Radiant Iridescence Kennels

Premium Kennel
0 Dogs
0 Pups
12 Locked Dogs
Memory Garden
This peaceful garden gives testimony to beloved dogs of the past.
Remembering Furry Paws BETA
Star Competitor
$1,262,027 Money Earned
Salary $52,000
Kennel Size 4
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
IExP IExSh RIKs Toru Hoshiko
Female Shiba Inu Born 10 11, 2005
Reached Level 24, Placing in 506 Competitions
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
ChRO ChSh Tri Riks Kitori Noko 5F
Male Shiba Inu Born 03 09, 2005
Reached Level 23, Placing in 659 Competitions
Earned 30 Trick Points
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
JExSh JExP »GK« RIKs Ki Okami
Female Shiba Inu Born 10 10, 2005
Reached Level 23, Placing in 484 Competitions
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
GCO GCP Riks Jitatsuko Junryu 2STB
Female Shiba Inu Born 03 10, 2005
Reached Level 22, Placing in 797 Competitions
Earned 19 Trick Points
A Regal Shiba Inu Statue
The plaque reads:
MP MSh RIKs Rikou Tatsu
Male Shiba Inu Born 10 11, 2005
Reached Level 21, Placing in 438 Competitions

Game Time

10:27pm on Feb 18

Welcome Guest

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