Achievement Boards

Cookie's Overall Ranking (#50662)
50653322Orange GEEG
(Greenland Dog, Level 22, Age 38)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Good
petraf1ed (#1465183)
(Level 20)
(Bracco Italiano, Level 8, Age 96)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Good, Ears: Excellent
dominic (#1706168)
(Level 11)
50655320Where The Boys Go
(Saluki, Level 20, Age 39)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
IrishErin (#451572)
(Level 20)
5065639Ozzy Oxen
(Beauceron, Level 9, Age 97)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
Faeron (#1484466)
(Level 18)
50657311"Till You Love Me
(Australian Shepherd, Level 11, Age 23)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
IrishErin (#451572)
(Level 20)
50658314Meadowbrooks Little Complicated
(Borzoi, Level 14, Age 27)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
IrishErin (#451572)
(Level 20)
5065935R Merle/Bl Sable GFEG lla ~
(Catahoula Leopard Dog, Level 5, Age 90)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Fair, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Good
ally (#1706798)
(Level 5)
(Siberian Husky, Level 5, Age 43)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Raven (#1675992)
(Level 17)
(Greek Harehound, Level 9, Age 58)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Good
Terra Nova (#1203039)
(Level 20)
(Manchester Terrier, Level 6, Age 88)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
QueenRaine1000 (#1633578)
(Level 20)
(Golden Retriever, Level 9, Age 29)
Hips: Fair, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Fair, Ears: Good
Myka (#1680612)
(Level 20)
(English Springer Spaniel, Level 14, Age 35)
Hips: Fair, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
SodiumDinosaur22 (#1658566)
(Level 20)
5066534Lainey EEGG Lla
(Alaskan Husky, Level 4, Age 16)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
Ava (#1554488)
(Level 19)
(Chihuahua, Level 9, Age 30)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
Myka (#1680612)
(Level 20)
(Boxer, Level 5, Age 15)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Fair, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
Abigail (#1710301)
(Level 5)
50668314Genesis Gossip
(Bull Terrier, Level 14, Age 27)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Fair, Ears: Fair
altheras (#1679398)
(Level 20)
5066931124HH // 1.322x
(Rough Collie, Level 11, Age 18)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
SodiumDinosaur22 (#1658566)
(Level 20)
(Border Collie, Level 6, Age 29)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
hazie (#1699701)
(Level 16)
(Golden Retriever, Level 12, Age 98)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
Arcticwoolf (#1701266)
(Level 15)
50672314Can't stop the beat
(Shih Tzu, Level 14, Age 37)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
MapleSprings (#1543117)
(Level 20)

Game Time

08:35am on Mar 16

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