Happy Paws

Main PropertyBillionaire Estates Property
Achievement dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
25 Locked Dogs
Achievement dogs 2nd
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
36 Locked Dogs
Carpathian Shepherd
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
21 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Memory Garden
This peaceful garden gives testimony to beloved dogs of the past.
Sledding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Stamina
Racing 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Speed
Pulling 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Large Critter Pasture
4 Critters
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
0 Locked Dogs
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedGCT chor .English Mastiff4590
LockedCCFr ActiniumWest Siberian Laika5598
LockedGCP -:X:- BhasundaraTibetan Mastiff4392
LockedNCFl BlackmarkAlaskan Husky5198
LockedGCO CaseyKarelian Bear Dog4689
LockedGCM MIMac GhostDogo Argentino4994
LockedPnP NCFr HanRough Collie5294
LockedGCRO 4S* HoochDogue de Bordeaux4494
LockedGCT TiTo In And Out Of LoveLhasa Apso49100
LockedNCA Lillian Lla 18/1Cavalier King Charles Spaniel53100
LockedGCM MollyBeagle48100
LockedCCFr CPP Nekku (6HH GEEG)Shiba Inu57100
LockedJPnT GCFr M&Ms; OzzyKorean Jindo4493
LockedGCA PnM PXL RileyKorean Jindo50100
LockedChSh chor RoxyEnglish Cocker Spaniel4497
LockedCCHu RWSK Ruby SlipperAmerican Eskimo Dog52100
LockedPnM Sakura MF Lla (0.0)American Pit Bull Terrier1023
LockedGCHT Sigma [GGGE 3HH 17Hh 4hh lla 1.000]Norwegian Elkhound4591
LockedGCHu ~WoL Snowball's Chance in HellAmerican White Shepherd4496
LockedNCA K-9's Super Eight Film (LEAD)Alaskan Malamute4890
LockedNCP TessaLeonberger5288
LockedGCO MDWK That's Captain Jack Sparrow to YouAppenzeller Mountain Dog45100
LockedGCM DKSTR TristanaAmerican Staffordshire Terrier50100
LockedARO NCSh Whisper FGGE lla 7/6Ibizan Hound52101
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedCCH 16HH 0hh lala: Sell soonMudi55100
LockedWCA achievmentAkbash Dog6197
LockedNCSh APBT-MissaAmerican Pit Bull Terrier5298
LockedNCRO Ds2CR BanjoPorcelaine51100
LockedNCHu Belle *achThai Ridgeback Dog49101
LockedNCM BGF4Brussels Griffon5396
LockedWCE Chester - Lla GEGGNorfolk Terrier49100
LockedNCA CocoGreater Swiss Mountain Dog51100
LockedGCM CocoFinnish Spitz4998
LockedCCR DanzigChart Polski57100
LockedCCRO ~NL~ EclipseEurasier52101
LockedGCSh PnO THEA Fawn and White (Piebald) with Black Sable, Lla, GEEGTaiwan Dog51100
LockedCCSh GhostMiniature Bull Terrier54100
LockedNCRO ~NL~ GordonNewfoundland52100
LockedNCT chor GregKelpie5298
LockedCCA MF~ HenryKerry Blue Terrier5498
LockedNCHT 4HIM Jasmine RoseJamthund53100
LockedNCP lala 8HH 3hhNorwegian Buhund52100
LockedCCFl OZZY Little LionAffenpinscher54100
LockedGCH LuckyBearded Collie51101
LockedNCP LuluKomondor5398
LockedNCH marefemale5Maremma Sheepdog4997
LockedNCRO MiaSpinone Italiano5298
LockedNCA K-9's MSWSaarloos Wolfdog52101
LockedCCA Fyre* Not Just a MopPuli55100
LockedWCFT Octavia lla EGGEVizsla5297
LockedNCFr RofS SALE RED [EGGG 10/3 STM2 lla FR]Greyhound5596
LockedCCFr RofS SALE WHITE [EGEE 15/2 AGI2 lala FR+1]Ibizan Hound58100
LockedWCFT FWH Sire C-03Clumber Spaniel5394
LockedCCFl S2 Sopdu G/E/G/GSaint Bernard57100
LockedNCT Fyre* Titanic StarIrish Setter52100
LockedNFT GCHT WinstonWeimaraner52100
LockedCCO WispCarpathian Shepherd55100
LockedCCH Vor WolfiIcelandic Sheepdog6097
LockedNCT {A10 GFGG lala}English Foxhound54100
LockedCCH ~K~ ** 8/3 K ahSwedish Vallhund56100
