Cadillac Black Estates

Show 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Field Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
General Kennel
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
69 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
91 Locked Dogs
Schutzhund 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Dock Diving 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Agility
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
77 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
84 Locked Dogs
Scent Hurdles 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Hunting Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Intelligence
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
29 Locked Dogs
Belgian Malinois Bungalow
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
24 Locked Dogs
Medium Critter Pasture
9 Critters
Frisbee 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Charisma
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Rally-O 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedExO ‡€ß‡ - Rusty Reliable -1.033xKarelian Bear Dog3091
LockedMT ‡€ß‡ 1.043xOtterhound3091
LockedAFl ‡€ß‡ About High TimeAfricanis2748
LockedASc ‡€ß‡ Broken ProfessionBelgian Tervuren2545
LockedMR ‡€ß‡ Camilla WonderAfricanis3285
LockedMD ‡€ß‡ Charm City DevilAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2493
LockedExFl ‡€ß‡ Controversial ChanceCarolina Dog3696
LockedMSc ‡€ß‡ Cross OffCane Corso3291
LockedMD ‡€ß‡ Dashed DownGreater Swiss Mountain Dog2448
LockedMA ‡€ß‡ Destroy YourselfGreat Dane3185
LockedASh ‡€ß‡ Devil's CrowAmerican Bully2448
LockedAFl ‡€ß‡ Dirty LowGreater Swiss Mountain Dog2548
LockedExFr ‡€ß‡ Drop Dead CynicalCane Corso3391
LockedAT ‡€ß‡ Eden's BountyBelgian Tervuren2545
LockedMD ‡€ß‡ EEEE - Existing RageCatahoula Leopard Dog2895
LockedMSh ‡€ß‡ EEEE 14HHLhasa Apso2694
LockedASh ‡€ß‡ EEEE lala 16HHLhasa Apso2594
LockedMHu ‡€ß‡ EEGE - Dinosaur Pile-UpAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2986
LockedFor StudExD ‡€ß‡ EEGG - Framing HanleyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier3293
LockedMFr ‡€ß‡ EEGG - Master of PuppetsAfricanis3086
LockedMA ‡€ß‡ EGEG - Different LivesCatahoula Leopard Dog2895
LockedMFl ‡€ß‡ EGEG - Expressive DenialCatahoula Leopard Dog2795
LockedMD ‡€ß‡ EGEG - Violent IdolAfricanis2986
LockedExRO ‡€ß‡ EGGG - RebelliousAmerican Pit Bull Terrier3193
LockedMT ‡€ß‡ EGGG - Sierra RidgePomeranian2893
LockedMSh ‡€ß‡ EGGG -AmaranthePomeranian2893
LockedMFl ‡€ß‡ EGGG 7HH Throw The FightAfricanis2997
LockedMFl ‡€ß‡ Freedom ReignsLapponian Herder2697
LockedMRO ‡€ß‡ GEGE - AntiSelfPomeranian2793
LockedExD ‡€ß‡ GEGE - River's RushAmerican Pit Bull Terrier3193
LockedChO ‡€ß‡ GEGG - Bad FlowerAlaskan Malamute3180
LockedASc SgL~ Gemstone RegretsAmerican White Shepherd2646
LockedMA ‡€ß‡ GGEE - Becoming The BullAfricanis3493
LockedMRO ‡€ß‡ GGGE - Crack The SealPomeranian2793
