15
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x13
Awarded Second Place - Most Adept x10
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x17
Awarded Third Place - Most Accomplished x4
Awarded First Place - Most Accomplished x2
A Regal Great Dane Statue
The plaque reads:
SCSc SCP HBK [PSC] Touch of Destiny(owned by #564685)
Female Great Dane Born 11 12, 2007
Reached Level 74, Placing in 4,410 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x42
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x11
Awarded Second Place - Most Adept x13
Awarded Strongest x8
Awarded Third Place - Most Experienced x13
Awarded First Place - Most Adept x1
Awarded Most Enduring x1
Awarded Second Place - Most Experienced x7
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x19
Awarded Third Place - Most Accomplished x4
Awarded Second Place - Most Accomplished x4
Awarded First Place - Most Accomplished x5
Awarded Most Intelligent x1
A Regal Papillon Statue
The plaque reads:
SCM SCA HBK [MA] Fantasia (16807)
Female Papillon Born 11 20, 2011
Reached Level 74, Placing in 4,320 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x49
Awarded Most Intelligent x11
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x7
Awarded Second Place - Most Accomplished x2
Awarded Third Place - Most Accomplished x1
A Regal Papillon Statue
The plaque reads:
SCM SCA HBK [MA] Memory of a Dream (16807)
Male Papillon Born 12 02, 2011
Reached Level 62, Placing in 3,736 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x5
A Regal Great Dane Statue
The plaque reads:
SCSc SCP HBK [SCP] Destiny's Daughter(owned by 16807)
Female Great Dane Born 11 07, 2011
Reached Level 78, Placing in 4,301 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x5
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x10
A Regal Great Dane Statue
The plaque reads:
SCSc SCP HBK [SCP] Venus Unleashed (16807)
Female Great Dane Born 11 29, 2011
Reached Level 77, Placing in 4,250 Competitions
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x4
Awarded Third Place - Most Experienced x3
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x8
Awarded First Place - Most Accomplished x2
Awarded Second Place - Most Accomplished x1
Awarded Third Place - Most Accomplished x1
A Regal Great Dane Statue
The plaque reads:
SCSc SCP HBK [SCP] Don't Get it Back(owned by #16807)
Female Great Dane Born 11 01, 2011
Reached Level 76, Placing in 4,400 Competitions
Awarded Strongest x11
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x11
Awarded First Place - Most Accomplished x3
Awarded Second Place - Most Accomplished x1

Game Time

09:41am on Jan 18

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