
Brussels Griffon
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
35 Locked Dogs
Elite Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
55 Locked Dogs
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
22 Locked Dogs
Siberian Husky
Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
19 Locked Dogs
Musical Freestyle 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Tracking 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Flyball 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Sledding 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Field Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Agility 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Rally-O 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Obedience 3 Star Training Area
Bias: Strength
Memory Garden
This peaceful garden gives testimony to beloved dogs of the past.
Large Critter Pasture
19 Critters
Frisbee 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Hunting Trials 3 Star Training Area
Bias: None
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedNCSh Ǽ April Fools GEGEBrussels Griffon5779
LockedWCO Ǽ Dancing Here GEEGBrussels Griffon6391
LockedIPnRO Ǽ Dancing Star EEEEMaltese913
LockedMM Ǽ Daydreamer EGGGBrussels Griffon2735
LockedWCRO Ǽ Dispicable Fear GEEGBrussels Griffon6391
LockedNT EEEE spd spdMaltese17
LockedNRO EEEE spd spd*Maltese17
LockedNRO EEEE spd spd*Maltese17
LockedNRO EEEE spd spd*Maltese17
LockedWCSh Ǽ Everything Fear EFGGBrussels Griffon6898
LockedCCRO Ǽ Fake It GGFEBrussels Griffon5681
LockedJAA Ǽ Fear The LegionBrussels Griffon1419
LockedNRO Ǽ FGGE cha strStabyhoun16
LockedAPnM GEGG agi agiBrussels Griffon1419
LockedWCFr Ǽ Hallowed Fear GEGGBrussels Griffon6697
LockedCCA Ǽ Hallowed Lore GGGEBrussels Griffon6185
LockedPnRO Ǽ Heavenly Dancer EEEEMaltese913
LockedIPnA Ǽ Love In Words GEGGBrussels Griffon712
LockedWCM Ǽ Love Master GGEGBrussels Griffon6798
LockedWCFr Ǽ Merrymaker Quests GGEGBrussels Griffon6085
LockedWCT Ǽ Mistress of War GGEGBrussels Griffon6597
LockedWCO Ǽ Obedience Maker GGEEBrussels Griffon6697
LockedJPnRO Ǽ Ocean Of Love GEEEBrussels Griffon712
LockedCCM Ǽ Quest Maker EGGGBrussels Griffon6085
LockedWCA Ǽ Rice Explorer FGGGBrussels Griffon6497
LockedWCM Ǽ Ricey Ticey EEGGBrussels Griffon6897
LockedWCA Ǽ Scary Stuff GGGGBrussels Griffon6397
LockedMFr Ǽ Shooting Vest GGGEBrussels Griffon2941
LockedJAM Sing The Blues EGGEBrussels Griffon1522
LockedNCFr Ǽ Stay For Real GGGGBrussels Griffon5381
LockedNCM Ǽ Total Dancing GGGEBrussels Griffon5579