LockedMT ‡€ß‡ GGGG - King For A DayAfricanis3193
LockedMFT ‡€ß‡ Guided - 1 Hh - Lla - 5Golden Retriever2288
LockedMSc SFG Helix Silver ApprenticeGerman Shepherd Dog3484
LockedAFl Hex ProtegeGreater Swiss Mountain Dog2147
LockedMR ‡€ß‡ Hit The TimerAfricanis2848
LockedAHu ‡€ß‡ Hunting SeasonDalmatian2091
LockedMM Joker and The ThiefOtterhound3091
LockedChD ‡€ß‡ Kid of ControversyCarolina Dog3496
LockedChW ‡€ß‡ LansdowneNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever2797
LockedMFr GWG Legends Will RiseAfricanis2950
LockedExRO ‡€ß‡ Live Static In a BlizzardAfricanis2892
LockedMSc ‡€ß‡ Low Down DirtyGreater Swiss Mountain Dog3296
LockedMA SPCi Marcelina vom SapphireCityGerman Shepherd Dog3386
LockedExW ‡€ß‡ Martini DirectGerman Shepherd Dog2345
LockedExT ‡€ß‡ Night City Cyber PsychoAmerican White Shepherd3585
LockedMT ‡€ß‡ No Reason RequiredHovawart3191
LockedAH ‡€ß‡ No Show ChallengeCatahoula Leopard Dog2895
LockedASh Puppy 1Standard Poodle2448
LockedASc ‡€ß‡ Puppy 1Belgian Tervuren2645
LockedMFr Puppy 2Standard Poodle2548
LockedChW ‡€ß‡ Puppy 3Portuguese Water Dog2596
LockedMA Puppy 4Shetland Sheepdog2950
LockedMD ‡€ß‡ Puppy 8Standard Poodle2448
LockedAM malv. Puppy 9Korean Jindo2650
LockedAA ‡€ß‡ Shining DesireGerman Shepherd Dog2346
LockedFor StudMSc ‡€ß‡ Shotgun BluesGreater Swiss Mountain Dog3396
LockedMRO ‡€ß‡ Stone The DevilAmerican Bully2448
LockedFor StudAR GWG Thorned DreadnoughtAfricanis2950
LockedASc ‡€ß‡ Tut's SilenceBelgian Tervuren2545
LockedMHu WOOFS Updated VisageGerman Shorthaired Pointer3186
LockedMD ‡€ß‡ Vampire RiseGerman Shepherd Dog2246
LockedMO ‡€ß‡ Vampiric DesireGerman Shepherd Dog3283
LockedMFT ‡€ß‡ Wax And WaneLabrador Retriever2595
LockedMFr ‡€ß‡ Wild WinterKarelian Bear Dog2991
LockedMT ‡€ß‡ Winter Wilds StirLapponian Herder2697
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMSh 1.007x Macintosh AppletiniToy Poodle2475
LockedExO ‡€ß‡ 1.007x Stolen GoodsToy Poodle2575
LockedMRO ‡€ß‡ 1.010x Copper Colored IrisToy Poodle2575
LockedExSh ‡€ß‡ 1.042x Pull It BackNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3278
LockedChRO ‡€ß‡ 1.252xAmerican Bully3682
LockedAPnA ‡€ß‡ 19HH EEEEPharaoh Hound1227
LockedJPnT 24HH - lala - 4STMGerman Shepherd Dog615
LockedGCFr ‡€ß‡ Against All WillAfricanis4180
LockedMSh ‡€ß‡ Ain't No ThangNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever3278
LockedIPnD AngelGreyhound526
LockedANA AnnieWhippet526
LockedExHu ‡€ß‡ Another Day DawnsBouvier des Flandres2976
LockedExFT ‡€ß‡ Aries 1.017xEnglish Cocker Spaniel2976
LockedChA ‡€ß‡ Atlas RenownedAffenpinscher4080
LockedJPnRO BaielyWhippet526
LockedIPnD BaielyWhippet526
LockedAFl ‡€ß‡ BanditPharaoh Hound1854
LockedExP ‡€ß‡ Banned Anvil 1.035xCaucasian Ovtcharka2876
LockedIPnD BelleGreater Swiss Mountain Dog821
LockedJPnFl BentleyGreater Swiss Mountain Dog821
LockedChSc ‡€ß‡ Between Diverse 1.153xAmerican Bully3583
LockedGCRO ‡€ß‡ Black Crows Stone 1.252xAmerican Bully4291