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNCH HAbby He (3.4) 50Carpathian Shepherd51100
LockedNCH Hisp he (4.1) 54Carpathian Shepherd54100
LockedNCH Hiver He (4.4) 53Carpathian Shepherd53100
LockedNCH Hoby he (6.0) 54Carpathian Shepherd54100
LockedWCP Make me happy Pu (10.0) 83Carpathian Shepherd5770
LockedCCO OBaiely Ob (4.4) 52Carpathian Shepherd52100
LockedNCO OBandit Ob (4.0) 52Carpathian Shepherd51100
LockedCCO Osamantha Ob (0.3) 53Carpathian Shepherd52100
LockedNCP PAbby Pu (7.1) 51Carpathian Shepherd51100
LockedNCP Pammy Pu (10.1) 53Carpathian Shepherd53100
LockedCCP Pandy Pu (6.1) 54Carpathian Shepherd54100
LockedNCP Phloe Pu (5.2) 51Carpathian Shepherd51100
LockedGCH Pia Pu (11.3) 51Carpathian Shepherd51100
LockedNCP Pily Pu (9.0) 53Carpathian Shepherd53100
LockedWCP Pizmo Pu (5.2) 62Carpathian Shepherd63100
LockedWCP poe Pu (7.5) 56Carpathian Shepherd56100
LockedNCP Poey Pu (8.1) 52Carpathian Shepherd52100
LockedWCP Polly Pu (10.0) 56Carpathian Shepherd56100
LockedNCP Polly Pu (5.4) 52Carpathian Shepherd52100
LockedCCP Poomer Pu (10.2) 55Carpathian Shepherd55100
LockedCCP Psly Pu (7.1) 53Carpathian Shepherd53100
Remembering Furry Paws BETA
Star Competitor
$636,346,966 Money Earned
Salary $58,300
Kennel Size 21
A Regal Great Dane Statue
The plaque reads:
NSc NO ~HP~ 647861 Happy Paws Jackson
Male Great Dane Born 11 26, 2008
Reached Level 90, Placing in 4,373 Competitions
Awarded Strongest x24
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x30
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x10
Awarded Third Place - Most Experienced x4
Awarded Second Place - Most Experienced x6
Awarded Second Place - Most Adept x10
Awarded First Place - Most Adept x10
Awarded Most Intelligent x11
Awarded Most Enduring x7
Awarded First Place - Most Experienced x20
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x13
Awarded Third Place - Most Accomplished x1
Awarded First Place - Most Accomplished x1
Awarded Second Place - Most Accomplished x2
A Regal Great Dane Statue
The plaque reads:
NSc NO ~HP~ 647861 Happy Paws Kira
Female Great Dane Born 11 03, 2008
Reached Level 89, Placing in 4,575 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x32
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x2
Awarded Third Place - Most Experienced x2
Awarded Second Place - Most Adept x18
Awarded Strongest x30
Awarded Second Place - Most Experienced x12
Awarded First Place - Most Adept x13
Awarded First Place - Most Experienced x19
Awarded Most Intelligent x28
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x10
Awarded Third Place - Most Accomplished x3
Awarded Second Place - Most Accomplished x2
Awarded First Place - Most Accomplished x1
A Regal Great Dane Statue
The plaque reads:
NSc NO ~HP~ 647861 Happy Paws Tiger
Male Great Dane Born 08 06, 2008
Reached Level 89, Placing in 4,482 Competitions
Awarded Strongest x31
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x31
Awarded Second Place - Most Experienced x7
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x7
Awarded First Place - Most Experienced x23
Awarded Second Place - Most Adept x4
Awarded First Place - Most Adept x18
Awarded Most Intelligent x19
Awarded Most Enduring x6
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x15
A Regal Great Dane Statue
The plaque reads:
NSc NO ~HP~ 647861 Happy Paws cecil
Female Great Dane Born 01 23, 2009
Reached Level 86, Placing in 4,299 Competitions
Awarded Third Place - Most Experienced x1
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x8
Awarded Second Place - Most Experienced x5