LockedCCFl Ǽ Totally Done EEGEBrussels Griffon5779
LockedAA Ǽ Valentine Blues EGGEBrussels Griffon1622
LockedARO Ǽ Vesta Fear GEEGBrussels Griffon2228
LockedCCM Ǽ War Mistress GEEEBrussels Griffon5785
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedAFT Ǽ Abandoned Gift GEGGStabyhoun1745
LockedMFl Ǽ Born Again GGGEStabyhoun2940
LockedARO Ǽ Broken Day EEEEStabyhoun1826
LockedARO Ǽ Broken Tree GEGGStabyhoun1928
LockedARO Ǽ ChaCha Chicken GGEEStabyhoun1926
LockedAPnFr Ǽ Coming Back Home GEGGStabyhoun1118
LockedJAW Ǽ Cookie Crumbs EGGEStabyhoun1119
LockedWCFT Ǽ Daisy Duke EEEEStabyhoun5596
LockedExW Ǽ Dark Moonlight GEGGStabyhoun2840
LockedAT Ǽ Deadly Tikari GGGEStabyhoun2028
LockedWCT Ǽ Distinction GGFEStabyhoun6796
LockedARO Ǽ Edge Of Reality EGGEStabyhoun2332
LockedPnRO EEEE spd spdMaltese814
LockedPnRO Ǽ EEEG cha strStabyhoun814
LockedIPnRO Ǽ EEEG str str *Maltese814
LockedAHT Ǽ EEGE stm intStabyhoun1926
LockedAHT Ǽ EGEG stm chaStabyhoun1926
LockedAPnW EGGG str spdStabyhoun714
LockedAPnRO Ǽ Exagerating Fee EEEEStabyhoun1117
LockedAHT Ǽ Feature EGEGStabyhoun2331
LockedPnFl GEEE stm stmStabyhoun814
LockedAFT Ǽ GEEE stm strStabyhoun1926
LockedIPnSh GEEE str str *Maltese814
LockedIPnRO GEGG cha spd* ROStabyhoun814
LockedPnRO GEGG int spdStabyhoun1015
LockedPnHT GGGE cha intStabyhoun814
LockedIPnP GGGE stm strStabyhoun814
LockedPnFl GGGG int spdStabyhoun915
LockedARO (SKY) Ginger Train EEEEStabyhoun2234
LockedExFl Ǽ High Point EEGEStabyhoun3954
LockedCCT Ǽ History Gone EEEEStabyhoun5496
LockedExT Ǽ Hope Catcher EGGEStabyhoun4054
LockedAT Ǽ In Due Time EEEEStabyhoun2026
LockedNCFT Ǽ Judgement DayStabyhoun4563
LockedMFl Ǽ Kareful Time EEEEStabyhoun3344
LockedNCRO Ǽ Kritani EGGEStabyhoun4868
LockedAPnM Ǽ Letting Go EGGEStabyhoun1319
LockedAFT Ǽ Only Desire GEEGStabyhoun1827
LockedARO Ǽ Orange Fantasy GEGGStabyhoun2231
LockedPnRO Ǽ Practice Run GEGGStabyhoun915
LockedAPnRO Ǽ Ready To Go EEEEStabyhoun1017
LockedGCFT Ǽ Risky Buisiness EEGEStabyhoun4056
LockedMRO Ǽ RiverRun GEGGStabyhoun2940
LockedGCT Ǽ Saving Kizor GGGEStabyhoun4868
LockedMFl Ǽ Secret Business GGGGStabyhoun2940
LockedMFT Ǽ Short Life GGGEStabyhoun2432
LockedChRO Ǽ Sneaky Stuff GGGEStabyhoun4363
LockedAPnFr Staby GEEGStabyhoun1018
LockedASh Ǽ Summer Knot EEGGStabyhoun1927
LockedChRO Ǽ Swiss Nova EEEEStabyhoun4056
LockedMFl Ǽ Time For Hope EEEEStabyhoun3242
LockedMRO Ǽ Time Has Hope EEEEStabyhoun3142
LockedExRO Ǽ Time Is Risky EEEEStabyhoun3444
LockedAT Ǽ Used Tape GEGGStabyhoun2028
LockedNCSh Ǽ Waiting EEGEStabyhoun5180
Order By:

Locked Dogs

LockedExP STRMI Ava EGEGSiberian Husky3489
LockedChO DXL Beautiful Dreamer EEEESiberian Husky4572
LockedPnP Caramel Dream EEEESiberian Husky1015
LockedPnT Chocolate Surprise EGEESiberian Husky1015
LockedPnP Ǽ Dark Night EEEESiberian Husky1015
LockedPnA Fancy Dreaming EGGGSiberian Husky915
LockedExFl STRMI FranzSiberian Husky3389
LockedExP Ǽ Free EEGESiberian Husky3367
LockedCCS Ǽ Frisky WeatherSiberian Husky4475
LockedMO DTds Gray GGGFSiberian Husky3254
LockedCCS Ǽ Inadequate Feeling EEEESiberian Husky4773
LockedChO Ǽ Life Always Falls EEEESiberian Husky3850
LockedCCS Ǽ Never Change EEEESiberian Husky4673
LockedNCS DXL October Night EEEESiberian Husky4471
LockedMS ECRC Odtune, Goddess Of Poetry GGEGSiberian Husky2248
LockedCCS Ǽ Red Rose EEEESiberian Husky4673
LockedJAFl LHFK Smokey Pie EEEESiberian Husky1525
LockedAFl ECRC Taskhtali GEEGSiberian Husky2448
LockedWCFl Ǽ Typical Silver EGGGSiberian Husky69100
Remembering Furry Paws BETA
Star Competitor
$440,273,976 Money Earned
Salary $90,100
Kennel Size 18
A Regal Siberian Husky Statue
The plaque reads:
SCSc SCT .Ðk» Saudade [#87]
Female Siberian Husky Born 02 16, 2007
Reached Level 87, Placing in 4,500 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x74
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x11
Awarded Most Enduring x23
Awarded Most Intelligent x31
Awarded Second Place - Most Adept x21
Awarded Strongest x20
Awarded First Place - Most Adept x4
Awarded Third Place - Most Experienced x16
Awarded Second Place - Most Experienced x5
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x24
Awarded First Place - Most Experienced x10
Awarded Third Place - Most Accomplished x1
Awarded First Place - Most Accomplished x1
A Regal Golden Retriever Statue
The plaque reads:
SCR SCFl MK Angel Without Wings
Female Golden Retriever Born 05 11, 2011
Reached Level 72, Placing in 3,500 Competitions
Awarded Third Place - Most Adept x3
Awarded Quickest x41
Awarded Second Place - Most Adept x17
Awarded First Place - Most Adept x33
Awarded Most Enduring x27
Awarded Most Intelligent x27
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x16
Awarded Third Place - Most Experienced x5
Awarded First Place - Most Experienced x3
Awarded Second Place - Most Experienced x3
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x6
A Regal Golden Retriever Statue
The plaque reads:
SCR SCFl MK Die Another Day
Male Golden Retriever Born 02 22, 2011
Reached Level 65, Placing in 3,741 Competitions
Awarded Best of Breed - Accomplished x4
Awarded Best of Breed - Experienced x4
A Regal Golden Retriever Statue
The plaque reads:
ICR ICFl MK All Hope Lost
Female Golden Retriever Born 02 21, 2011
Reached Level 56, Placing in 2,393 Competitions
A Regal Golden Retriever Statue
The plaque reads:
ICR ICFl MK Saying Goodbye
Female Golden Retriever Born 03 07, 2011
Reached Level 54, Placing in 2,151 Competitions


  • Bug of DOOM <font color=green>Bug of DOOM</font>
  • Evil Rooster <font color=red>Evil Rooster</font>
    pet Complete
  • Brown Bunny Brown Bunny
  • Cinnamon Hamster Cinnamon Hamster
  • Gingerbread Man Gingerbread Man
  • Golden Hamster Golden Hamster
  • Golden Hamster Golden Hamster
  • Green Baby Dragon Green Baby Dragon
  • Little Black Lamb Little Black Lamb
  • Little Brown Pony Little Brown Pony
  • Mean Brown Tabby Cat Mean Brown Tabby Cat
  • Mean Tortoiseshell Cat Mean Tortoiseshell Cat
  • Patchy Fluffy Duckling Patchy Fluffy Duckling
  • Polar Bear Polar Bear
  • Proud Pony Proud Pony
  • Red Baby Dragon Red Baby Dragon
  • Reindeer Reindeer
  • Snowman Snowman
  • Timid Fawn Timid Fawn


(Brussels Griffon)
(Brussels Griffon)
LockedWCT Ǽ Distinction GGFE x WCHT Ǽ Late Jane GEGE

Game Time

04:19pm on Mar 11

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