LockedJPnM BrunaGreyhound526
LockedJPnFl BusterWhippet526
LockedExM ‡€ß‡ Carja Sundom 1.233xAzawakh Hound3381
LockedJPnRO CaseyFrench Bulldog828
LockedARO ‡€ß‡ ChloePharaoh Hound1854
LockedJPnFl CooperGreater Swiss Mountain Dog721
LockedExFl ‡€ß‡ Crocodile 1.233xAzawakh Hound3581
LockedAD ‡€ß‡ Dark MatterPharaoh Hound1743
LockedChM ‡€ß‡ Devour The DayAfricanis4080
LockedChHu ‡€ß‡ Diverse Devil 1.153xAmerican Bully3792
LockedChO ‡€ß‡ Down Death's Rabbit HoleAppenzeller Mountain Dog3279
LockedMT ‡€ß‡ EEGE - 147German Shepherd Dog2575
LockedNSc EmmaGreater Swiss Mountain Dog415
LockedMT ‡€ß‡ FGGF - SwitchfootAzores Cattle Dog2675
LockedAT ‡€ß‡ GEGG - 146German Shepherd Dog2675
LockedJPnP GhostGreater Swiss Mountain Dog721
LockedAT ‡€ß‡ Gimme Blackout ShelterAzores Cattle Dog2143
LockedGCO ‡€ß‡ Graveyard Lake 1.080xAzores Cattle Dog3683
LockedPnHT HeidiPointer1127
LockedMA ‡€ß‡ Honorable MentionDutch Shepherd2767
LockedJPnFl HunterGreater Swiss Mountain Dog821
LockedNFl ‡€ß‡ Imported PuppyGreater Swiss Mountain Dog515
LockedJAW Imported PuppyStandard Poodle727
LockedIPnRO JackWhippet526
LockedJPnRO ‡€ß‡ JacksonDalmatian728
LockedJPnFl JacksonCane Corso426
LockedJPnHu JacksonGreyhound526
LockedGCA ‡€ß‡ JinglesAffenpinscher4080
LockedJPnM JoeyWhippet526
LockedIPnD JoeyCane Corso426
LockedMSc ‡€ß‡ Lakes of War 1.015xAzores Cattle Dog2675
LockedExP ‡€ß‡ LazerBeamz 1.035xCaucasian Ovtcharka2976
LockedJPnO LexiNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever616
LockedJPnA LuckyMudi728
LockedJAD MadisonPointer1139
LockedNFr MaximusGreater Swiss Mountain Dog415
LockedMT ‡€ß‡ McFly 1.047xGiant Schnauzer2976
LockedJPnT ‡€ß‡ MissyGreater Swiss Mountain Dog721
LockedFor StudExSh BRKLT Nightmare Before ChristmasAlaskan Klee Kai3670
LockedExFl ‡€ß‡ No Good In War 1.048xAfricanis3483
LockedJPnSh OscarNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever616
LockedChR ‡€ß‡ Overtaken Bandit 1.048xAfricanis3076
LockedChRO ‡€ß‡ Paranoid Cam 1.060xAfricanis3583
LockedJPnT PennyMudi728
LockedExRO ‡€ß‡ Police Report DeniedEnglish Cocker Spaniel2876
LockedChD ‡€ß‡ Purged PardonAfricanis3165
LockedJPnSh RainFrench Bulldog628
LockedAFl TISK Ribbons of Chocolate EEEE 19HH lala 1.452xAfricanis2843
LockedJAP RileyPointer1339
LockedJARO RoccoPointer1339
LockedJPnSh RosieVizsla626
LockedJPnHu RoxyWhippet526
LockedJPnFr RubyCane Corso426
LockedGCFr ‡€ß‡ Sabbath Day 1.060xAfricanis3583
LockedJPnFl ‡€ß‡ SadieGreater Swiss Mountain Dog821
LockedJPnRO SamWhippet526
LockedJPnT ‡€ß‡ SamsonGreater Swiss Mountain Dog821
LockedExRO ‡€ß‡ Seal The DealBouvier des Flandres2976
LockedJPnFl ShelbyDalmatian728
LockedJPnA ShelbyCane Corso526
LockedExFT ‡€ß‡ Shutter Island 1.062xHarrier3378
LockedJPnSh TeddyVizsla626
LockedExO ‡€ß‡ Vahalla CallingAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2865
LockedCCW ‡€ß‡ Vortex 1.047xGiant Schnauzer2876
LockedMM ‡€ß‡ Where It All Began 1.057xHovawart3178
