Achievement Boards

The Moon Doesn't Mind's Agility Ranking (#11762)
1175301EEEE Keep a Faith
(Shetland Sheepdog, Level 1, Age 16)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
BlackWelvets (#1681799)
(Level 10)
11754011022 Lla
(Smooth Collie, Level 1, Age 11)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Fair, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
Happy 3 (#1705616)
(Level 20)
1175503Devil of All “Delgado”
(Beauceron, Level 3, Age 20)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
Cushla (#1709230)
(Level 5)
(Australian Shepherd, Level 1, Age 37)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
bellwood (#1318208)
(Level 20)
(Australian Shepherd, Level 1, Age 37)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
bellwood (#1318208)
(Level 20)
(Australian Shepherd, Level 1, Age 37)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
bellwood (#1318208)
(Level 20)
Public Breedings $200
(Border Collie, Level 3, Age 14)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Excellent
Joelle (#1708890)
(Level 12)
(Catahoula Leopard Dog, Level 5, Age 20)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Good
Luna Rose (#1696693)
(Level 17)
(Australian Shepherd, Level 5, Age 19)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Fair, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
TCPD Misty2 (#1705527)
(Level 9)
1176201The Moon Doesn't Mind
(Doberman Pinscher, Level 1, Age 14)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Juniper (#1699969)
(Level 16)
1176301Achievement Collie #2
(Bearded Collie, Level 1, Age 20)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Good
Alchemysts’ Secondary ! (#1087917)
(Level 17)
1176401Achievement Collie #1
(Bearded Collie, Level 1, Age 20)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Excellent
Alchemysts’ Secondary ! (#1087917)
(Level 17)
1176501Puppy 2
(Belgian Malinois, Level 1, Age 14)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Lady (#1695191)
(Level 20)
1176601Legacy's Stay Gold {ll agiagi agistr}
(Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Level 1, Age 13)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
»Tylernol. (#683015)
(Level 20)
1176701F 79.16 M
(Bracco Italiano, Level 1, Age 6)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Good
Michale Bed/Comb treats! (#1235537)
(Level 20)
(Carpathian Shepherd, Level 4, Age 20)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Fair, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
Blueclouds (#861738)
(Level 13)
(Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Level 1, Age 15)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
Njes (#1555256)
(Level 20)
(Miniature Schnauzer, Level 1, Age 14)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Lily (#1706876)
(Level 14)
1177101Our Tallywood Cowgirl
(Rough Collie, Level 1, Age 13)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Kendra (#1704060)
(Level 17)
1177201SHD ~ Masa (24HH lala agiagi agiagi 1.352)
(Shetland Sheepdog, Level 1, Age 13)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Miscy (#957118)
(Level 20)

Game Time

12:04am on Feb 24

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