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x33
Awarded Second Place - Most Adept x14
Awarded First Place - Most Experienced x28
Awarded First Place - Most Adept x11
Awarded Most Enduring x7
Awarded Most Intelligent x7
Awarded Strongest x23
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x12
Awarded Third Place - Most Accomplished x1
A Regal Great Dane Statue
The plaque reads:
NSc NO ~HP~ 647861 Happy Paws Christa
Female Great Dane Born 11 26, 2008
Reached Level 85, Placing in 3,999 Competitions
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x13
Awarded Strongest x15
Awarded First Place - Most Experienced x7
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x18
Awarded Third Place - Most Experienced x3
Awarded Second Place - Most Experienced x15
Awarded Second Place - Most Adept x4
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x10
Awarded Most Intelligent x3
Awarded First Place - Most Adept x2
A Regal Golden Retriever Statue
The plaque reads:
NR NFl ~HP~ 647861 Happy paws Lisa
Female Golden Retriever Born 09 10, 2008
Reached Level 84, Placing in 4,477 Competitions
Awarded Quickest x21
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x19
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x4
Awarded Third Place - Most Experienced x2
Awarded Second Place - Most Adept x7
Awarded Second Place - Most Experienced x10
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x9
Awarded Third Place - Most Accomplished x1
Awarded Second Place - Most Accomplished x1
Awarded First Place - Most Accomplished x3
A Regal Golden Retriever Statue
The plaque reads:
NR NFl ~HP~ 647861 Happy Paws Leo
Male Golden Retriever Born 09 10, 2008
Reached Level 84, Placing in 4,513 Competitions
Awarded Quickest x28
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x28
Awarded Third Place - Most Experienced x13
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x12
Awarded Second Place - Most Experienced x13
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x9
Awarded Second Place - Most Adept x2
Awarded First Place - Most Experienced x1
A Regal Great Dane Statue
The plaque reads:
NSc NO ~HP~ 647861 Happy Paws Mika
Female Great Dane Born 11 26, 2008
Reached Level 82, Placing in 4,494 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x27
Awarded Third Place - Most Experienced x8
Awarded Second Place - Most Experienced x13
Awarded Strongest x3
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x14
Awarded Second Place - Most Adept x3
Awarded First Place - Most Experienced x5
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x9
Awarded Most Intelligent x2
Awarded Third Place - Most Accomplished x1
Awarded First Place - Most Accomplished x4
A Regal Golden Retriever Statue
The plaque reads:
NR NT *DDK 647861 Happy Paws Appolo
Male Golden Retriever Born 02 12, 2009
Reached Level 81, Placing in 3,599 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x28
Awarded Quickest x23
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x6
Awarded Third Place - Most Experienced x9
A Regal Great Dane Statue
The plaque reads:
NSc NO ~HP~ 647861 Happy Paws Jannette
Female Great Dane Born 11 26, 2008
Reached Level 81, Placing in 3,099 Competitions
Awarded Third Place - Most Experienced x3
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x1


  • Copper Pegasus Copper Pegasus
  • Polar Bear Polar Bear
  • Red Dragen the Red Baby Dragon Red Dragen the Red Baby Dragon
  • Snowman Snowman

Game Time

05:16pm on Mar 26

Welcome Guest

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