LockedPnD ‡€ß‡ WispGreater Swiss Mountain Dog721
LockedPnD ‡€ß‡ ZoeyGreater Swiss Mountain Dog721
LockedJPnSh ZoeyVizsla526
LockedJPnHu ZoeyVizsla526
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAFl IBLM 214 spdBorzoi2139
LockedJPnA BaxterGreyhound526
LockedAO ‡€ß‡ Brand New RitualToy Poodle1594
LockedAD ‡€ß‡ Cadillac's Forever Lost DownNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1735
LockedAFT PADS Cadillac's Glass HouseFlat Coated Retriever2637
LockedAP ‡€ß‡ Cadillac's Killed to Save My SoulGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1735
LockedJASc ‡€ß‡ CADILLAC'S RIDING SHOTGUNGreater Swiss Mountain Dog1735
LockedAD ‡€ß‡ CADILLAC'S SEPARATE WAYSNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever1946
LockedAFT PADS Cadillac's Treasured DistinctionFlat Coated Retriever2437
LockedAH ‡€ß‡ Canadian EmergencyAustralian Koolie2494
LockedAP ‡€ß‡ Challenge of ExpressionCatahoula Leopard Dog1835
LockedAFr DavinaThai Ridgeback Dog1956
LockedAR ‡€ß‡ Destination Fawned OverBorzoi2394
LockedARO ‡€ß‡ EEEE Day Static BlizzardAfricanis2346
LockedAHu EEEE Devour The BullAfricanis1935
LockedAR ‡€ß‡ EEEE lalaBorzoi2394
LockedAR ‡€ß‡ EEEE Stuck in a Blizzard of StaticAfricanis2146
LockedAT ‡€ß‡ EEEE Sunshine BullAfricanis2046
LockedAO EGEE - Existential CrisisCatahoula Leopard Dog1835
LockedAHu ‡€ß‡ EGEG - Dinosaur RebelAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2146
LockedASh ‡€ß‡ EGEG - Rebel RideAmerican Pit Bull Terrier2035
LockedARO EGGEPomeranian1735
LockedAT ‡€ß‡ EGGE llaCarolina Dog20105
LockedAFl ‡€ß‡ EGGG - Queen of the DayAfricanis1935
LockedAFl ‡€ß‡ GEEG - Dawn of DealsBouvier des Flandres2146
LockedARO ‡€ß‡ GEGEPomeranian1735
LockedAD ‡€ß‡ GEGG - Cynical CrossCane Corso1935
LockedAFl ‡€ß‡ GEGG - Dawn DealerBouvier des Flandres2046
LockedAM ‡€ß‡ GGEG - Dead Drop OffCane Corso2035
LockedAT GGEG - Deny The ChallengeCatahoula Leopard Dog1835
LockedAHu ‡€ß‡ GGEG - Last Chance ControversyCarolina Dog1935
LockedAFr ‡€ß‡ GGEG - Paranoid KingAfricanis1935
LockedAA ‡€ß‡ GGEG - Rage Out LifeCatahoula Leopard Dog1835
LockedAHu ‡€ß‡ GGGEPomeranian1735
LockedAD ‡€ß‡ GGGG - Kid of ChanceCarolina Dog1735
LockedJPnRO GusGreyhound526
LockedAO FLWR JacquelineMaremma Sheepdog2051
LockedNT LillyGreyhound114
LockedIPnD ‡€ß‡ LilyPharaoh Hound925
LockedCCFT CCD ChFT A |\/|G Little Miss Sunshine 20HH lalaChesapeake Bay Retriever5187
LockedAA ‡€ß‡ Little ThingsEnglish Cocker Spaniel1735
LockedNCFT PJS1 Meadowbrooks Whispering WindsBracco Italiano5194
LockedANFl MiaGreyhound114
LockedExD ‡€ß‡ Pardoned FellowshipAustralian Cattle Dog2894
LockedARO ‡€ß‡ Police CalledEnglish Cocker Spaniel1735
LockedMFl ‡€ß‡ Presidental PardonAustralian Cattle Dog2894
LockedJASh ‡€ß‡ Puppy 1Toy Poodle1689
LockedIPnHT CLWK Puppy 1Akita Inu924
LockedPnS CLWK Puppy 1Samoyed624
LockedNT Puppy 1Bouvier des Flandres521
LockedNO Puppy 1Toy Poodle121
LockedANT Puppy 1Belgian Malinois621
