Achievement Boards

NFl Mousemurderer's Overall Ranking (#55012)
55003326,390NR GGGG lala 10HH 5hh KK ee Ayat
(Silken Windhound, Level 3, Age 13)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
zephyr (#1710425)
(Level 8)
55004426,384ANM NHu Sandy
(Cairn Terrier, Level 4, Age 14)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
Kida (#1600720)
(Level 20)
55005426,381NO Seeing Spots
(Dalmatian, Level 4, Age 17)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Excellent
Tea (#1671692)
(Level 8)
55006426,380JPnFl Merla
(Border Collie, Level 4, Age 46)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Harmony Bayes (#1703228)
(Level 3)
55007426,378NSh BLUE/Dalmatian
(Dalmatian, Level 4, Age 49)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Good
Skywalker (#544536)
(Level 20)
55008426,373ANO FPBB Gonnae Nae Dae That
(Dandie Dinmont Terrier, Level 4, Age 61)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Good
Zozo (#1698246)
(Level 20)
55009426,372IPnHT Lily
(Clumber Spaniel, Level 4, Age 38)
Hips: Unknown, Elbows: Unknown, Eyes: Unknown, Ears: Unknown
ella (#1709524)
(Level 5)
55010426,372JPnE Puppy 6
(Jack Russell Terrier, Level 4, Age 15)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
tay (#1709172)
(Level 12)
55011326,370NO spackle
(Border Collie, Level 3, Age 88)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Xayla (#1642656)
(Level 16)
55012326,363NFl mousemurderer
(Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, Level 3, Age 19)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Fair
Crane (#1709564)
(Level 11)
55013326,363NHu Doe
(English Foxhound, Level 3, Age 37)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Basil (#1596589)
(Level 12)
55014426,356NM Gen 1* ~Diesel~ (Stud)
(American Pit Bull Terrier, Level 4, Age 15)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Excellent
KingCityKennels (#1708444)
(Level 16)
55015326,356NFl Puppy 7
(Alaskan Malamute, Level 3, Age 26)
Hips: Fair, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Good, Ears: Excellent
Stella (#1708749)
(Level 14)
55016426,350NHu Prank n Freeze
(Dachshund, Level 4, Age 62)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
KyleAnn (#1708220)
(Level 4)
55017426,318NP Heidi
(Rough Collie, Level 4, Age 31)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Good
(Level 16)
55018426,312NSh Never Trust The Living
(Standard Poodle, Level 4, Age 16)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Good, Ears: Excellent
Bentley (#1648533)
(Level 20)
55019426,310NM Gen 1* ~Space~ (Stud)
(American Pit Bull Terrier, Level 4, Age 15)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
KingCityKennels (#1708444)
(Level 16)
55020426,301ANT Jasper Knight
Public Breedings $5,000
(Bluetick Coonhound, Level 4, Age 16)
Hips: Excellent, Elbows: Excellent, Eyes: Excellent, Ears: Excellent
Simon (#1709205)
(Level 11)
55021426,300NA Manny
(Chihuahua, Level 4, Age 17)
Hips: Fair, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Good
Yukizius (#1686698)
(Level 13)
55022426,298JPnSh 3HH 3hh GGGE
(Smooth Collie, Level 4, Age 77)
Hips: Good, Elbows: Good, Eyes: Good, Ears: Excellent
Mia (#1707496)
(Level 4)

Game Time

03:35pm on Mar 19

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