LockedJASc SoCha Puppy 2German Shepherd Dog1428
LockedNT Puppy 2Catahoula Leopard Dog18
LockedJPnFr Puppy 2Africanis521
LockedNW Puppy 2Standard Poodle121
LockedNHu Puppy 2English Cocker Spaniel121
LockedJPnHT CLWK Puppy 3Akita Inu924
LockedNHu Puppy 3Pomeranian121
LockedND Puppy 4Standard Poodle122
LockedNT Puppy 4English Cocker Spaniel121
LockedAO TwiK Puppy 5Australian Shepherd1828
LockedNT Puppy 6German Shepherd Dog121
LockedJAFr ‡€ß‡ Puppy 7Czechoslovakian Wolfdog1328
LockedJPnW Puppy 7German Shepherd Dog121
LockedNSc Puppy 7Belgian Malinois621
LockedNSh Puppy 8Pomeranian121
LockedANFl RomeoGreyhound114
LockedAFl ‡€ß‡ Rost HouseAzores Cattle Dog2494
LockedMRO ‡€ß‡ Sarcastic DevilAzores Cattle Dog2394
LockedJPnFr WHSPR sellItalian Greyhound121
LockedNHT WHSPR sellGreat Dane19
LockedASc ‡€ß‡ Shadow of DangerDutch Shepherd1794
LockedNR SlyGreyhound114
LockedWCFr DDOGG Start Of Something New 17HH lalaLagotto Romagnolo4988
LockedAT ‡€ß‡ War in the GraveyardAzores Cattle Dog2394
LockedNCO IPnA Wolf 1.035x | 24HH | lala B1German Shepherd Dog4989
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedMA ‡€ß‡ 236Miniature Australian Shepherd2690
LockedExT ‡€ß‡ Admiral MagazineMiniature Australian Shepherd34100
LockedAHu ‡€ß‡ Against All ParanoiaAfricanis1950
LockedGCH ShiP Alien AbductionCaucasian Ovtcharka3973
LockedChT JPnFl ‡€ß‡ All Holds BarredBoerboel4086
LockedAFr ‡€ß‡ Artificial FearAkita Inu1854
LockedAD ‡€ß‡ Cadillac's Dash of DeliriousCurly Coated Retriever2058
LockedMHu ‡€ß‡ Cadillac's Paranoia At WillAfricanis2665
LockedAH ‡€ß‡ Canadian BackstoryAustralian Koolie2358
LockedMH Lupum Canis ZebraeBorder Collie3393
LockedFor StudChSc ‡€ß‡ Changeling ShadowDutch Shepherd38100
LockedFor StudGCSc Lupum Chemical ConcreteNeapolitan Mastiff5587
LockedMFl ‡€ß‡ ColumbiaRussell Terrier30100
LockedAFr ‡€ß‡ Comply With LiarsToy Poodle2395
LockedCCO ‡€ß‡ Dead By April 1.065xGerman Shepherd Dog3898
LockedAO ‡€ß‡ Death of Peace of MindAffenpinscher2149
LockedExH KRUK Degrees GoneAustralian Cattle Dog4097
LockedNCR ‡€ß‡ Destination UnknownBorzoi5291
LockedAA ‡€ß‡ Destined SportBorzoi2174
LockedAM ‡€ß‡ Dizzy Loki LockAffenpinscher2149
LockedMSc ‡€ß‡ EEEE 187 20HHDoberman Pinscher2590
LockedMSc ‡€ß‡ EEEE 194 21Doberman Pinscher2590
LockedNCA ‡€ß‡ Faint Sarcasm 1.322xAzores Cattle Dog4579
LockedCCFr ‡€ß‡ Fawn SportBorzoi5191
LockedMD ‡€ß‡ Fully LoadedStandard Poodle27103
LockedChRO ‡€ß‡ Funeral DerangementsAfricanis3691
LockedMRO ‡€ß‡ Gap BandGreater Swiss Mountain Dog2399
LockedExFl ‡€ß‡ Graveyard FireAzores Cattle Dog34100
LockedAFr ‡€ß‡ Hate Goes OnAkita1954
LockedAHu ‡€ß‡ Heart On My SleeveAkita1854
LockedFor StudASc ‡€ß‡ Hex Em AllGreater Swiss Mountain Dog24106
LockedGCSh ‡€ß‡ Hex The CrownGreater Swiss Mountain Dog3195
LockedMFl ‡€ß‡ Hidden Well (EEEE)Border Collie3498
LockedCCR 14Kt Hot TopicsAfricanis6187
LockedMFr ‡€ß‡ Huffy BastianMiniature Australian Shepherd28100
LockedMA ‡€ß‡ I Got No TimeAfricanis3399
LockedExSh -BLD- Ice Nine KillsChinese Crested3497
LockedAD ‡€ß‡ Imported PuppyDutch Shepherd2164
LockedAHu ‡€ß‡ Imported PuppyDutch Shepherd2164
LockedFor StudMD ‡€ß‡ Jackson JimGreater Swiss Mountain Dog24106
LockedChP ‡€ß‡ Lasting LookBeauceron40100
LockedCCSc *LwK* Laurel's Dust DevilAzores Cattle Dog5477
LockedAS ‡€ß‡ Least UnderstoodAlaskan Husky1854
LockedChRO ‡€ß‡ Maximus OverlordDutch Shepherd35100
LockedMHu ‡€ß‡ Maxxed OutRussell Terrier29100
LockedMT ‡€ß‡ Mentally WellBorder Collie32100
LockedMHT ‡€ß‡ Muddled DrinksStandard Poodle28102
LockedMT ‡€ß‡ Naughty RoseMiniature Australian Shepherd29100
LockedMA ‡€ß‡ Negative AdmiralMiniature Australian Shepherd31100
LockedAHu ‡€ß‡ Never Left AloneAlaskan Husky1754
LockedGCT ‡€ß‡ Night Rider 1.063xAzores Cattle Dog4379
LockedJAT ‡€ß‡ No Loss Too GreatAlaskan Husky1854
LockedChFl ‡€ß‡ OliverDoberman Pinscher37101
LockedMD ‡€ß‡ Out of ArrangementsGreater Swiss Mountain Dog2598
LockedGCP ‡€ß‡ Presidential FellowshipAustralian Cattle Dog4097
LockedMSc PK68 Puppy 1German Shepherd Dog3497
LockedMH 14Kt Puppy 1Cardigan Welsh Corgi2993
LockedCCW ‡€ß‡ Puppy 1Standard Poodle27102
LockedAT ‡€ß‡ Puppy 2Azawakh Hound1950
LockedAR ‡€ß‡ Puppy 3Borzoi2074
LockedJARO ‡€ß‡ Puppy 3Toy Poodle1474
LockedAP ‡€ß‡ Puppy 3Dutch Shepherd2158
LockedExRO 14Kt Puppy 4Chihuahua3296
LockedMFr ‡€ß‡ Puppy 4Beauceron2764
LockedChS Lupum Puppy 6Greenland Dog2992
LockedAPnT ‡€ß‡ Puppy 6Toy Poodle1474
LockedExFl ‡€ß‡ Puppy 7Greater Swiss Mountain Dog3395
LockedMT ‡€ß‡ Question EverythingMiniature Australian Shepherd29100
LockedJPnT ChSh ‡€ß‡ Reset To ZeroBeauceron3387
LockedAFl ‡€ß‡ Righteous OfferingDoberman Pinscher2158
LockedChFl ‡€ß‡ Riley ReleasedAustralian Cattle Dog4097
LockedNCRO ‡€ß‡ Rost Outcast 1.080xAzores Cattle Dog4179
LockedAH ‡€ß‡ RoxanneMiniature Australian Shepherd2490
LockedGCP ‡€ß‡ Rusty Revolver 1.065xGerman Shepherd Dog3784
LockedGCSc RHP2 SaleDoberman Pinscher4997
LockedMM 14Kt Same As BeforeAmerican Pit Bull Terrier3592
LockedMFl ‡€ß‡ Say It Aint SoBorder Collie32100
LockedMHT ‡€ß‡ Silent LycanStandard Poodle27102
LockedAFl RWSK SkyAffenpinscher2596
LockedMT ‡€ß‡ Strapped In WhirlwindGerman Shepherd Dog28102
LockedExD ‡€ß‡ Take The Martini 1.042x GGGEGerman Shepherd Dog27102
LockedAFl ‡€ß‡ To Be HonestAlaskan Husky1854
LockedMT ‡€ß‡ Waffled AspirationsMiniature Australian Shepherd30100
LockedGCSc ‡€ß‡ War On The House 1.063xAzores Cattle Dog4379
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedFor StudMT IBLM 60Border Collie2990
LockedMM ‡€ß‡ Cadillac's HorseaStabyhoun2668
LockedMRO ‡€ß‡ Cadillac's Mossy RevivalAmerican Bully2983
LockedAM ‡€ß‡ Cadillac's Snickerdoodle LatteShiba Inu2568
LockedAT ssk . Cadillac's Valiant RangerGerman Shepherd Dog2670
LockedAFr ‡€ß‡ Cadillac's Waffles GaloreStandard Poodle1961
LockedFor StudAM Call Me BackBasenji2472
LockedFor StudExM ¤SR¤ Damaged AnxietyAmerican Pit Bull Terrier3688
LockedExT UPP Divine Hazel RhymeGerman Shepherd Dog4194
LockedExH MULE EEEEKuvasz3790
LockedFor StudMHu ‡€ß‡ Fashion ForwardChow-chow2682
LockedFor StudMT Vice KlixenBluetick Coonhound33100
LockedAFl JPnHu Leopard within The SkiesCatahoula Leopard Dog2094
LockedMH GRAY Let Freedom RingLapponian Herder3192
LockedNCFl ‡€ß‡ Lexi CuatroWhippet5396
LockedAFr ‡€ß‡ Loose LumberBrussels Griffon2480
LockedFor StudIPnE MT thx PacoJack Russell Terrier31100
LockedAT ‡€ß‡ PepperGerman Pinscher2689
LockedMSh ‡€ß‡ Pitch SoulStaffordshire Bull Terrier2768
LockedFor StudExHT AOC Puppy 4Dogo Argentino3391
LockedFor StudMHT Puppy 4Cane Corso3082
LockedAFr ‡€ß‡ Puppy 5Whippet2168
LockedAT ‡€ß‡ Round The BlockAustralian Cattle Dog2472
LockedFor StudMHu ‡€ß‡ Rust RegalGerman Pinscher2589
LockedAR ‡€ß‡ Splendid Skepticism of Sierra LeoneSloughi1994
LockedFor StudMO ‡€ß‡ Thirty Miles AwayGreat Pyrenees2682
LockedMA ‡€ß‡ Thrilled To DisasterEnglish Shepherd2888
LockedMM ‡€ß‡ Timed PerformanceChow-chow2581
LockedAT ‡€ß‡ Yukon DisasterEnglish Shepherd2568
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNCSc ‡€ß‡ Alleyway Mojo 1.317xBelgian Malinois5092
LockedGCT ‡€ß‡ Ashes of the Broken 1.040xBelgian Tervuren4395
LockedGCSc ‡€ß‡ Banded RedBelgian Malinois4794
LockedGCA ‡€ß‡ Blood In A Dark PlaceBelgian Malinois4588
LockedMO ‡€ß‡ E4 lala HH20Belgian Malinois2583
LockedFor StudNCO HYRR eeee 15/0 str agi lala strint agiintBelgian Malinois4096
LockedMSc ‡€ß‡ EEEE 181 15HHBelgian Malinois2690
LockedAH ‡€ß‡ EGEE - Bandit On The RunBelgian Malinois2342
LockedMSh ‡€ß‡ EGEG - Mia MissedBelgian Malinois3090
LockedMSc NUSK Gambler's Luck 22/0 lalaBelgian Malinois3756
LockedMA ‡€ß‡ GEEG - Missed The FlightBelgian Malinois2442
LockedMA ‡€ß‡ GGGG - BanditBelgian Malinois3090
LockedMHu ‡€ß‡ GGGG - BloodfeatherBelgian Malinois2890
LockedMRO ‡€ß‡ Heavens AdmiredBelgian Malinois2690
LockedGCSh ‡€ß‡ Nora Brave 1.057xBelgian Malinois4187
LockedNCSh ‡€ß‡ Puppy 1Belgian Malinois4688
LockedNCO ‡€ß‡ Puppy 2Belgian Malinois3692
LockedExRO ‡€ß‡ Puppy 2Belgian Malinois2893
LockedASc Roll The Dice 20/0 llaBelgian Malinois2943
LockedChT ‡€ß‡ Silence in Eden 1.040xBelgian Tervuren4295
LockedMT ‡€ß‡ Skyfall DizzyBelgian Malinois2895
LockedAT Velvet RevolverBelgian Malinois2885
LockedMT ‡€ß‡ Wine TragedyBelgian Malinois2885
LockedMT ‡€ß‡ Words ExchangedBelgian Malinois2885


  • Whitechapel the Blue Baby Dragon Whitechapel the Blue Baby Dragon
  • Calico Persian Calico Persian
  • Champagne Hamster Champagne Hamster
  • Emperor Penguin Emperor Penguin
  • French Lop Bunny French Lop Bunny
  • Mean Brown Tabby Cat Mean Brown Tabby Cat
  • Sparrow Sparrow
  • Talking Parrot Talking Parrot
  • Timid Fawn Timid Fawn
    pet Complete


LockedMHu ‡€ß‡ Maxxed Out x MFl ‡€ß‡ Columbia
(Russell Terrier)
LockedNCT KIM King's Quest x MT ‡€ß‡ Night City Cyber Psycho
(American White Shepherd)

Game Time

04:45pm on Mar 4

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